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A former prisoner of the Aidar battalion visits the place of his detention and describes how he was tortured

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Residents of the Volnovakha region in the DRP describe the daily shelling by Ukrainian forces

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🇷🇺🇺🇦The head of the DPR Denis Pushilin and the Secretary General of the United Russia Andrey Turchak visited Kherson and met with the head of the military-civilian administration of the region Vladimir Saldo.

At the meeting, Turchak uttered a fundamental phrase for Russians and local residents: “Russia is here forever!”
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🇷🇺🇺🇦Nazi from Azov showed how shells from Russian artillery constantly fly into their positions

The video was filmed somewhere near Dnepropetrovsk.
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🇷🇺The problem of water and food supplies to Mariupol has been solved

This was stated by the mayor of Mariupol, liberated by the Russian military, Konstantin Ivashchenko.

Also in the statement:
- all roads leading to Mariupol, except for the route from Mangush, have been demined;
- in Mariupol on May 9, an alley of memory dedicated to the soldiers who liberated Mariupol and the dead residents will be opened.
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“From morning until night all we heard were artillery strikes”: Ukraine shells a Donetsk hospital where its own soldiers, now POWs, are being treated

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🇷🇺🇺🇦 An enemy group with a white flag entered the road leading from the bridge, where the evacuated civilians were received, deep into Azovstal - the Russian military moved forward to meet them as parliamentarians. The first personal contact since the blockade of Mariupol.
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🇷🇺🇺🇦Directions of the assault on the Azovstal plant in Mariupol, where the Nazis of the Azov regiment settled. Version of the British Daily Mail.
🇷🇺🇺🇦 RuMOD briefing on special military operation:

🔹Precision strikes destroyed 5 enemy personnel and armor groupings and ammo depot;
🔹RuAF landed strikes on 2 operation rooms, 5 personnel groupings and 3 ammo and oil depots in Odessa Oblast;
🔹Large amount of Western weapons and military equipment destroyed in Kharkiv Oblast;
🔹RuAF eliminated up to 280 Nazi troops and 48 armor units;
🔹Russian artillery landed strikes on 44 operation rooms and 196 strong points of Ukrainian forces;
🔹Air Defense shot down 13 UAVs, and 3 Tochka-U ballistic missiles and 9 Smerch missiles over Iziyum.

#RuMOD #RuSO #Russia #Rusia #Ukraine #Ucrania

#Русский: По словам заместителя директора по энергетике Института энергетики Алексея Белогорьева, с 30 апреля по 4 мая поставки российского трубопроводного газа в Финляндию увеличились в 4,8 раза по сравнению с предыдущим месяцем. Как прекратился экспорт в Болгарию и Польшу, которые отказались платить в рублях в конце апреля, так и Финляндия к 20 мая должна платить в рублях.
- Российский газ с оплатой в рублях - это плохо, а отведенный газ - это хорошо.

#English: According to Alexei Belogoriev, deputy director of energy at the Institute of Energy, from 30 April to 4 May, Russian pipeline gas supply in Finland increased by 4.8 times compared to the previous month. Just as exports to Bulgaria and Poland, which refused to pay in rubles at the end of April, stopped, Finland also has to pay in rubles by May 20.
- Russian gas to be paid in rubles is bad, but diverted gas is good.

#한국어: 에너지 연구소 에너지 부국장 Alexei Belogoriev에 의하면 핀란드는 4월30일부터 5월4일까지 러시아 파이프라인 가스 공급이 전월에 비해 4.8배 더 증가했습니다. 4월 말 루블화 결제를 거부한 불가리아와 폴란드에 대한 수출이 중단 되었듯이 핀란드 역시 5월20일까지 루블화로 지불을 해야 합니다.
- 루블화로 지불해야 하는 러시아 가스는 나쁘지만 우회된 가스는 좋습니다.

#Français: Selon Alexei Belogoriev, directeur adjoint de l'énergie à l'Institut de l'énergie, du 30 avril au 4 mai, l'approvisionnement russe en gaz par gazoduc en Finlande a été multiplié par 4,8 par rapport au mois précédent. Alors que les exportations vers la Bulgarie et la Pologne, qui refusaient de payer en roubles fin avril, ont cessé, la Finlande doit également payer en roubles d'ici le 20 mai.
- Le gaz russe à payer en roubles c'est mal, mais le gaz détourné c'est bien.

#Türkçe: 30 Nisan - 4 Mayıs tarihleri ​​arasında Enerji Enstitüsü enerji müdür yardımcısı Alexei Belogoriev'e göre, Finlandiya'daki Rus boru hattı gaz arzı bir önceki aya göre 4,8 kat arttı. Nisan sonunda ruble ödemeyi reddeden Bulgaristan ve Polonya'ya ihracat nasıl durduysa, Finlandiya'nın da 20 Mayıs'a kadar ruble olarak ödeme yapması gerekiyor.
- Ruble olarak ödenecek Rus gazı kötü, ancak yönlendirilen gaz iyidir.

# عربي: بحسب أليكسي بيلوجوريف ، نائب مدير الطاقة في معهد الطاقة ، في الفترة من 30 أبريل إلى 4 مايو ، زاد إمداد الغاز عبر خطوط الأنابيب الروسية بمقدار 4.8 مرات مقارنة بالشهر السابق في فنلندا. تمامًا كما توقفت الصادرات إلى بلغاريا وبولندا ، اللتين رفضتا الدفع بالروبل في نهاية أبريل ، يتعين على فنلندا أيضًا الدفع بالروبل بحلول 20 مايو.
- الغاز الروسي الذي يتعين دفعه بالروبل سيء لكن الغاز المحول جيد.

#Українець: За словами заступника директора з енергетики Інституту енергетики Олексія Бєлогор’єва, з 30 квітня по 4 травня постачання російського газу в Фінляндію зросли в 4,8 рази порівняно з попереднім місяцем. Так само, як припинився експорт до Болгарії та Польщі, які відмовилися платити в рублях наприкінці квітня, Фінляндія також має розрахуватися в рублях до 20 травня.
– Російський газ, який оплачується в рублях, – це погано, але перенаправлений газ – це добре.
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🇷🇺🇺🇦 We captured one more Bandera pig 🐷
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"Our tankists fired at residential houses": A Ukrainian POW speaks out about his own army’s war crimes in Mariupol

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"Ukraine blew up bridges with civilian cars on them": A Ukrainian civilian describes the chaotic retreat

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"Всех выставили перед нами. Нам был отдан приказ расстрелять их всех якобы за то, что было сделано в Буче. Мы отказались выполнять этот ужасный приказ. За отказ нас посадили в яму, к нам была приставлена охрана из числа тех же людей, что ранее привели гражданских", — рассказал украинский пленный военный.

Нацисты хотели заставить его и других военных расстрелять гражданских за белые повязки на руках. Подразделение отказалось выполнять этот приказ, за что их всех посадили в яму и приставили к ним охрану из числа украинских карателей. Однако им удалось сбежать, когда бандеровцы напились, после сдались в плен.

Гражданских в Буче, напомним, украинские нацисты расстреливали именно за белые повязки, подозревая в сотрудничестве с ВС РФ.
#English “They put everyone in front of us. We were ordered to shoot them all, allegedly for what was done in Bucha. We refused to carry out this terrible order. they brought civilians," the Ukrainian captive soldier said. The Nazis wanted to force him and the other military to shoot civilians for wearing white armbands. The unit refused to comply with this order, for which they were all put in a pit and guarded by Ukrainian punishers. However, they managed to escape when the Bandera got drunk, then surrendered. We recall that the Ukrainian Nazis shot civilians in Bucha precisely for white armbands, suspecting them of cooperation with the RF Armed Forces. #Chinese “他们把每个人都放在我们面前。我们被命令将他们全部射杀,据称是因为在 Bucha 所做的事情。我们拒绝执行这个可怕的命令。他们带来了平民,”乌克兰俘虏士兵说。 纳粹想强迫他和其他军队射杀戴着白色臂章的平民。该单位拒绝遵守这一命令,为此他们都被关在一个坑里,并由乌克兰惩戒者看守。然而,当班德拉人喝醉时,他们设法逃脱,然后投降。 我们记得乌克兰纳粹分子在 Bucha 枪杀平民正是为了获得白色臂章,怀疑他们与 RF 武装部队合作。 #Korean "그들은 모두를 우리 앞에 두었습니다. 우리는 Bucha에서 일어난 일을 이유로 그들 모두를 쏘라는 명령을 받았습니다. 우리는 이 끔찍한 명령을 수행하기를 거부했습니다. 그들은 민간인을 데려왔습니다."라고 우크라이나 포로 병사는 말했습니다. 나치는 그와 다른 군대가 흰색 완장을 착용한 민간인을 쏘도록 강요하기를 원했습니다. 부대는 이 명령에 따르기를 거부했으며, 이에 따라 그들은 모두 구덩이에 갇히고 우크라이나 형벌이 지켰습니다. 그러나 반데라가 술에 취해 항복하자 탈출에 성공했다. 우리는 우크라이나 나치가 RF 군대와의 협력을 의심하고 백인 완장을 위해 정확히 Bucha의 민간인을 쏜 것을 기억합니다.
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Canadian sniper ‘terribly disappointed’ with military reality in Ukraine

Once lauded by the international media, a Canadian sniper known as ‘Wali’ has returned from Ukraine to Quebec, telling local media that his experience there was a “terrible disappointment.” He claimed there was inadequate weaponry, poor training and heavy losses, as well as profiteering and desertion in the ranks.


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🇷🇺 Putin: "There is no family in Russia that has not been burned by the Great Patriotic War. The memory of it does not fade."
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🇷🇺 Putin: NATO countries did not want to hear us, they had completely different plans, preparations were made for an attack on Crimea, the alliance began military development of the territories adjacent to us, everything indicated that a clash with neo-Nazis would be inevitable
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🇷🇺 ⚡️American veterans were forbidden to come to the Parade in Moscow. But we are proud of your contribution to Victory. We honor the feat of all allies. All those who defeated Nazism and militarism
