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If you were emotional today, that's okay. That means Allah keeps your hearts open. It's never too late, and it is always too late, to repent. May Allah accept the Shahada
As Salamu Alaikum Wa RahmatulLah

I wish you all pleasant and productive Ramadan, brothers! May Allah accept you ibadahin this holy month!
Forwarded from Yusuf al-Qazani
عيد مبارك!
تقبل الله منا و منكم!
Forwarded from Islamic Reminders
🌙 Eid Mubarak! May Allah accept from you and us.
‘Day of Mosques’ in #Bosnia

Today (7th May) marks 'Day of Mosques' in Bosnia. On this day, Bosnia tells people about hundreds of mosques, religious buildings destroyed by Serb and Croat forces between 1992 and 1995.

At least 614 mosques, 218 prayer rooms and 69 Quran schools were destroyed by Serb and Croat forces.

🇧🇦 Danas (7. maj) se u Bosni obilježava 'Dan džamija'. Na današnji dan Bosna govori o stotinama džamija, vjerskih objekata koje su srpske i hrvatske snage uništile između 1992. i 1995. godine. Srpske i hrvatske snage uništile su najmanje 614 džamija, 218 molitvenih prostorija i 69 škola Kur'ana.

🇹🇷 Bugün (7 Mayıs) Bosna'da 'Camiler Günü' olarak kutlanıyor. Bu günde Bosna, insanlara 1992 ile 1995 yılları arasında Sırp ve Hırvat güçleri tarafından yıkılan yüzlerce camiyi, dini yapıyı anlatıyor. Sırp ve Hırvat güçleri tarafından en az 614 cami, 218 mescit ve 69 Kur'an-ı Kerim okulu yıkıldı.

Follow @doamuslims
Forwarded from Krimskiy
​​Ассаляму аляйкум.
السلام عليكم
Мир вам.

عيد مبارك. تقبل الله منا ومنكم

Байрам шерифинъиз хайырлы ве мубарек олсун!

Поздравляю всех с праздником Ид аль-Адха! Да примет Всевышний ваши благие дела и продлит наши годы во благе!

Id al-Adha mubarak! May Allah accept from us and from all our muslim brothers and sisters!

Вiтаю всіх зі святом Ид аль-Адха! Нехай Аллах прийме наші благi вчинки та продовжить наші роки в щасті!
As Salamu Alaikum, brothers.

I would kindly ask you to make dua for our Moroccan brothers and sisters.

May Allah accept the Shahada of those who passed away. May Allah save the rest. Ameen 🤲
Another day—another test.

Please, make dua for brothers and sisters from Libya. May Allah SWT accept the Shahada of those who passed away and save the rest. Ameen 🤲
The land of First Qibla
The land of Imam Shafi'i
The land of Imam At Tabarani
The land of Salahuddin's victories
The land of Ain Jalut
The land of Naqba

It was never about political factions. It is about the Iman, it is about the people of Palestine.

Make dua for them 🤲
It's probably that I need to say smth but I have nothing to say. The only difference between the actions done by IDF previously and the action they have done now is the scale. They want the "vengeance", and nothing else. And the more blood bleed the closer they reach to their "goal". Sick bastards.

May Allah destroy their plans. May Allah make the one who passed away as Shahid. Ameen 🤲

Make dua, dua, and more dua. More dua, less sins, purer hearts. This year is very difficult for Muslims: earthquakes, wars. But Allah SWT doesn't give the tests harder than we can overcome. May Allah make us stronger on the right path!
〽️🔻Port Eilat/Umm Al Rashrash

📿🔺More duas and ibadah
⚔️🔺More resistance
🙅🔺More boycott of Israeli and pro-Israeli goods
Forwarded from Muslim Memes [M. Inc]🧕🧔‍♂️ (mm 🔻)
bOyCoTt DoEsnNoT wOrK