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🔰 Students of New Uzbekistan University are in Munich

Students of New Uzbekistan University has left for Germany for one week internships in Technical University of Munich. The first day of the visit, the delegation visited the sightseeing places of Munich such as, BMW and the Allianz Arena.

📌 Official meetings and internships will start today.

🔰"Yangi O‘zbekiston" universiteti talabalari Myunxenda

Universitetimiz talabalari Myunxen Texnika Universitetida qisqa muddatlik amaliyot o'tash uchun Germaniyaga jo'nab ketgan edi. Ayni paytda Myunxenda bo'lib turgan delegatsiya a'zolari, u yerdagi eng diqqatga sazovor joylar - BMW va Allianz Arenada bo‘ldilar.

📌 Rasmiy uchrashuvlar va amaliyot jarayonlari bugundan boshlanadi.

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📷 Universitet talabalarining Myunxen texnika universitetidagi treninglaridan lavhalar

📌 "Yangi O'zbekiston" universiteti professori Alisher Sanetullayev Myunxen texnika universiteti fizika fakulteti professor-o'qituvchilariga dars o'tib berdi.

📷 Photo report of the students of NUU from workshops in TUM International GmbH

📌 Alisher Sanetullayev, professor of the New Uzbekistan University, gave a lecture to professors of the Physics faculty of the Technical University of Munich.

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✔️ Today, our students visited Munich Urban Collab.

⚡️ They participated in “Ideathon” with their innovative projects ideas.
✔️ Bugun, universitetimiz talabalari Munich Urban Collabga borishdi.

⚡️ Bu yerda talabalar “Ideathon”da o’z innovatsion g’oyalari bilan qatnashishadi.

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Media is too big

👨‍🎓 Nursultan Duysenbayev, a student of NUU, doing an internship at the Technical University in Munich, talked about the processes at MakerSpace.
🧑‍🎓 Ayni paytda Myunxen texnika universitetida amaliyot o'tayotgan "Yangi O'zbekiston" universiteti talabasi Nursultan Duysenbayev MakerSpacedagi jarayonlar haqida.

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Great news for our students!

🥳 We are delighted to announce that the REGISTRATION for the internship in SOUTH KOREA is OPEN!

💬 We invite all our students who want to implement their own start-up project and have a short-term internship in SOUTH KOREA to register via the link below.

📌 Please, register for team members via email

📝 E-mail for registration: 👇
[email protected]

❗️NOTE: Registration deadline: MAY 21
Talabalarimiz uchun yana bir yangilik!

🥳 JANUBIY KOREYAda 🇰🇷 bo'ladigan AMALIYOT uchun saralash bosqichiga RO'YXATDAN O'TISH boshlandi.

💬 O'zining start-up loyihasini yo'lga qo'yish va JANUBIY KOREYAda qisqa muddatlik amaliyot o'tash istagida bo'lgan barcha talabalarimizni quyida ko'rsatilgan email orqali ro'yxatdan o'tishga chorlab qolamiz.

📌 Ro’yhatdan o’tish uchun jamoa a’zolarini email orqali ro’yhatdan o’tkazing.

📝 Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun e-mail: 👇 [email protected]

❗️ESLATMA: Ro'yxatdan o'tish 21-MAY kuniga qadar davom etadi.

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📣 Dear students,

👩‍🎓 The FIRST STAGE of the contest for internship in SOUTH KOREA 🇰🇷 will start on MAY 23.

Each team will participate with its own start-up project.

Best of luck to all of you! 🎉

📆 MAY, 23
4 p.m.
📍Conference Hall

📣 Hurmatli talabalar,

👩‍🎓 Joriy yilning 23-may kuni JANUBIY KOREYAga 🇰🇷 amaliyot uchun saralashning ILK BOSQICHIga start beriladi.

Unda har bir jamoa o'z start-up loyihalari bilan ishtirok etadilar.

Talabalarimizga saralash bosqichida omad tilab qolamiz!🎉

📆 23-MAY
📍Konferensiyalar zali

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On May 23, the FIRST STAGE OF THE CONTEST for the internship in South Korea have started.

The following 4 teams participated with their start-up projects:

👨‍🎓 Team lead by Bunyodbek Kholmurodov
Project: Paper from fallen leaves
👨‍🎓 Team lead by Damir Mirzabaev
Project: Heating water by using renewable energy
👨‍🎓 Team lead by Alisher Arazmukhammedov
Project: kitEnrg
👨‍🎓Team lead by Jakhongir Adilov
Project: Eco Cooling

The average score of each team for its START-UP PROJECT is:

📝 Paper from fallen leaves - 38.6;
📝 Heating water by using renewable energy - 34;
📝 kitEnrg - 36.4;
📝 Eco Cooling - 39.8.


These scores DO NOT mean that the team which received the highest score will pass to to the next round.
At the end of the FIRST STAGE, grades of each team member for the first semester will also be taken into account.
After calculating the scores for the project and grades of team member for the first semester, the team with the highest score will pass to the FINAL STAGE.

The next teams took part in the FIRST STAGE of the contest with their start-up projects are follows:

1. The team lead by Shamsuddin Kamalov
Project name: Alternative concrete
2. The team lead by Mahmudjon Zukhriddinov.
Project name: Waste management
3. The team lead by Nozimjon Nabiev
Project name: PERFECTION

Each presentation was evaluated according to 5 criteria: idea, presentation,quality, originality and speech.

The projects submitted by students evaluated by the University evaluation committee for each project:

Alternative concrete project - 41.6
Waste Management Project - 35
PERFECTION project - 39


These scores DO NOT mean that the team which received the highest score will pass to the next round.
At the end of the FIRST STAGE, grades of each team member for the first semester will also be taken into account.
After calculating the scores for the project and grades of team member for the first semester, the team with the highest score will pass to the FINAL STAGE.

We will announce the scores for each team participating in the FIRST STAGE of the contest for internship in South Korea:

👩‍🎓 The team lead by Rukhsora Toirova
Project: EaZe Robotics
Score: 39.2
👨‍🎓 The team lead by Abbas Yuldashev
Project: Anti-crash Alarm
Score: 40.8
👨‍🎓 The team lead by Kodirbek Otaev
Project: GES
Score: 41.6
👩‍🎓The team lead by Malikabonu Sabirova
Project: Pentagon
Score: 41
👨‍🎓The team lead by Sirojiddin Usmanov
Project: Bright Future
Score: 43.4


These scores DO NOT mean that the team which received the highest score will pass to the next round.
At the end of the FIRST STAGE, grades of each team member for the first semester will also be taken into account.
After calculating the scores for the project and grades of team member for the first semester, the team with the highest score will pass to the FINAL STAGE.
Yangi O‘zbekiston” universiteti talabalari Janubiy Koreyaning Sejong universiteti bilan tanishishdi!

✔️ Amaliyot davomida “Yangi O‘zbekiston” universiteti talabalari uchun:
🔹Sejong universiteti ilmiy xodimlari va professorlari tomonidan treninglar tashkil etish
🔹Yuqori texnologiyalarga asoslangan laboratoriyaning moddiy texnik bazasi bilan tanishish,
🔹Zamonaviy uskuna hamda jihozlardan foydalanish,
🔹Laboratoriya texnika xavfsizligi kursini o‘rganish imkoniyatlari yaratilgan.

📌 Eslatib o‘tamiz, “Yangi O‘zbekistonuniversiteti hamda “Sejong University Academic Cooperation” o‘rtasida hamkorlik o‘rnatilgan bo‘lib, hozirda 15 nafar talabamiz Sejong universitetida qisqa muddatli amaliyot o‘tashmoqda.

🔁 English
#Amaliyot #Janubiy_Korea #Sejong_university #Internship

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