✅ Today, on May 21, pupils of the Presidential School in Jizzakh under the Agency for Presidential Educational Institutions visited New Uzbekistan University.
Pupils had a chance to get into touch directly with the students of NUU and get direct answers to their questions from professors and students.
📌 On the same day, graduates of the 210th secondary school in Mirzo Ulugbek district, "Elite" private school, as well as students of the "Platinum" educational center also took part in the Open Doors Day at the university.
✅ Bugun, 21-may kuni Prezident ta'lim muassasalari agentligi tizimidagi Jizzax shahridagi Prezident maktabi o'quvchilari Yangi O'zbekiston universitetida bo'lishdi.
O'quvchilar, universitet va talabalar bilan yaqindan tanishish va o'zlarini qiziqtirgan savollarga mutaxassislar va talabalardan to'g'ridan-to'g'ri javob olish imkoniga ega bo'ldilar.
📌 Shu kuni, Mirzo Ulug'bek tumanidagi 210-o'rta maktabi va Elite xususiy maktabi bitiruvchilari, shuningdek, Platinum o'quv markazi o'quvchilari ham universitetda tashkil etilgan Ochiq eshiklar kunida ishtirok etishdi.
✅ Today, on May 21, pupils of the Presidential School in Jizzakh under the Agency for Presidential Educational Institutions visited New Uzbekistan University.
Pupils had a chance to get into touch directly with the students of NUU and get direct answers to their questions from professors and students.
📌 On the same day, graduates of the 210th secondary school in Mirzo Ulugbek district, "Elite" private school, as well as students of the "Platinum" educational center also took part in the Open Doors Day at the university.
✅ Bugun, 21-may kuni Prezident ta'lim muassasalari agentligi tizimidagi Jizzax shahridagi Prezident maktabi o'quvchilari Yangi O'zbekiston universitetida bo'lishdi.
O'quvchilar, universitet va talabalar bilan yaqindan tanishish va o'zlarini qiziqtirgan savollarga mutaxassislar va talabalardan to'g'ridan-to'g'ri javob olish imkoniga ega bo'ldilar.
📌 Shu kuni, Mirzo Ulug'bek tumanidagi 210-o'rta maktabi va Elite xususiy maktabi bitiruvchilari, shuningdek, Platinum o'quv markazi o'quvchilari ham universitetda tashkil etilgan Ochiq eshiklar kunida ishtirok etishdi.
❓ We receive various questions from our applicants about our entrance exams such as the type of questions exam will consist of, the level of their difficulty and so on.
To help our applicants with their preparation for the exams, we are providing the syllabuses of all 4 disciplines according to which the entrance exams for those subjects will be held.
🔖 In these files you can find the topics that will be covered during our entrance exams. Getting familiarized with these topics will certainly help you all to prepare better and get higher scores for the exams.
❓ Hozirgi kunda abituriyentlar tomonidan imtihon savollarining qaysi dastur asosida tuzilishi, qiyinlik darajasi va boshqa shunga o'xshash savollar kelib tushmoqda.
Shu sabab, quyida 4 ta fan doirasida belgilangan O'quv dasturini (Syllabus) e'tiboringizga havola etamiz.
🔖 Imtihon savollari mazkur dasturda keltirilgan mavzularni qamrab oladi. Ular bilan yaqindan tanishib chiqishingiz, sizga kirish imtihonlariga yanada samaraliroq tayyorlanish va yuqori natijalarni qo'lga kiritish imkonini beradi.
❓ We receive various questions from our applicants about our entrance exams such as the type of questions exam will consist of, the level of their difficulty and so on.
To help our applicants with their preparation for the exams, we are providing the syllabuses of all 4 disciplines according to which the entrance exams for those subjects will be held.
🔖 In these files you can find the topics that will be covered during our entrance exams. Getting familiarized with these topics will certainly help you all to prepare better and get higher scores for the exams.
❓ Hozirgi kunda abituriyentlar tomonidan imtihon savollarining qaysi dastur asosida tuzilishi, qiyinlik darajasi va boshqa shunga o'xshash savollar kelib tushmoqda.
Shu sabab, quyida 4 ta fan doirasida belgilangan O'quv dasturini (Syllabus) e'tiboringizga havola etamiz.
🔖 Imtihon savollari mazkur dasturda keltirilgan mavzularni qamrab oladi. Ular bilan yaqindan tanishib chiqishingiz, sizga kirish imtihonlariga yanada samaraliroq tayyorlanish va yuqori natijalarni qo'lga kiritish imkonini beradi.
Joriy yilning 23-maydan - 27-may kuniga qadar talabalarning Janubiy Koreyaga qisqa muddatli amaliyoti uchun SARALASHNING 1-BOSQICHI bo'lib o'tadi.
👨🎓 Ilk bosqichda 5 kishidan iborat 20 ta jamoa o'z loyihalari bilan ishtirok etadilar.
Quyida har bir jamoa tomonidan taqdim etiladigan loyiha mavzusi va taqdimot kunini e'tiboringiga havola etamiz:
📆 23-MAY
1. Bunyodbek Kholmurodov boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Paper from fallen leaves
2. Damir Mirzabaev boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Heating water by using renewable energy
3. Alisher Arazmukhammedov boshchiligidagi jamoa.
Loyiha nomi: kitEnrg
4. Odilov Jakhongir boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Eco Cooling
📆 24-MAY
1. Rukhsora Toirova boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: EaZe Robotics
2. Shamsuddin Kamalov boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Alternative concrete
3. Makhmudjon Zukhriddinov boshchiligidagi jamoa.
Loyiha nomi: Waste management
4. Nozimjon Nabiev boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: PERFECTION
📆 25-MAY
1. Abbos Yo’ldoshev boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Anti-crash Alarm
2. Kodirbek Otaev boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: GES
3. Malikabonu Sobirova boshchiligidagi jamoa.
Loyiha nomi: Pentagon
4. Sirojiddin Usmonov boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Bright Future
📆 26-MAY
1. Zulfiya Usmonova boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Wall-E
2. Asaloy Bekturdieva boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Planoptics
3. Firdavsbek Ismoilov boshchiligidagi jamoa.
Loyiha nomi: LevisSolar
4. Nilufar Kholmuratova boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Techno Vein
📆 27-MAY
1. Muhlisa Sharifova boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: WR
2. Jakhongir Bakirov boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Trash to treasure
3. Zarshedjon Nasimov boshchiligidagi jamoa.
Loyiha nomi: HESP
4. Shahzod Kakhkhorov boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Building our Future
👨🎓 Ilk bosqichda 5 kishidan iborat 20 ta jamoa o'z loyihalari bilan ishtirok etadilar.
Quyida har bir jamoa tomonidan taqdim etiladigan loyiha mavzusi va taqdimot kunini e'tiboringiga havola etamiz:
📆 23-MAY
1. Bunyodbek Kholmurodov boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Paper from fallen leaves
2. Damir Mirzabaev boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Heating water by using renewable energy
3. Alisher Arazmukhammedov boshchiligidagi jamoa.
Loyiha nomi: kitEnrg
4. Odilov Jakhongir boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Eco Cooling
📆 24-MAY
1. Rukhsora Toirova boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: EaZe Robotics
2. Shamsuddin Kamalov boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Alternative concrete
3. Makhmudjon Zukhriddinov boshchiligidagi jamoa.
Loyiha nomi: Waste management
4. Nozimjon Nabiev boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: PERFECTION
📆 25-MAY
1. Abbos Yo’ldoshev boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Anti-crash Alarm
2. Kodirbek Otaev boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: GES
3. Malikabonu Sobirova boshchiligidagi jamoa.
Loyiha nomi: Pentagon
4. Sirojiddin Usmonov boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Bright Future
📆 26-MAY
1. Zulfiya Usmonova boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Wall-E
2. Asaloy Bekturdieva boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Planoptics
3. Firdavsbek Ismoilov boshchiligidagi jamoa.
Loyiha nomi: LevisSolar
4. Nilufar Kholmuratova boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Techno Vein
📆 27-MAY
1. Muhlisa Sharifova boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: WR
2. Jakhongir Bakirov boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Trash to treasure
3. Zarshedjon Nasimov boshchiligidagi jamoa.
Loyiha nomi: HESP
4. Shahzod Kakhkhorov boshchiligidagi jamoa
Loyiha nomi: Building our Future
The FIRST STAGE OF CONTEST for short-term internships in South Korea will be held on May 23-27.
👨🎓 In the first stage, 20 teams of 5 students will take part with their start-up projects.
We provide the topics of the projects and presentation date of each team:
📆 MAY, 23
1. The team lead by Bunyodbek Kholmurodov
Project: Paper from fallen leaves
2. The team lead by Damir Mirzabaev
Project:Heating water by using renewable energy
3. The team lead by Alisher Arazmukhammedov
Project: kitEnrg
4. The team lead by Odilov Jakhongir
Project: Eco Cooling
📆 MAY, 24.
1. The team lead by Rukhsora Toirova
Project: EaZe Robotics
2. The team lead by Shamsuddin Kamalov
Project: Alternative concrete
3. The team lead by Makhmudjon Zukhriddinov
Project: Waste management
4. The team lead by Nozimjon Nabiev
📆 MAY, 25.
1. The team lead by Abbos Yo’ldoshev
Project: Anti-crash Alarm
2. The team lead by Kodirbek Otaev
Project: GES
3. The team lead by Malikabonu Sobirova
Project: Pentagon
4. The team lead by Sirojiddin Usmonov
Project: Bright Future
📆 MAY, 26.
1. The team lead by Zulfiya Usmonova
Project: Wall-E
2. The team lead by Asaloy Bekturdieva
Project: Planoptics
3. The team lead by Firdavsbek Ismoilov
Project: LevisSolar
4. The team lead by Nilufar Kholmuratova
Project: Techno Vein
📆 MAY, 27.
1. The team lead by Muhlisa Sharifova
Project: WR
2.The team lead by Jakhongir Bakirov
Project: Trash to treasure
3.The team lead by Zarshedjon Nasimov
Project: HESP
4. The team lead by Shahzod Kakhkhorov
Project: Building our Future
👨🎓 In the first stage, 20 teams of 5 students will take part with their start-up projects.
We provide the topics of the projects and presentation date of each team:
📆 MAY, 23
1. The team lead by Bunyodbek Kholmurodov
Project: Paper from fallen leaves
2. The team lead by Damir Mirzabaev
Project:Heating water by using renewable energy
3. The team lead by Alisher Arazmukhammedov
Project: kitEnrg
4. The team lead by Odilov Jakhongir
Project: Eco Cooling
📆 MAY, 24.
1. The team lead by Rukhsora Toirova
Project: EaZe Robotics
2. The team lead by Shamsuddin Kamalov
Project: Alternative concrete
3. The team lead by Makhmudjon Zukhriddinov
Project: Waste management
4. The team lead by Nozimjon Nabiev
📆 MAY, 25.
1. The team lead by Abbos Yo’ldoshev
Project: Anti-crash Alarm
2. The team lead by Kodirbek Otaev
Project: GES
3. The team lead by Malikabonu Sobirova
Project: Pentagon
4. The team lead by Sirojiddin Usmonov
Project: Bright Future
📆 MAY, 26.
1. The team lead by Zulfiya Usmonova
Project: Wall-E
2. The team lead by Asaloy Bekturdieva
Project: Planoptics
3. The team lead by Firdavsbek Ismoilov
Project: LevisSolar
4. The team lead by Nilufar Kholmuratova
Project: Techno Vein
📆 MAY, 27.
1. The team lead by Muhlisa Sharifova
Project: WR
2.The team lead by Jakhongir Bakirov
Project: Trash to treasure
3.The team lead by Zarshedjon Nasimov
Project: HESP
4. The team lead by Shahzod Kakhkhorov
Project: Building our Future
Software engineers enjoy stable career prospects in a variety of dynamic and challenging fields. You’ll have global opportunities to work in areas such as telecommunications, manufacturing, e-commerce, and more.
Career options:
🔹Applications Developer
🔸Cyber Security Analyst
🔹Game Developer
🔸Information Systems Manager
🔹Multimedia Programmer
🔸Web Developer
🔹IT Consultant
🔸Web Designer
🔹Professor / Teacher
🔸Termo fluid engineer
🔹Software Engineer
Internship opportunities:
🌐 World top companies
🇺🇿 Local companies
IT Park
DSR Corporation
💴 Monthly salary
World market: $ 4667 - $11334
Local market: 4,5 million - 40 million sum
Software engineers enjoy stable career prospects in a variety of dynamic and challenging fields. You’ll have global opportunities to work in areas such as telecommunications, manufacturing, e-commerce, and more.
Career options:
🔹Applications Developer
🔸Cyber Security Analyst
🔹Game Developer
🔸Information Systems Manager
🔹Multimedia Programmer
🔸Web Developer
🔹IT Consultant
🔸Web Designer
🔹Professor / Teacher
🔸Termo fluid engineer
🔹Software Engineer
Internship opportunities:
🌐 World top companies
🇺🇿 Local companies
IT Park
DSR Corporation
💴 Monthly salary
World market: $ 4667 - $11334
Local market: 4,5 million - 40 million sum
Dasturiy ta'minot muhandislari turli dinamik va qiyin sohalarda barqaror martaba istiqbollariga ega. Ushbu yo'nalishda siz telekommunikatsiya, ishlab chiqarish, elektron tijorat va boshqa sohalarida faoliyat olib borish kabi imkoniyatlarga ega bo'lasiz.
Karyera imkoniyatlari:
🔹Ilovalar yaratuvchi
🔸Kiber xavfsizlik tahlilchisi
🔹Video o'yinlar dasturchisi
🔸Axborot tizimi menejeri
🔹Multimedia dasturchisi
🔸Veb dasturchi
🔹IT maslahatchi
🔸Veb dizayner
🔸Dasturiy ta'minot muhandisi
Soha mutaxassislari uchun amaliyot maskanlari:
🌐 Dunyoning top korxonalari
🇺🇿 Mahalliy korxonalar
IT Park
DSR Corporation
💴 Oylik ish haqining taxminiy ko'rsatkichlari:
Jahon mehnat bozirida: $ 4667 - $11334
Mahalliy mehnat bozorida: 4,5 million - 40 million so'm
Dasturiy ta'minot muhandislari turli dinamik va qiyin sohalarda barqaror martaba istiqbollariga ega. Ushbu yo'nalishda siz telekommunikatsiya, ishlab chiqarish, elektron tijorat va boshqa sohalarida faoliyat olib borish kabi imkoniyatlarga ega bo'lasiz.
Karyera imkoniyatlari:
🔹Ilovalar yaratuvchi
🔸Kiber xavfsizlik tahlilchisi
🔹Video o'yinlar dasturchisi
🔸Axborot tizimi menejeri
🔹Multimedia dasturchisi
🔸Veb dasturchi
🔹IT maslahatchi
🔸Veb dizayner
🔸Dasturiy ta'minot muhandisi
Soha mutaxassislari uchun amaliyot maskanlari:
🌐 Dunyoning top korxonalari
🇺🇿 Mahalliy korxonalar
IT Park
DSR Corporation
💴 Oylik ish haqining taxminiy ko'rsatkichlari:
Jahon mehnat bozirida: $ 4667 - $11334
Mahalliy mehnat bozorida: 4,5 million - 40 million so'm
Media is too big
📹 A very informative video guide for our young people who want to get acquainted with university life is prepared by our students.
🌎 Watching this video, you can explore the world of New Uzbekistan University.
📹 Universitet hayoti bilan yaqindan tanishish istagida bo'lgan yoshlarimiz uchun universitetimiz talabalari tomonidan ajoyib videorolik tayyorlandi.
🌎 Unda siz Yangi O'zbekiston universitetiga onlayn sayohat qilishingiz mumkin.
📹 A very informative video guide for our young people who want to get acquainted with university life is prepared by our students.
🌎 Watching this video, you can explore the world of New Uzbekistan University.
📹 Universitet hayoti bilan yaqindan tanishish istagida bo'lgan yoshlarimiz uchun universitetimiz talabalari tomonidan ajoyib videorolik tayyorlandi.
🌎 Unda siz Yangi O'zbekiston universitetiga onlayn sayohat qilishingiz mumkin.
❓ I recently applied for Software Engineering. Can I change my major before the end of the admission?
❗️ You can change your major until the last day of admission (June 20). So, you will need to contact our operator, who received your documents, and send your name and ID number.
❓Who will be given full scholarship?
❗️In accordance with the Presidential Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, № 5158 ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW UZBEKISTAN UNIVERSITY, the full scholarship to support the education of gifted students at the University is applied to:
🔖 graduates of Presidential schools who got a certificate of relevant programs of international level, such as International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, International Advanced Levels;
🔖 Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who will get the highest scores at the entrance exams;
🔖 The winners of the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), International Physics Olympiad (IPHO), International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO), International Biology Olympiad (IBO), International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) who have successfully passed the entrance exams;
🔖 applicants who have successfully passed the university entrance exams and whose families' are included in the "Single Register of Social Protection";
❓ Men yaqinda Dasturiy ta'minot muhandisligi yo'nalishiga hujjatlarimni topshirgan edim. Qabul tugagunga qadar yo'nalishimni o'zgartirsam bo'ladimi?
❗️ Siz qabulning so'nggi kuniga (20-Iyun) qadar yo'nalishingizni o'zgartira olasiz. Buning uchun hujjatlaringizni qabul qilib olgan operator xodimimiz bilan bog'lanib, o'z ism-familiyangiz va ID raqamingizni yuborishingiz kerak bo'ladi.
❓Kimlarga to'g'ridan to'g'ri grant yutish imkoni beriladi?
❗️O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining “YANGI O‘ZBEKISTON” UNIVERSITETINI TASHKIL ETISH TO‘G‘RISIDA gi 5158-sonli qaroriga binoan Universitetda iqtidorli talabalarning ta’lim olishini qo‘llab-quvvatlash uchun davlat granti quyidagilarga nisbatan tatbiq etiladi:
🔖 xalqaro darajadagi tegishli dasturlar (International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, International Advanced Levels) diplomi yoki sertifikatiga ega Prezident maktablari bitiruvchilariga;
🔖 Universitetga kirish imtihonlarida yuqori ball to‘plagan O‘zbekiston Respublikasi fuqarolariga;
🔖 Universitetga kirish imtihonlaridan muvaffaqiyatli o‘tgan Xalqaro matematika olimpiadasi (IMO), Xalqaro fizika olimpiadasi (IPhO), Xalqaro kimyo olimpiadasi (IChO), Xalqaro biologiya olimpiadasi (IBO), Xalqaro informatika olimpiadasi (IOI) g‘oliblariga;
🔖 Universitetga kirish imtihonlaridan muvaffaqiyatli o‘tgan “Ijtimoiy himoya yagona reyestri”ga kiritilgan oilalar farzandlariga.
❗️ Arizalar joriy yilning 20-IYUN kuniga qadar https://admissions.newuu.uz/ sayti orqali qabul qilinadi.
⬇️ Biz ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda
Veb-sayt | Instagram | Facebook
❓ I recently applied for Software Engineering. Can I change my major before the end of the admission?
❗️ You can change your major until the last day of admission (June 20). So, you will need to contact our operator, who received your documents, and send your name and ID number.
❓Who will be given full scholarship?
❗️In accordance with the Presidential Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, № 5158 ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW UZBEKISTAN UNIVERSITY, the full scholarship to support the education of gifted students at the University is applied to:
🔖 graduates of Presidential schools who got a certificate of relevant programs of international level, such as International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, International Advanced Levels;
🔖 Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who will get the highest scores at the entrance exams;
🔖 The winners of the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), International Physics Olympiad (IPHO), International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO), International Biology Olympiad (IBO), International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) who have successfully passed the entrance exams;
🔖 applicants who have successfully passed the university entrance exams and whose families' are included in the "Single Register of Social Protection";
❓ Men yaqinda Dasturiy ta'minot muhandisligi yo'nalishiga hujjatlarimni topshirgan edim. Qabul tugagunga qadar yo'nalishimni o'zgartirsam bo'ladimi?
❗️ Siz qabulning so'nggi kuniga (20-Iyun) qadar yo'nalishingizni o'zgartira olasiz. Buning uchun hujjatlaringizni qabul qilib olgan operator xodimimiz bilan bog'lanib, o'z ism-familiyangiz va ID raqamingizni yuborishingiz kerak bo'ladi.
❓Kimlarga to'g'ridan to'g'ri grant yutish imkoni beriladi?
❗️O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining “YANGI O‘ZBEKISTON” UNIVERSITETINI TASHKIL ETISH TO‘G‘RISIDA gi 5158-sonli qaroriga binoan Universitetda iqtidorli talabalarning ta’lim olishini qo‘llab-quvvatlash uchun davlat granti quyidagilarga nisbatan tatbiq etiladi:
🔖 xalqaro darajadagi tegishli dasturlar (International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, International Advanced Levels) diplomi yoki sertifikatiga ega Prezident maktablari bitiruvchilariga;
🔖 Universitetga kirish imtihonlarida yuqori ball to‘plagan O‘zbekiston Respublikasi fuqarolariga;
🔖 Universitetga kirish imtihonlaridan muvaffaqiyatli o‘tgan Xalqaro matematika olimpiadasi (IMO), Xalqaro fizika olimpiadasi (IPhO), Xalqaro kimyo olimpiadasi (IChO), Xalqaro biologiya olimpiadasi (IBO), Xalqaro informatika olimpiadasi (IOI) g‘oliblariga;
🔖 Universitetga kirish imtihonlaridan muvaffaqiyatli o‘tgan “Ijtimoiy himoya yagona reyestri”ga kiritilgan oilalar farzandlariga.
❗️ Arizalar joriy yilning 20-IYUN kuniga qadar https://admissions.newuu.uz/ sayti orqali qabul qilinadi.
⬇️ Biz ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda
Veb-sayt | Instagram | Facebook
✅ Today, on May 23, graduates of the Academic Lyceum under Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute and the Academic Lyceum under the National University Of Uzbekistan Named After S.H.Sirojiddinov visited New Uzbekistan University.
🖇 Students had a chance to get acquainted with the presentation of NUU.
✅ Bugun, 23-may kuni To'qimachilik va yengil sanoat Instituti qoshidagi akademik litsey hamda S.H.Sirojiddinov nomidagi Respublika akademik litseyi bitiruvchilari Yangi O'zbekiston universitetida bo'lishdi.
🖇 O'quvchilar Yangi O'zbekiston universiteti taqdimoti bilan yaqindan tanishish imkoniga ega bo'ldilar.
❗️ Arizalar joriy yilning 20-IYUN kuniga qadar https://admissions.newuu.uz/ sayti orqali qabul qilinadi.
⬇️ Biz ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda
Veb-sayt | Instagram | Facebook
✅ Today, on May 23, graduates of the Academic Lyceum under Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute and the Academic Lyceum under the National University Of Uzbekistan Named After S.H.Sirojiddinov visited New Uzbekistan University.
🖇 Students had a chance to get acquainted with the presentation of NUU.
✅ Bugun, 23-may kuni To'qimachilik va yengil sanoat Instituti qoshidagi akademik litsey hamda S.H.Sirojiddinov nomidagi Respublika akademik litseyi bitiruvchilari Yangi O'zbekiston universitetida bo'lishdi.
🖇 O'quvchilar Yangi O'zbekiston universiteti taqdimoti bilan yaqindan tanishish imkoniga ega bo'ldilar.
❗️ Arizalar joriy yilning 20-IYUN kuniga qadar https://admissions.newuu.uz/ sayti orqali qabul qilinadi.
⬇️ Biz ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda
Veb-sayt | Instagram | Facebook