Forwarded from МИД России 🇷🇺
⚡️ Заявление Министра иностранных дел Российской Федерации С.В.Лаврова о соглашениях по транспортировке украинского зерна из черноморских портов и по продвижению российского экспорта продовольствия и удобрений
💬 22 июля в Стамбуле состоялась церемония одновременного подписания двух документов по морским поставкам украинского зерна и экспорту российской сельскохозяйственной продукции – «Инициативы по безопасной транспортировке зерна и продовольствия из портов Украины» и «Меморандума о взаимопонимании между Российской Федерацией и Секретариатом ООН о содействии продвижению российских продуктов питания и удобрений на мировые рынки».
Изначально оба этих направления были частью т.н. «пакетной» инициативы Генсекретаря ООН, которую Президент России В.В.Путин поддержал, однако в ходе переговоров проявились попытки Киева саботировать предложенный А.Гутеррешем взаимоувязанный характер договорённости. Причём переговорщики от Секретариата ООН придерживались позиции, не вполне соответствующей изначальной инициативе Генерального секретаря.
Как бы то ни было, в итоге удалось – именно стараниями российской делегации – сохранить комплексный, деполитизированный характер «пакетной» договорённости, тем самым обеспечив максимально возможное движение навстречу развивающимся странам – импортерам продовольствия.
Россия будет и впредь верна своим обязательствам в этой сфере. Использование США и их союзниками продовольствия в интересах геополитических авантюр неприемлемо и бесчеловечно.
Меморандум о взаимопонимании по российскому экспорту сельскохозяйственной продукции подписан Первым заместителем Председателя Правительства Российской Федерации А.Р.Белоусовым и Генеральным секретарем ООН А.Гутеррешем. Главная задача – обеспечение транспарентных и беспрепятственных поставок российских продовольствия и удобрений, включая сырье для их производства, на мировые рынки. Речь идет, в частности, о том, чтобы устранить препятствия, которые создали США и ЕС в сферах финансов, страхования и логистики, добиться конкретных исключений для этой продукции из-под действия ограничительных мер, введенных против нашей страны. Срок действия Меморандума – 3 года.
Сторонами Инициативы по транспортировке украинского зерна выступают Россия, Турция и Украина при вспомогательной роли ООН. Целью является содействие безопасному судоходству для экспорта зерна, продовольствия и удобрений, включая аммиак, из портов Одессы, Черноморска и Южный. Документ предусматривает порядок прохода судов, их досмотр, мониторинг функционирования гуманитарного коридора, модальности разминирования и предотвращения опасных инцидентов силами специального Совместного координационного центра в Стамбуле с участием представителей России, Украины и Турции при подключении сотрудников ООН. Инициатива рассчитана на 120 дней с возможностью продления на аналогичный срок по согласованию сторон.
☝️ Отрадно, что Вашингтон и Брюссель прекратили чинить препятствия достижению сегодняшних договорённостей. Подписание меморандума Россия – ООН лишний раз подчёркивает абсолютно искусственный характер предпринимавшихся попыток Запада свалить на Россию вину за проблемы с поставками зерна на мировые рынки.
Рассчитываем, что в предстоящий период будут предприняты все необходимые усилия для эффективного выполнения указанных соглашений. Немаловажное значение в этой связи имеет добросовестное содействие со стороны ООН и конструктивный подход международного сообщества в целом, включая западные страны. С учетом весомой доли российской и украинской сельскохозяйственной продукции на мировых рынках, обеспечение её бесперебойного экспорта отвечает насущным задачам поддержания продовольственной безопасности, особенно развивающихся и наименее развитых стран. Всё это должно содействовать достижению Целей устойчивого развития, в том числе по ликвидации голода.
В заключение хотел бы вновь поблагодарить наших турецких партнёров, лично Президента Р.Т.Эрдогана за их вклад в достигнутые сегодня результаты.
💬 22 июля в Стамбуле состоялась церемония одновременного подписания двух документов по морским поставкам украинского зерна и экспорту российской сельскохозяйственной продукции – «Инициативы по безопасной транспортировке зерна и продовольствия из портов Украины» и «Меморандума о взаимопонимании между Российской Федерацией и Секретариатом ООН о содействии продвижению российских продуктов питания и удобрений на мировые рынки».
Изначально оба этих направления были частью т.н. «пакетной» инициативы Генсекретаря ООН, которую Президент России В.В.Путин поддержал, однако в ходе переговоров проявились попытки Киева саботировать предложенный А.Гутеррешем взаимоувязанный характер договорённости. Причём переговорщики от Секретариата ООН придерживались позиции, не вполне соответствующей изначальной инициативе Генерального секретаря.
Как бы то ни было, в итоге удалось – именно стараниями российской делегации – сохранить комплексный, деполитизированный характер «пакетной» договорённости, тем самым обеспечив максимально возможное движение навстречу развивающимся странам – импортерам продовольствия.
Россия будет и впредь верна своим обязательствам в этой сфере. Использование США и их союзниками продовольствия в интересах геополитических авантюр неприемлемо и бесчеловечно.
Меморандум о взаимопонимании по российскому экспорту сельскохозяйственной продукции подписан Первым заместителем Председателя Правительства Российской Федерации А.Р.Белоусовым и Генеральным секретарем ООН А.Гутеррешем. Главная задача – обеспечение транспарентных и беспрепятственных поставок российских продовольствия и удобрений, включая сырье для их производства, на мировые рынки. Речь идет, в частности, о том, чтобы устранить препятствия, которые создали США и ЕС в сферах финансов, страхования и логистики, добиться конкретных исключений для этой продукции из-под действия ограничительных мер, введенных против нашей страны. Срок действия Меморандума – 3 года.
Сторонами Инициативы по транспортировке украинского зерна выступают Россия, Турция и Украина при вспомогательной роли ООН. Целью является содействие безопасному судоходству для экспорта зерна, продовольствия и удобрений, включая аммиак, из портов Одессы, Черноморска и Южный. Документ предусматривает порядок прохода судов, их досмотр, мониторинг функционирования гуманитарного коридора, модальности разминирования и предотвращения опасных инцидентов силами специального Совместного координационного центра в Стамбуле с участием представителей России, Украины и Турции при подключении сотрудников ООН. Инициатива рассчитана на 120 дней с возможностью продления на аналогичный срок по согласованию сторон.
☝️ Отрадно, что Вашингтон и Брюссель прекратили чинить препятствия достижению сегодняшних договорённостей. Подписание меморандума Россия – ООН лишний раз подчёркивает абсолютно искусственный характер предпринимавшихся попыток Запада свалить на Россию вину за проблемы с поставками зерна на мировые рынки.
Рассчитываем, что в предстоящий период будут предприняты все необходимые усилия для эффективного выполнения указанных соглашений. Немаловажное значение в этой связи имеет добросовестное содействие со стороны ООН и конструктивный подход международного сообщества в целом, включая западные страны. С учетом весомой доли российской и украинской сельскохозяйственной продукции на мировых рынках, обеспечение её бесперебойного экспорта отвечает насущным задачам поддержания продовольственной безопасности, особенно развивающихся и наименее развитых стран. Всё это должно содействовать достижению Целей устойчивого развития, в том числе по ликвидации голода.
В заключение хотел бы вновь поблагодарить наших турецких партнёров, лично Президента Р.Т.Эрдогана за их вклад в достигнутые сегодня результаты.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
✍️ Article by FM Sergey Lavrov for the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, the Congolese Dispatch de Brazzaville, the Ugandan New Vision, as well as the Ethiopian Ethiopia Herald
"Russia and Africa: a future-bound partnership"
Read in full
Key points:
🇷🇺🌍 Russia has advocated Africa’s strengthened position in the multipolar architecture of a world order which should be based on the principles of the UN Charter and take the world’s cultural and civilizational diversity into account.
🤝 Russia-Africa ties are based on the time-tested bonds of friendship and cooperation. Our country has always supported Africans in their struggle for liberation from colonial oppression.
👉 We appreciate the considered African position as to the situation in Ukraine. Although unprecedented by its scale the pressure from beyond has not brought our friends to join the anti-Russian sanctions.
☝️ Relations between Russia and Africa are of an intrinsic value and do not depend on fluctuations in the international environment.
"Russia and Africa: a future-bound partnership"
Read in full
Key points:
🇷🇺🌍 Russia has advocated Africa’s strengthened position in the multipolar architecture of a world order which should be based on the principles of the UN Charter and take the world’s cultural and civilizational diversity into account.
🤝 Russia-Africa ties are based on the time-tested bonds of friendship and cooperation. Our country has always supported Africans in their struggle for liberation from colonial oppression.
👉 We appreciate the considered African position as to the situation in Ukraine. Although unprecedented by its scale the pressure from beyond has not brought our friends to join the anti-Russian sanctions.
☝️ Relations between Russia and Africa are of an intrinsic value and do not depend on fluctuations in the international environment.
Forwarded from Минобороны России
⚡️ Министр обороны РФ Сергей Шойгу встретился с генеральным секретарем ООН, в ходе которой А.Гутерриш подписал Меморандум о взаимодействии между Российской Федерацией и ООН о содействии поставок российских сельскохозяйственной продукции и удобрений на мировые рынки.
◽️ Перед подписанием документа А.Гутерриш отметил большой опыт главы российского военного ведомства в миротворческих операциях, в частности в Закавказье.
💬 «Рад вас видеть, господин Шойгу. Я хорошо помню, как вместе с вами мы эффективно решали вопросы восстановления мира и безопасности в Закавказье», заявил А.Гутерриш.
💬 «Я посмотрел документ, который вы привезли, и готов его сейчас подписать. Для нас очень важно решить вопрос экспорта на мировые рынки российского зерна», подчеркнул Гуттериш.
◽️ Перед подписанием документа А.Гутерриш отметил большой опыт главы российского военного ведомства в миротворческих операциях, в частности в Закавказье.
💬 «Рад вас видеть, господин Шойгу. Я хорошо помню, как вместе с вами мы эффективно решали вопросы восстановления мира и безопасности в Закавказье», заявил А.Гутерриш.
💬 «Я посмотрел документ, который вы привезли, и готов его сейчас подписать. Для нас очень важно решить вопрос экспорта на мировые рынки российского зерна», подчеркнул Гуттериш.
Forwarded from МИД России 🇷🇺
🎙 Из интервью Министра иностранных дел России С.В.Лаврова «Ассоциации Наше кино», Москва, 22 июля 2022 года
💬 С.В.Лавров: Сейчас поразительная перемена между тем, что чувствуют черногорцы и македонцы в отношении России, и то, что заставляют их политиков делать из Брюсселя, ЕС, НАТО.
Это попытка сделать их «инструментом» в антироссийской игре. Это то же самое, что пытались сделать из Украины и из ряда других восточно-европейских стран.
Читать полностью
💬 С.В.Лавров: Сейчас поразительная перемена между тем, что чувствуют черногорцы и македонцы в отношении России, и то, что заставляют их политиков делать из Брюсселя, ЕС, НАТО.
Это попытка сделать их «инструментом» в антироссийской игре. Это то же самое, что пытались сделать из Украины и из ряда других восточно-европейских стран.
Читать полностью
Forwarded from MoD Russia
Media is too big
🚛 Russian servicemen deliver over 5 tonnes of humanitarian goods to secluded areas of Lisichansk
▫️ The kits included groats, macaroni, butter, tea, canned food, sugar, confection for children and diapers.
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
▫️ The kits included groats, macaroni, butter, tea, canned food, sugar, confection for children and diapers.
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
Forwarded from MoD Russia
⚠️ According to reliable information, in Seredina-Buda, Sumy region, militants of a territorial defence battalion, in cooperation with personnel of the Security Service of Ukraine, make the rounds of residential building and private houses for detecting local residents who express pro-Russian opinion.
📱The citizens whose mobile phones contain conversations in messengers or calls to Russian numbers are physically violated and transported to an unknown destination.
▫️The fate of those people has been unknown until now.
❗️ The major cynicism of this kind of inhumane acts lies in the readiness of the Kiev regime to sacrifice the lives of their own citizens in order to reach this asset that completely copies the methodology practiced by Nazis at the occupied areas during the Great National War.
📑 More
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse #HumanitarianAid
📱The citizens whose mobile phones contain conversations in messengers or calls to Russian numbers are physically violated and transported to an unknown destination.
▫️The fate of those people has been unknown until now.
❗️ The major cynicism of this kind of inhumane acts lies in the readiness of the Kiev regime to sacrifice the lives of their own citizens in order to reach this asset that completely copies the methodology practiced by Nazis at the occupied areas during the Great National War.
📑 More
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse #HumanitarianAid
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🤝 In Cairo, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held a meeting with the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Ahmed Aboul Gheit.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
Media is too big
💬 Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Ukraine:
Ukraine’s military ambitions continue to be well understood in the USA. The US has spent $7.3 billion on military aid for Ukrainian units since the start of the special military operation and is not planning to let up. The EU is not far behind its overseas ally. Brussels has decided to grant Kiev another consignment of military aid worth 500 million euros.
❗️All this is taking place against the backdrop of reports by the Ukrainian and Western press on the subsequent smuggling of arms sent to Ukraine via DarkNet and other channels. These weapons are saturating the black markets that are actively used by extremist and terrorist groups all over the world. NATO and the EU are well aware of this situation. This is evident from their attempts to create some oversight mechanisms and compel Kiev to report on the targeted use of the supplied weapons.
Despite help from the West, the position of the Ukrainian armed units in the combat zone is declining every day.
Ukraine’s military ambitions continue to be well understood in the USA. The US has spent $7.3 billion on military aid for Ukrainian units since the start of the special military operation and is not planning to let up. The EU is not far behind its overseas ally. Brussels has decided to grant Kiev another consignment of military aid worth 500 million euros.
❗️All this is taking place against the backdrop of reports by the Ukrainian and Western press on the subsequent smuggling of arms sent to Ukraine via DarkNet and other channels. These weapons are saturating the black markets that are actively used by extremist and terrorist groups all over the world. NATO and the EU are well aware of this situation. This is evident from their attempts to create some oversight mechanisms and compel Kiev to report on the targeted use of the supplied weapons.
Despite help from the West, the position of the Ukrainian armed units in the combat zone is declining every day.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇪🇬 In Cairo, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and President of Egypt Abdel Fattah El-Sisi held a meeting.
#RussiaEgypt #RussiaAfrica
#RussiaEgypt #RussiaAfrica
Forwarded from MoD Russia
⚡️Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine
▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine
💥Attack launched by high-precision long-range sea- and air-based armament has resulted in the neutralisation of aircraft of Ukrainian Air Force deployed at Kanatovo military airfield (Kirovograd region).
💥Attack launched by high-precision long-range sea-based missiles has resulted in the elimination of Ukrainian military ship and a depot of Harpoon anti-ship missiles delivered by USA to the Kiev regime in the seaport of Odessa.
▫️The list of neutralised targets also includes the production facilities of an entity specialised in repairing and modernising the fleet of Ukrainian Navy.
▫️Over 70 percent of personnel have been eliminated after launching attacks at the positions of 108th and 109th battalions from 10th Mountain Assault Brigade of the AFU deployed near Verkhnekamenskoye (Donetsk People's Republic).
💥High-precision attacks have been launched by Russian Aerospace Forces at armament and munitions depots of 28th Mechanised Brigade of the AFU and 123rd Territorial Defence Brigade deployed at locomotive repair plant in Nikolayev.
▫️Over 50 servicemen, more than 3,000 artillery projectiles of various calibres and 10 armoured vehicles have been destroyed.
✈️💥Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery continue launching attacks at the military facilities in Ukraine.
▫️The list of neutralised targets includes 9 command posts, including the joint command post of Kakhovka group of troops deployed in Zhovtnevoye (Nikolayev region), 2 command posts of 54th and 65th mechanised brigades of the AFU near Kurakhovo (Donetsk People's Republic) and Novodanilovka (Zaporozhye region).
▫️In addition, 7 munitions and fuel depots have been destroyed near Reznikovka, Ostroye (Donetsk People's Republic), Galitsinovo (Nikolayev region) and Nikolayev.
✈️💥Attacks launched by Russian aviation have resulted in the elimination of 2 AFU units manned at the level of a company, 2 U.S.-manufactured M-777 howitzers near Artyomovsk (Donetsk People's Republic), as well as 1 Bukovel electronic warfare system near Nikolayev.
💥Within the counter-battery warfare, 3 Grad MRLS plattoons have been neutralised near Grigorovka, Verkhnekamenskoye and Seversk, 2 Msta-S self-propelled artillery system plattoons, 8 Msta-B artillery gun plattoons, 18 D-20 artillery howitzer plattoons, as well as 9 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery plattoons have been neutralised at their firing positions near Paraskoviyevka, Opytnoye, Vesyoloye, Razdolovka, Bakhmutskoye, Vodyanoye, Serebryanka and Kamyshevakha (Donetsk People's Republic).
💥Russian air defence means have shot down 5 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Korobki, Pyatikhatka (Kherson regrion), Topolskoye (Kharkov region), Shcherbaki (Zaporozhye region) and Donetsk. In addition, 10 projectiles launched by Uragan and HIMARS multiple rocket launchers have been intercepted near Novonikolayevka (Zaporozhye region) and Alekseyevka (Kherson region).
📊In total, 260 airplanes and 144 helicopters, 1,605 unmanned aerial vehicles, 357 air defence missile systems, 4,156 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 763 combat vehicles equipped with MRLS, 3,196 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 4,457 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #report
▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine
💥Attack launched by high-precision long-range sea- and air-based armament has resulted in the neutralisation of aircraft of Ukrainian Air Force deployed at Kanatovo military airfield (Kirovograd region).
💥Attack launched by high-precision long-range sea-based missiles has resulted in the elimination of Ukrainian military ship and a depot of Harpoon anti-ship missiles delivered by USA to the Kiev regime in the seaport of Odessa.
▫️The list of neutralised targets also includes the production facilities of an entity specialised in repairing and modernising the fleet of Ukrainian Navy.
▫️Over 70 percent of personnel have been eliminated after launching attacks at the positions of 108th and 109th battalions from 10th Mountain Assault Brigade of the AFU deployed near Verkhnekamenskoye (Donetsk People's Republic).
💥High-precision attacks have been launched by Russian Aerospace Forces at armament and munitions depots of 28th Mechanised Brigade of the AFU and 123rd Territorial Defence Brigade deployed at locomotive repair plant in Nikolayev.
▫️Over 50 servicemen, more than 3,000 artillery projectiles of various calibres and 10 armoured vehicles have been destroyed.
✈️💥Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery continue launching attacks at the military facilities in Ukraine.
▫️The list of neutralised targets includes 9 command posts, including the joint command post of Kakhovka group of troops deployed in Zhovtnevoye (Nikolayev region), 2 command posts of 54th and 65th mechanised brigades of the AFU near Kurakhovo (Donetsk People's Republic) and Novodanilovka (Zaporozhye region).
▫️In addition, 7 munitions and fuel depots have been destroyed near Reznikovka, Ostroye (Donetsk People's Republic), Galitsinovo (Nikolayev region) and Nikolayev.
✈️💥Attacks launched by Russian aviation have resulted in the elimination of 2 AFU units manned at the level of a company, 2 U.S.-manufactured M-777 howitzers near Artyomovsk (Donetsk People's Republic), as well as 1 Bukovel electronic warfare system near Nikolayev.
💥Within the counter-battery warfare, 3 Grad MRLS plattoons have been neutralised near Grigorovka, Verkhnekamenskoye and Seversk, 2 Msta-S self-propelled artillery system plattoons, 8 Msta-B artillery gun plattoons, 18 D-20 artillery howitzer plattoons, as well as 9 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery plattoons have been neutralised at their firing positions near Paraskoviyevka, Opytnoye, Vesyoloye, Razdolovka, Bakhmutskoye, Vodyanoye, Serebryanka and Kamyshevakha (Donetsk People's Republic).
💥Russian air defence means have shot down 5 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Korobki, Pyatikhatka (Kherson regrion), Topolskoye (Kharkov region), Shcherbaki (Zaporozhye region) and Donetsk. In addition, 10 projectiles launched by Uragan and HIMARS multiple rocket launchers have been intercepted near Novonikolayevka (Zaporozhye region) and Alekseyevka (Kherson region).
📊In total, 260 airplanes and 144 helicopters, 1,605 unmanned aerial vehicles, 357 air defence missile systems, 4,156 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 763 combat vehicles equipped with MRLS, 3,196 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 4,457 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.
#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #report
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
Media is too big
🎥 FM Sergey Lavrov’s statement at a meeting with the permanent representatives of the member countries of the Arab League
Read in full
🔸 Ukraine was chosen to be anti-Russia, as we say. The organizers of the illegal coup d’etat in February, 2014 were not called to discipline by their Western sponsors.
🔸 The regime was going in a very aggressive and Neo-Nazi direction. We have been drawing the attention of our Western colleagues to these facts during all these long seven years as the Minsk Agreements were sabotaged and Russian culture and everything being Russian was eroded from Ukrainian life.
🔸 It is not about Ukraine, but about the future of the world order.
🔸 We are at the beginning of a new era, which would be a movement towards real multilateralism, not to the multilateralism, which the West tries to impose on the basis of the exceptional role of the Western civilization in the modern world. And I think the movement is unstoppable.
Read in full
🔸 Ukraine was chosen to be anti-Russia, as we say. The organizers of the illegal coup d’etat in February, 2014 were not called to discipline by their Western sponsors.
🔸 The regime was going in a very aggressive and Neo-Nazi direction. We have been drawing the attention of our Western colleagues to these facts during all these long seven years as the Minsk Agreements were sabotaged and Russian culture and everything being Russian was eroded from Ukrainian life.
🔸 It is not about Ukraine, but about the future of the world order.
🔸 We are at the beginning of a new era, which would be a movement towards real multilateralism, not to the multilateralism, which the West tries to impose on the basis of the exceptional role of the Western civilization in the modern world. And I think the movement is unstoppable.
💬 @mod_russia : В морском порту города #Одесса на территории судоремонтного завода высокоточными ракетами большой дальности морского базирования уничтожен находившийся в доке 🇺🇦 военный корабль и склад поставленных США🇺🇸 киевскому режиму противокорабельных ракет «Harpoon»
💬 @mod_russia_en : Attack launched by high-precision long-range sea-based missiles has resulted in the elimination of Ukrainian🇺🇦 military ship and a depot of Harpoon anti-ship missiles delivered by USA🇺🇸 to the Kiev regime in the seaport of #Odessa
✍️ 3-8 ноября с.г. в офлайн и онлайн-форматах пройдет международная просветительская акция «Большой этнографический диктант», приуроченная ко Дню народного единства 🤝.
✍️ К участию в данном международном просветительском проекте приглашаются все желающие, проживающие в России🇷🇺 и зарубежных странах, интересующиеся историей и культурой многонациональной России 🇷🇺.
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👌 Приглашаем всех принять участие в мероприятии!!
✍️ К участию в данном международном просветительском проекте приглашаются все желающие, проживающие в России🇷🇺 и зарубежных странах, интересующиеся историей и культурой многонациональной России 🇷🇺.
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👌 Приглашаем всех принять участие в мероприятии!!
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on the safety of nuclear facilities in Ukraine
💬 Recently, increasing concern has been caused by the tense situation around Zaporozhye NPP, which has been escalated by the Ukrainian authorities, including by spreading misinformation about the alleged negative impact of Russia’s representatives at the plant on ensuring its safety.
We have repeatedly stressed that Russia has shown utmost responsibility with regard to Ukrainian nuclear facilities and done everything in its power to ensure not only an adequate level of nuclear and physical safety, but also the greatest possible transparency in this matter.
At the end of June 2022, together with the IAEA Secretariat we prepared a visit to Zaporozhye NPP of an international mission led by IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi, which was aimed at carrying out activities in the framework of implementing the IAEA safeguards as well as verifying compliance with safety standards at the NPP.
Extensive and complex preparatory work had been done to coordinate all details of the visit: the route of the mission, measures to ensure the delegation’s safety and the involvement of high-ranking foreign specialists.
Unfortunately, the visit did not take place due to the counterproductive position of the UN Secretariat's leadership, which refused to support the IAEA Secretariat's initiative under the far-fetched pretext of insufficient security and poor timing of the event.
Disrupting the visit played into the hands of the Kiev regime and its Western sponsors, who were not satisfied that the Director General, agency experts and international representatives included in the mission would have an opportunity to see the real situation at the Zaporozhye NPP and make sure it was functioning properly.
It was after the disruption of the visit that Kiev's armed provocations against the NPP increased manifold: drone strikes were carried out against the territory of the plant, as well as actions aimed at intimidating its personnel.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has repeatedly reported on these incidents, distributing information circulars in the IAEA. In fact, by its actions Ukraine blatantly violated all seven principles of nuclear safety, formulated by the IAEA Director General, ignored the resolutions of the IAEA General Conferences of 1985 and 1990, which state that any armed attack or threat to attack nuclear facilities used for peaceful purposes violates the principles of the UN Charter, international law and the IAEA Charter.
☝️ We warn the Zelensky regime against continuing provocations against Europe's biggest nuclear power plant, which could lead to a nuclear accident whose grave consequences would affect more than just Ukraine. We call on the international community to be vigilant on this issue and condemn the actions of the Kiev authorities.
💬 Recently, increasing concern has been caused by the tense situation around Zaporozhye NPP, which has been escalated by the Ukrainian authorities, including by spreading misinformation about the alleged negative impact of Russia’s representatives at the plant on ensuring its safety.
We have repeatedly stressed that Russia has shown utmost responsibility with regard to Ukrainian nuclear facilities and done everything in its power to ensure not only an adequate level of nuclear and physical safety, but also the greatest possible transparency in this matter.
At the end of June 2022, together with the IAEA Secretariat we prepared a visit to Zaporozhye NPP of an international mission led by IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi, which was aimed at carrying out activities in the framework of implementing the IAEA safeguards as well as verifying compliance with safety standards at the NPP.
Extensive and complex preparatory work had been done to coordinate all details of the visit: the route of the mission, measures to ensure the delegation’s safety and the involvement of high-ranking foreign specialists.
Unfortunately, the visit did not take place due to the counterproductive position of the UN Secretariat's leadership, which refused to support the IAEA Secretariat's initiative under the far-fetched pretext of insufficient security and poor timing of the event.
Disrupting the visit played into the hands of the Kiev regime and its Western sponsors, who were not satisfied that the Director General, agency experts and international representatives included in the mission would have an opportunity to see the real situation at the Zaporozhye NPP and make sure it was functioning properly.
It was after the disruption of the visit that Kiev's armed provocations against the NPP increased manifold: drone strikes were carried out against the territory of the plant, as well as actions aimed at intimidating its personnel.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has repeatedly reported on these incidents, distributing information circulars in the IAEA. In fact, by its actions Ukraine blatantly violated all seven principles of nuclear safety, formulated by the IAEA Director General, ignored the resolutions of the IAEA General Conferences of 1985 and 1990, which state that any armed attack or threat to attack nuclear facilities used for peaceful purposes violates the principles of the UN Charter, international law and the IAEA Charter.
☝️ We warn the Zelensky regime against continuing provocations against Europe's biggest nuclear power plant, which could lead to a nuclear accident whose grave consequences would affect more than just Ukraine. We call on the international community to be vigilant on this issue and condemn the actions of the Kiev authorities.
Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on the safety of nuclear facilities in Ukraine
Recently, increasing concern has been caused by the tense situation around Zaporozhye NPP, which has been escalated by the Ukrainian authorities, including by spreading misinformation about the alleged negative impact of Russia’s representatives at the plant…
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
☦️ On July 28, Russia celebrates the Baptism of Rus. On this day in 988, Prince Vladimir and his warriors were baptised in the city of Korsun (Chersonesus), the centre of Byzantian territory in Crimea.
The baptism of Rus was an event of landmark significance. It accelerated the unification of Slavic tribes and the establishment of a united Russian state. By adopting one of the major world’s religions, our country tapped into the spiritual and cultural legacy of Byzantium, which considerably increased its international prestige.
⛪️ The St Vladimir Cathedral, a major architectural landmark of Sevastopol, was built at the site of Prince Vladimir’s baptism in the 19th century.
#BaptismOfRus #HistoryOfRussia
The baptism of Rus was an event of landmark significance. It accelerated the unification of Slavic tribes and the establishment of a united Russian state. By adopting one of the major world’s religions, our country tapped into the spiritual and cultural legacy of Byzantium, which considerably increased its international prestige.
⛪️ The St Vladimir Cathedral, a major architectural landmark of Sevastopol, was built at the site of Prince Vladimir’s baptism in the 19th century.
#BaptismOfRus #HistoryOfRussia