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#eng #анонсы #theaguazon #thehurricanewars

Thea Guanzon «The Hurricane Wars» (октябрь, 2023)

The fates of two bitter enemies with opposing magical abilities are swept together in The Hurricane Wars, the spellbinding debut in a fantasy romance trilogy set in a Southeast Asia–inspired world ravaged by storms, perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas and R. F. Kuang.

The heart is a battlefield.

All Talasyn has ever known is the Hurricane Wars. Growing up an orphan in a nation under siege by the ruthless Night Emperor, Talasyn has found her family among the soldiers who fight for freedom. But she is hiding a deadly secret: light magic courses through her veins, a blazing power believed to have been wiped out years ago that can cut through the Night Empire’s shadows.

Prince Alaric, the emperor’s only son and heir, has been forged into a weapon by his father. Tasked with obliterating any threats to the Night Empire’s rule with the strength of his armies and mighty Shadow magic, Alaric has never been bested. That is until he sees Talasyn burning brightly on the battlefield with the magic that killed his grandfather, turned his father into a monster, and ignited the Hurricane Wars. In a clash of light and dark, their powers merge and create a force the likes of which has never been seen.

Talasyn and Alaric both know this war can only end with them. But a greater threat is coming, and the strange new magic they can create together could be the only way to overcome it. Thrust into an uneasily alliance, they will confront the secrets at the heart of the war and find, in each other, a searing passion—one that could save their world…or destroy it.

An exquisite fantasy brimming with unforgettable characters, sizzling enemies-to-lovers romance, and richly drawn worlds, The Hurricane Wars marks the breathtaking debut of an extraordinary new writer.
#eng #анонсы #marielylares #sunofbloodandruin

Mariely Lares «Sun of Blood and Ruin» (сентябрь, 2023)

Rumor has it on the streets of sixteenth-century New Spain, there's a new vigilante in town serving justice. This reimagining of Zorro--featuring a heroic warrior sorceress--weaves Mesoamerican mythology and Mexican history two decades after the Spanish conquest into a swashbuckling, historical debut fantasy with magic, intrigue, treachery, and romance.

A new legend begins...

In sixteenth-century New Spain, witchcraft is punishable by death, indigenous temples have been destroyed, and tales of mythical creatures that once roamed the land have become whispers in the night. Hidden behind a mask, Pantera uses her magic and legendary swordplay skills to fight the tyranny of Spanish rule.

To all who know her, Leonora de Las Casas Tlazohtzin never leaves the palace and is promised to the heir of the Spanish throne. The respectable, law-abiding Lady Leonora faints at the sight of blood and would rather be caught dead than meddle in court affairs.

No one suspects that Leonora and Pantera are the same person. Leonora's charade is tragically good, and with magic running through her veins, she is nearly invincible. Nearly. Despite her mastery, she is destined to die young in battle, as predicted by a seer.

When an ancient prophecy of destruction threatens to come true, Leonora--and therefore Pantera--is forced to decide: surrender the mask or fight to the end. Knowing she is doomed to a short life, she is tempted to take the former option. But the legendary Pantera is destined for more than an early grave, and once she discovers the truth of her origins, not even death will stop her.
Цитата дня:
«Если бы я была главной героиней и от меня зависела судьба всего мира — вы бы все сдохли».

Показали, кстати, что Куанг оставляла отзыв на обложку американского издания романа Марины и Сергея Дяченко «Vita nostra: Работа над ошибками».
#eng #анонсы #rosellelim #celestialbanquet

Roselle Lim «Celestial Banquet» (2025 год)

Фэнтези, вдохновленное китайской мифологией, где низшие боги живут среди людей, а главная вспыльчивая героиня соревнуется за право устроить пир для богов, попутном радуясь с монстрами, головорезами и собственным сердцем.
#esp #анонсы

Marina Tena Tena «De lobos y dioses» (март, 2023)

Богиня Селена спустилась на землю и создала оборотней для защиты своих лесов. Но когда они терпят неудачу, богиня забирает у них луну, магию и силу.

Ослабленные оборотни, понимая, что нападение и месть людей неизбежны, решают найти и разбудить первого оборотня.

Главная героиня, Сьерра, будучи слишком нетерпеливой оскорбляет богиню, и та, в отместку, превращает ее в человека и заставляет всю стаю забыть о ней. Сьерра, отправляется на поиски первого оборотня, надеясь, что теперь хоть это придаст смысл ее жизни.

PS обожаю испанские аннотации, вброс имен персонажей, которые даже не упоминаются раньше. Типо тут под конец было «Сьерра решает сопровождать Нестера на поиски». А кто такой Нестер, простите 🙃
#книжное #интересности #келлиэндри #шепоттьмы

Арты к книге Келли Эндрю «Шепот тьмы» (АСТ. Mainstream, 2023).

— LesyaBlackBird