Я проспал, конечно, но теперь куча сайтов поддерживают Instant View (https://t.iss.one/durov/55).
Теперь мне не нужно копировать N+1 в Телеграф, да здравствует лень! 🙌🏻
#оффтоп #telegram
Теперь мне не нужно копировать N+1 в Телеграф, да здравствует лень! 🙌🏻
#оффтоп #telegram
Du Rove's Channel
What is Instant View and Why It's Important
A few years ago, Telegram was one of the first messaging apps to generate previews for links shared in messages. Since then, some of our competitors started to do the same, but we at Telegram like to raise the…
A few years ago, Telegram was one of the first messaging apps to generate previews for links shared in messages. Since then, some of our competitors started to do the same, but we at Telegram like to raise the…