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Forwarded from MoD Russia
⚡️On August 7, Zelensky regime committed a new act of nuclear terrorism at the energy infrastructure of Zaporozhye NPP to create a humanitarian disaster in Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.

▫️At around 12:40 p.m., Ukrainian units of the 44th Artillery Brigade shelled the Zaporozhye NPP from near Marganets, on the opposite bank of Kakhovka reservoir.

▫️Ukrainian shelling damaged Kakhovskaya high-voltage line, which supplied electricity to Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.

▫️A power surge occurred at Zaporozhye NPP, causing smoke in the plant's open switchgear. The safety system was also activated, cutting off the power supply.

▫️Fire crews arrived and the smoke was extinguished.

▫️The capacity of Units 5 and 6 was reduced to 500 MW by plant technicians to prevent disruption of the nuclear power plant.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
❗️ Комментарий официального представителя МИД России М.В.Захаровой в связи с непрекращающимися обстрелами со стороны Украины Запорожской АЭС (ЗАЭС)

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💬 Российская сторона уже давно, по различным линиям и на разных уровнях призывает международное сообщество решительно осудить непрекращающиеся военные удары, которые ожесточённо наносятся киевским режимом по ЗАЭС, в том числе с применением всё более разрушительных систем вооружений. Эта станция вновь оказалась под украинским огнём 5 и 6 августа. Только благодаря умелым и оперативным действиям сотрудников АЭС, а также российских сил, обеспечивающих всестороннюю защиту данного объекта, не случилось большой беды.

👉 Нельзя игнорировать очевидное: с каждым днём ситуация становится всё более опасной. Регулярно направляем в МАГАТЭ актуализированную информацию «с места», которая находит отражение в информационных циркулярах Агентства, со всей определенностью изобличающих преступные действия украинских вооружённых сил, командование которых окончательно утратило способность мыслить здраво. Явно отказало у них и элементарное чувство самосохранения. Ведь, наводя артиллерию на действующие реакторы и хранилище отработавшего ядерного топлива, украинцы тем самым целятся и в себя.

Отмечаем прозвучавшее 8 августа заявление Генсекретаря ООН, что «любая атака на атомную электростанцию – это самоубийство». Он подчёркнуто выразил надежду, что эти атаки будут прекращены. В свою очередь, Гендиректор МАГАТЭ акцентировал озабоченность ракетным ударом по крупнейшей в Европе АЭС, указав на реальный риск ядерной катастрофы, способный поставить под угрозу людей и окружающую среду на Украине и за её пределами. Осудил любые акты насилия, совершённые непосредственно на ЗАЭС или в её близости, а также в отношении её персонала.

Перефразируя известное изречение, дипломатам – особенно столь высокого ранга – язык в такой ситуации дан для того, чтобы не скрывать свои мысли, а выразиться предельно чётко и ясно. Нами предоставлено немало подтверждающей информации, чтобы Генсекретарь ООН и Гендиректор МАГАТЭ открыто и жёстко указали украинским властям на недопустимость ударов по ЗАЭС и принудили их незамедлительно прекратить атаковать станцию и её сотрудников, включая их семьи и остальных жителей в Энергодаре.

🔹 Фиксируем нацеленность Гендиректора МАГАТЭ осуществить ранее запланированное посещение ЗАЭС. Считаем необходимым снова напомнить, что с российской стороны ещё несколько недель назад было сделано всё, что требовалось для успешного визита. К нам в этой связи претензий быть не может. То, что международная миссия не состоялась, – целиком на совести Киева.
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🛑 В последнее время украинские националисты активно обстреливают гражданские объекты в Донбассе противопехотными минами «Лепесток».

Применение этого вида оружия против мирных жителей является нарушением норм гуманитарного права. В частности, использование «лепестков» противоречит Дополнительному протоколу к Женевским конвенциям от 12 августа 1949 года.

Подписав Оттавскую конвенцию 1997 года, Украина обязалась ни при каких обстоятельствах - то есть даже на поле боя - не применять противопехотные мины, а также уничтожить все их запасы.

Очевидно, что Киев этого не сделал.

В настоящее время сапёры Международного противоминного центра Минобороны России оказывают властям ДНР помощь в разминировании жилых кварталов.

1 августа Постпредство России при ООН направило информацию об использовании Украиной мин «Лепесток» Генсекретарю ООН и Председателю Совета Безопасности. Письмо, сопровождённое фотоматериалами, будет распространено в качестве официального документа СБ и ГА ООН.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
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🛑 The Ukrainian nationalists have recently intensified the shelling of residential areas in Donbass, now use even anti-personnel the so-called butterfly mines.

The use of butterfly mines goes against the Additional Protocol to the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of August 12, 1949.

The fact that the Ukrainian nationalists even possess butterfly mines speaks volumes. By signing the 1997 Ottawa Convention, Ukraine made a commitment not to use anti-personnel mines under any circumstances, not even on the battlefield, and to destroy all stocks of such mines held in arsenals.

Apparently, Kiev has not done any of that.

On August 1, Russia’s Permanent Mission to the UN sent the information about the use of butterfly mines by Ukraine to UNSG Antonio Guterres and the head of the Security Council. The letter with attached photographic evidence will be distributed as an official document of the UNSC & UNGA.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🕯 On August 9, 1945 at precisely 11:02 A.M.7️⃣7️⃣ years ago − the world became witness to the most horrific atrocity − the A-bombings of Nagasaki. It was an act of utter cruelty & barbarism. The city, full of civilians, was obliterated, some 70'000 people perished instantaneously.

❗️ It is our duty to remember & ensure that history never repeats itself.

💬 FM Sergey Lavrov: To this day, the terrible death of innocent civilians strikes a chord with millions of people on our planet.

We must join our efforts to ensure that the terror and pain of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will never repeat.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
❗️On August 8, 2022, the Russian Federation officially notified the United States, through diplomatic channels, of its decision to temporarily exempt the inspection activities from the facilities subject to inspection under the Treaty. This exemption includes the appropriate facilities at which exhibitions may be conducted under the Treaty.

🇷🇺🇺🇸 We hope to continue close cooperation with the American side. We have always advocated and continue to advocate a discussion on the resumption of inspection activities under the Treaty from a position of practical reality.

☝️ We would like to emphasise that the measures we have adopted are temporary. Russia is fully committed to the observance of the provisions of the Treaty, something we consider to be a very important instrument in maintaining international security and stability.

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📑 Russian Ministry of Defence publishes data on the number of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine

#Ukraine @mod_russia_en
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Специально для эстонских фантазёров, полагающих, что «посещение Европы — это привилегия, а не право человека», напоминаю 👇

Привилегия - это иметь счастье увидеть Россию во всём её многообразии и великолепии. Мы дарим вам привилегию увидеть нашу страну виртуально. А вы можете подарить себе привилегию видеть всё своими глазами.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing regarding the attacks of Ukrainian armed forces on the Zaporozhye NPP

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🔹 Ukrainian armed forces have used heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems against the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe – the Zaporozhye NPP.

🔹 Developments at the ZNPP these days are the climax of Kiev's criminal actions against nuclear infrastructure and personnel servicing nuclear facilities.

🔹 From the very start, we supported the IAEA efforts aimed at ensuring safety and security of Ukrainian nuclear facilities.

🔹 We carefully observe the mentioned seven principles and do our best to let IAEA representatives make sure of that themselves.

🔹 Heinous attacks by Kiev against nuclear facilities push the world onto the brink of a nuclear disaster, the scope of which would be comparable to that of the Chernobyl tragedy.

❗️ We call on the states that support the Kiev regime to check their proteges, make them stop attacking the ZNPP and residents of Energodar once and for all.

❗️ We urge the top officials of the United Nations and IAEA to demonstrate their leadership and global responsibility and indicate clearly and without diplomatic courtesies the real source of the threat to the safety and security of the ZNPP.
Минобороны России:

⚠️ Несмотря на неоднократные заявления Межведомственного координационного штаба по гуманитарному реагированию вооруженные формирования Украины продолжают наносить удары по объектам атомной энергетики.

🔹 11 августа 2022 г. подразделениями 44-й артиллерийской бригады ВСУ со стороны населенного пункта Никополь из 152-мм орудий совершен обстрел Запорожской АЭС.

🔹 Расцениваем эти преступные действия украинских властей как акты терроризма.

🔹 Призываем так называемый «цивилизованный» Запад, ООН, МККК, ОЗХО, МАГАТЭ осудить действия киевских властей и немедленно оказать влияние по недопущению нанесения ими ударов по объектам атомной энергетики и потенциально опасных производств

⚠️ Продолжается фиксация фактов преступных действий киевского режима в отношении мирных граждан, а также использования украинскими вооруженными формированиями гражданских медицинских учреждений в военных целях.

В качестве пунктов дислокации ВСУ используются даже детские сады.
Forwarded from MoD Russia
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💬 Senior sailor of AFU Aleksandr Zhizhin: "...I don't want to return by exchange and I don't want to return to Ukraine...".

🏳️🇺🇦 POWs of AFU's Marines, National Guard, Airborne Assault and Land Forces units decided to stay in Russian Federation-controlled territory due to reluctance to fight and fear of being on the front line again.

#Russia #Ukraine @mod_russia_en
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💬 AFU conscript officer Vitaliy Derevyankin: "...I don't want to go back to Ukraine...".

🏳️🇺🇦 POWs of AFU's Marines, National Guard, Airborne Assault and Land Forces units decided to stay in Russian Federation-controlled territory due to reluctance to fight and fear of being on the front line again.

#Russia #Ukraine @mod_russia_en
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing regarding the attacks of Ukrainian armed forces on the Zaporozhye NPP

Read in full

🔹 Ukrainian armed forces have used heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems against the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe – the Zaporozhye NPP.

🔹 Developments at the ZNPP these days are the climax of Kiev's criminal actions against nuclear infrastructure and personnel servicing nuclear facilities.

🔹 From the very start, we supported the IAEA efforts aimed at ensuring safety and security of Ukrainian nuclear facilities.

🔹 We carefully observe the mentioned seven principles and do our best to let IAEA representatives make sure of that themselves.

🔹 Heinous attacks by Kiev against nuclear facilities push the world onto the brink of a nuclear disaster, the scope of which would be comparable to that of the Chernobyl tragedy.

❗️ We call on the states that support the Kiev regime to check their proteges, make them stop attacking the ZNPP and residents of Energodar once and for all.

❗️ We urge the top officials of the United Nations and IAEA to demonstrate their leadership and global responsibility and indicate clearly and without diplomatic courtesies the real source of the threat to the safety and security of the ZNPP.
🇷🇺🇳🇱 Интервью Посла России в Нидерландах А.В.Шульгина телеканалу «Россия 24».

🎙А.В.Шульгин: Ситуация вокруг Запорожской АЭС присутствует в голландском медийном пространстве

📌 Другие темы:

🔵О ценах на газ

🔵Визовые вопросы

🔵О росте цен на продовольствие

🔵О демонстрации в Амстердаме в поддержку России
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇫🇷📞 President Vladimir Putin spoke over the phone with President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron.

🔹 The discussion focused on various aspects of the situation around Ukraine. Vladimir Putin, in particular, stressed that the regular strikes on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant by the Ukrainian military creates the danger of a major nuclear disaster that could lead to radiation contamination of vast territories.

🔹 Both leaders noted the importance of sending an IAEA mission to the power plant as soon as possible to allow experts to assess the situation on the ground. The Russian side confirmed its readiness to provide the necessary assistance to the agency's inspectors.

🔹 The President of Russia also informed the French leader about the progress of the package deal signed on July 22 in Istanbul to facilitate the export of Ukrainian grain from Black Sea ports and the export of Russian food and fertilisers to world markets.

Forwarded from MoD Russia
⚡️"The missile strike launched by the Ukrainian military against a detention centre in Elenovka with captured fighters of Azov terrorist battalion is an attempt to hide the truth about the crimes committed by militants," said Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, speaking at a plenary session of the First International Anti-Fascist Congress.

▫️"The Ukrainian authorities have sentenced Azov prisoners who surrendered to death. Therefore, the detention centre in Elenovka , where they were held, was attacked at night by American MLRS. The cynical, barbaric massacre of its prisoners is motivated by the Ukrainian leadership's fear of Azov fighters' testimony. They expose crimes against civilians committed with Kiev's approval," Shoigu said.

▫️According to him, the radical nationalism that Azov battalion was inculcating had become the ideology of all of Bandera's Ukraine.

▫️"Today, Russian servicemen find large amounts of extremist literature at abandoned AFU positions. The congress participants will be able to see its samples at a thematic exhibition of weapons, military equipment and supplies used by Ukrainian nationalists," the defence minister said.

▫️In early August the Russian Supreme Court satisfied a lawsuit filed by the Russian Prosecutor-General's Office to declare the Ukrainian Azov regiment (battalion) a terrorist organization and ban its activities in Russia.

Forwarded from MoD Russia
​​⚡️"Today we are witnessing another vivid manifestation of the Nazi policy, when the Russophobic idea of banning all Russian citizens from entering the European Union is being actively promoted from high tribunes in Europe," said Sergei Shoigu.

▫️He noted, however, that the fundamental principles of the world order and the legal and political evaluations of the Nuremberg Tribunal were increasingly ignored and revised by individual countries, in particular the Baltic States.

▫️"SS legionnaires' marches have become traditional in Estonia and Latvia, with monuments and obelisks erected to war criminals. Nazi slogans and appeals are openly heard in the streets of Lithuanian cities," said the Head of the Russian Defence Ministry.

▫️He quoted Georgi Dimitrov, who called fascism "bestial chauvinism, medieval barbarism and unbridled aggression against other peoples and countries".

▫️"In the 1930s, fascist dictatorial regimes were established in Spain, Portugal, Romania, Croatia and several other states. The most radical and aggressive form was German Nazism," said Sergei Shoigu.

▫️He stressed that the National Socialists' rise to power was due to their funding by international capital.

▫️"It is clear that the financial and economic co-operation between Anglo-American and Nazi business circles was a major factor leading to the Second World War, which cost humanity unprecedented human lives," the minister said.

▫️He recalled that the aggression against the Soviet Union was the most brutal.

▫️"27 million dead. No other nation in the world has paid such a price. Of the total number of victims, nearly 14 million were civilians. This is a direct consequence of the Nazi policy pursued by the invaders," Shoigu said.

▫️He stressed that "the lessons of history are poorly learned by those who, relying on their own power, perpetrate violence".

▫️"The bombing of Yugoslavia, the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, the nurturing of terrorist structures in Syria. These and similar crimes always have specific instigators and perpetrators. Responsibility for such actions and their consequences lies squarely with the leadership of the United States and NATO," said Shoigu.

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⚡️"For eight years, the Kiev regime has committed egregious crimes against citizens of DPR and LPR. Thousands of innocent people died, including children. At the same time, the military development of Ukrainian territory by the North Atlantic Alliance has begun. Kiev is on course to join NATO. All this has created unacceptable threats to Russia's security," said Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, speaking at a plenary session of the First International Anti-Fascist Congress.

▫️Against this backdrop, he said, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief took the only correct decision to conduct the special military operation in February.

▫️Its main purpose was to protect the inhabitants of Donbass from genocide by the Kiev regime. Shoigu said that during the first days of the special operation, the Russian Armed Forces "encountered inhuman tactics of the Ukrainian formations.

▫️"Soldiers of AFU and the Nationalist Battalions are hiding in city blocks, using civilians as human shields, using both residential buildings and social and energy infrastructure as strongholds and firing points. Having been defeated on the "ground" and retreating, they deliberately destroy everything around them so that nothing is left for civilians. The same tactics were used by the German Nazis during the Great Patriotic War," said the Russian Defence Minister.

▫️"In part," he stated, "this is due to the composition of the Ukrainian army. After the anti-constitutional coup, new power structures emerged in the country - the so-called national battalions, which profess the idea of neo-Nazism and racial intolerance towards everyone who they consider not Ukrainian".

Forwarded from MoD Russia
⚡️ "Many people in Ukraine have not accepted the policy of the Kiev authorities to rehabilitate Nazism and incite hatred towards everything connected with Russia," said Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, speaking at a plenary session of the First International Anti-Fascist Congress.

▫️"Official Kiev, has openly declared itself heir and successor to the cause of the bloody Ukrainian nationalists. The Verkhovna Rada has proclaimed fighters of Ukrainian Insurgent Army as fighters for national independence. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, everything was done in Washington to turn Ukraine into the antipode of Russia. The promotion of legislation banning the Russian language, Russian media, Russian culture - everything related to our country - was encouraged" he said.

▫️But, as Sergei Shoigu said, many in Ukraine did not accept such a policy, including residents of Donbass, who would not indulge the ruling regime in its Nazi aspirations. A brutal punitive operation was then launched against them.


С 26 августа с.г. временно прекращается прием заявлений о выдаче паспорта нового поколения сроком действия 10 лет в связи с необходимостью переформатирования электронного носителя.

Оформление паспортов старого образца (сроком действия 5 лет) продолжается без изменений в установленном порядке (в качестве первичного, загранпаспорта, взамен действующего, использованного, утраченного либо испорченного).
