#eng #анонсы #ashleymerdalo #reignofclansandgods
Арт с главным героем книги Ashley Merdalo «Reign of Clans and Gods». Книга вышла в ноябре 2022 года.
Ashley Merdalo «Reign of Clans and Gods» (ноябрь, 2022 год)
What's more dangerous in the world of politics, love, or war?
On the island of Eiram, there were once four clans. Four clans, four rings--now there are three...
Twenty years ago, invaders attacked Eiram, staking claim to a section of territory and massacring the people that lived along those bluffs. The only remnants of that clan are the few who hold on to the black iron rings of the Clan o' Cliffs. Survivors have since assimilated into their new homes, taking rings from their adopted regions; gold of the Mountain Clan, wintry silver of the Forest Clan, and the deep copper of the Clan Amongst the Rivers.
For now, there is peace.
Gifted with the power of foresight, Willa is a portal to the gods, her days and nights filled with prophecies and omens. Since the age of two, she has been trapped in an engagement arranged to maintain the balance of power across clans. Facing a loveless marriage, Willa struggles to reconcile the idea of benevolent gods with her own bleak future until she meets Dempsey on the night of Beltane, and they encounter evidence of the land's dwindling magic.
Heir to the Clan Amongst the Rivers, Dempsey is everything Willa's fiancé isn't. His shameless flirtations make her feel alive, and Willa can't help but feel drawn to the taste of freedom his power of storms gives her. Together, they realize the invaders are moving in again, threatening the stability of the clans and the existence of the gods. It's up to Willa to step into her birthright and unite the clans if they're going to stand a chance at preventing conquest.
Арт с главным героем книги Ashley Merdalo «Reign of Clans and Gods». Книга вышла в ноябре 2022 года.
Ashley Merdalo «Reign of Clans and Gods» (ноябрь, 2022 год)
What's more dangerous in the world of politics, love, or war?
On the island of Eiram, there were once four clans. Four clans, four rings--now there are three...
Twenty years ago, invaders attacked Eiram, staking claim to a section of territory and massacring the people that lived along those bluffs. The only remnants of that clan are the few who hold on to the black iron rings of the Clan o' Cliffs. Survivors have since assimilated into their new homes, taking rings from their adopted regions; gold of the Mountain Clan, wintry silver of the Forest Clan, and the deep copper of the Clan Amongst the Rivers.
For now, there is peace.
Gifted with the power of foresight, Willa is a portal to the gods, her days and nights filled with prophecies and omens. Since the age of two, she has been trapped in an engagement arranged to maintain the balance of power across clans. Facing a loveless marriage, Willa struggles to reconcile the idea of benevolent gods with her own bleak future until she meets Dempsey on the night of Beltane, and they encounter evidence of the land's dwindling magic.
Heir to the Clan Amongst the Rivers, Dempsey is everything Willa's fiancé isn't. His shameless flirtations make her feel alive, and Willa can't help but feel drawn to the taste of freedom his power of storms gives her. Together, they realize the invaders are moving in again, threatening the stability of the clans and the existence of the gods. It's up to Willa to step into her birthright and unite the clans if they're going to stand a chance at preventing conquest.
#eng #анонсы #katrinakwan #knivesseasoningandadashoflove
Katrina Kwan «Knives, Seasoning, and A Dash of Love» (декабрь, 2023 года)
О книге ранее писала здесь:
Katrina Kwan «Knives, Seasoning, and A Dash of Love» (декабрь, 2023 года)
О книге ранее писала здесь:
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Девочки из @bookbook01 прислали мне к НГ подарок 💜
Остальное покажу попозже, а вот пока вам классная суперобложка на «Мару и Морок» Лии Арден.
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«Oath Taker» Audrey Grey от The Bookish Box.
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J.N. Macawell «The Snoiw Queen» (ноябрь, 2023)
Когда семнадцатилетний Кай Андерсон таинственный образом исчезает во время снежной бури из городка Абаддон, штат Массачусетс, его лучшая подруга Герда Сантелли отправляется в путешествие, чтобы найти его и спасти.
Сражаясь с гоблинами и упырями, Герда вскоре узнает, что Кай был похищен злой богиней, изгнанной из другого измерения.
Сможет ли Герда спасти Кая или он замерзнет навеки на руках Снежной королевы?
J.N. Macawell «The Snoiw Queen» (ноябрь, 2023)
Когда семнадцатилетний Кай Андерсон таинственный образом исчезает во время снежной бури из городка Абаддон, штат Массачусетс, его лучшая подруга Герда Сантелли отправляется в путешествие, чтобы найти его и спасти.
Сражаясь с гоблинами и упырями, Герда вскоре узнает, что Кай был похищен злой богиней, изгнанной из другого измерения.
Сможет ли Герда спасти Кая или он замерзнет навеки на руках Снежной королевы?