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#ger #вариации

Эксклюзивное издание цикла Лауры Кнайдль «Корона тьмы» от Chest of Fandoms.

утащила у @bbook007
#eng #анонсы #britks #raisehell

Brit KS «Raise Hell» (март, 2024 год)

It’s hard to outrun the ghosts of your past when you can talk to the dead...

Leigh Raelyn should be burned at the stake. Not only did she cause the deaths of her family — she’s also a Lunar witch, bonded with the outlawed element, aether. But hiding an illicit gift is almost impossible when you’re next in line for the throne, and her supply of magical suppressants is dwindling.

So, when she discovers a way to surrender her title, Leigh seizes her chance.

Wilder Dunn will do whatever it takes to ascend the ranks of the Borealis Blades — so long as it gives him the power to bring his sister’s killers to their knees. But as the son of a traitor, he is failing to gain favor with the Council. When Wilder agrees to protect the princess ahead of her coronation, he hopes to prove fealty to authority. Until he discovers the real reason for his employment...

With Wilder’s help, Leigh goes in search of her throne-bargaining secret: the truth behind Corona’s centuries-old peace treaties. But as the pair spiral closer to a realm-shattering revelation, only one thing is clear: to fix the world order they need to break it...and possibly, their own hearts too.

RAISE HELL is the first book in the Eleventh Hour series by Brit KS. This fantasy-romance is filled with witches, vampires, ancient laws, tech mixed with magic, and medium-burn lovers.

Мой комплекс самозванца размером с маленькую планету 😭
#eng #анонсы #jameslogan #thesilverbloodpromise

James Logan «The Silverblood Promise» (апрель, 2024 год)

Что-то для фанатов Аберкромби и Скотта Линча! 😘

Lukan Gardova is a cardsharp, academy dropout, and - thanks to a duel that ended badly - the disgraced heir to an ancient noble house. His life consists of cheap wine, rigged card games and wondering how he might win back the life he threw away.
When Lukan discovers that his estranged father has been murdered in strange circumstances, he finds fresh purpose. Deprived of his chance to make amends for his mistakes, he vows to unravel the mystery behind his father's death.

His search for answers leads him to Saphrona, fabled city of merchant princes, where anything can be bought if one has the coin. Lukan only seeks the truth, but instead he finds danger and secrets in every shadow.

For in Saphrona, everything has a price - and the price of truth is the deadliest of all.James Logan "The Silverblood Promise" (апрель, 2024 год)

Что-то для фанатов Аберкромби и Скотта Линча!

Lukan Gardova is a cardsharp, academy dropout, and - thanks to a duel that ended badly - the disgraced heir to an ancient noble house. His life consists of cheap wine, rigged card games and wondering how he might win back the life he threw away.
When Lukan discovers that his estranged father has been murdered in strange circumstances, he finds fresh purpose. Deprived of his chance to make amends for his mistakes, he vows to unravel the mystery behind his father's death.

His search for answers leads him to Saphrona, fabled city of merchant princes, where anything can be bought if one has the coin. Lukan only seeks the truth, but instead he finds danger and secrets in every shadow.

For in Saphrona, everything has a price - and the price of truth is the deadliest of all.
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#книжное #интересности

Арт к книге Ali Winters «The Vampire Debt» от gracezhuart.
Алина Melanchallina || И миллион мелочей 18+
#книжное #интересности Арт к книге Ali Winters «The Vampire Debt» от gracezhuart.
#eng #вариации

Различные вариации обложек Ali Winters «The Vampire Debt».

Книга описываются, как «Дракула» и «Красавца и чудовища» встречаются с «Гордостью и предубеждением».

от ненависти до любви
фэнтезийный мир, вдохновленный множеством реальных миров и различными историческими периодами
эмоциональные персонажи, которые принимают решения исходя из своих страхов, неуверенности и тд
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Please open Telegram to view this post
#цитаты #кикахатзопулу #нитиярчесеребра

Ио никогда раньше его не видела, но все равно знала, кто он такой.
Ее нить судьбы.
Парень, которого ей суждено полюбить.

© Кика Хатзопулу «Нити ярче серебра»