"PS of Bukhara celebrates football
For the past 3 months grade 9-11 have enjoyed their extra-curricular activity "Football", in which they learned how to defend, tackle and attack in tri-angles, chains and cohorts. On Wednesday, it was time to show what they had got. 4 teams played against each other, seeking for the crown of the PS of Bukhara. The tournament was interrupted by a harsh breeze of cold wind, so the remaining 5 games will be played whenever the winter weather allows".
✅Official pages of the Presidential School in the city of Bukhara on social networks:👇
Facebook / Instagram |Youtube |Telegram
For the past 3 months grade 9-11 have enjoyed their extra-curricular activity "Football", in which they learned how to defend, tackle and attack in tri-angles, chains and cohorts. On Wednesday, it was time to show what they had got. 4 teams played against each other, seeking for the crown of the PS of Bukhara. The tournament was interrupted by a harsh breeze of cold wind, so the remaining 5 games will be played whenever the winter weather allows".
✅Official pages of the Presidential School in the city of Bukhara on social networks:👇
Facebook / Instagram |Youtube |Telegram
9-dekabr "Xalqaro korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashish kuni"
✅Korrupsiya- Vatan ravnaqi, yurt tinchligi, xalq farovonligi, komil inson kabi milliy mafkuramizning asosiy g’oyalarini ro’yobga chiqarishga salbiy ta`sir etuvchi illat, tahdid ekanligini yosh avlodga singdirish, uning ildiziga qarshi kurashishda barchamiz birlashishimiz zarurligini anglatish maqsadida Buxoro shahridagi Prezident maktabida “Yoshlar korrupsiyaga yoʻq deydi” mavzusida 5-9-sinflar o'rtasida eng yaxshi rasmlar tanlovi tashkil etildi.
✅Buxoro shahridagi Prezident maktabining ijtimoiy tarmoqdagi rasmiy sahifalari:👇
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✅Korrupsiya- Vatan ravnaqi, yurt tinchligi, xalq farovonligi, komil inson kabi milliy mafkuramizning asosiy g’oyalarini ro’yobga chiqarishga salbiy ta`sir etuvchi illat, tahdid ekanligini yosh avlodga singdirish, uning ildiziga qarshi kurashishda barchamiz birlashishimiz zarurligini anglatish maqsadida Buxoro shahridagi Prezident maktabida “Yoshlar korrupsiyaga yoʻq deydi” mavzusida 5-9-sinflar o'rtasida eng yaxshi rasmlar tanlovi tashkil etildi.
✅Buxoro shahridagi Prezident maktabining ijtimoiy tarmoqdagi rasmiy sahifalari:👇
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10 - dekabr - O'zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat madhiyasi qabul qilingan kun.
✅Bugun Buxoro shahridagi Prezident maktabida ertalabgi nutq O’zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat madhiyasi qabul qilinganligining 32-yilligini keng nishonlashga bag’ishlangan ma’naviy- ma’rifiy tadbir bilan boshlandi.
✅Buxoro shahridagi Prezident maktabining ijtimoiy tarmoqdagi rasmiy sahifalari:👇
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✅Bugun Buxoro shahridagi Prezident maktabida ertalabgi nutq O’zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat madhiyasi qabul qilinganligining 32-yilligini keng nishonlashga bag’ishlangan ma’naviy- ma’rifiy tadbir bilan boshlandi.
✅Buxoro shahridagi Prezident maktabining ijtimoiy tarmoqdagi rasmiy sahifalari:👇
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