Prezident maktabi | Buxoro shahri
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✅Visit to Wyndham Bukhara - The IGCSE/AS-level Business students of Presidential School of Bukhara visited of the top international hotels in order to explore how a professional service provider operates.

✅In a Q&A session lasting more than 1 hours, the heads of Marketing, HR and Housekeeping shared deep insights into their daily work and explained how they make sure that customers in the upper segment are satisfied.

✅Students were amazed by the complexity and sophistication that the managers put into place in order to remain on top of the game in a competitive market.

✅The visit adds significantly to the learning experience at PS Bukhara, as it combines their theoretical knowledge with practical advice from top professionals.
✅Buxoro shahar Prezident maktabi 5 - sinf o'quvchilari Science fani darsida sayyoralarni amaliy mashg'ulotlar, loyiha ishlari orqali o'rganishdi.

✅Buxoro shahridagi Prezident maktabining ijtimoiy tarmoqdagi rasmiy sahifalari:👇
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✅2-chorak yakunida Buxoro shahridagi Prezident maktabida 6,7-sinflarda matematika fani o'qituvchilari Axtamova Ra'no va Mary Jane Reyes tomonidan loyiha ishlari va Quiz Bee Competition musobaqalari tashkil etildi.
6-sinf o'quvchilari "My dream castle" loyihasida turli stereometrik shakllardan qasr maketini tayyorlab uning hajmi va sirti yuzini topishni o'rganishdi.
7-sinf o'quvchilari esa Pifagor teoremasiga doir loyiha ishi bajardilar.

✅Buxoro shahridagi Prezident maktabining ijtimoiy tarmoqdagi rasmiy sahifalari:👇
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