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Очевидно, что мы рано расслабились. 🤨
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Vaccination Proved Useless and Dangerous
Fourty-Five Years of Registration Statistics
Alfred R. Wallace    1889

"Having been led to enquire for myself as to the effects of Vaccination in preventing or diminishing Small-pox, I have arrived at results as unexpected as they appear to me to be conclusive. The question is one which affects our personal liberty as well as the health and even the lives of thousands. It therefore becomes a duty to endeavour to make the truth known to all, and especially to those who, on the faith of false or misleading statements, have enforced the practice of vaccination by penal laws."

CDC Official Vaccine Ingredients List PDF

Anti-Vaccination Information
Page Coming Soon

Forwarded from FUTURIS
Трудяга-робот Stretch от Boston Dynamics становится хитом и заменяет людей на складах

Год назад компания представила прототип робо-кладовщика для работы на складах. С тех пор робота сильно улучшили и научили поднимать коробки, если они упали.

Все экземпляры Stretch на 2022 год распроданы из-за высокого спроса. Теперь Boston Dynamics принимает бронирование только на 2023 и 2024 годы. На своих складах робота вовсю используют Gap, H&M и логистическая компания Performance Team. Гигант DHL разместил многолетний заказ на $15 млн.
Forwarded from РИА Новости
Мишустин: правительство против признания криптовалют средством расчета в России, но над их регулированием надо серьезно поработать
Forwarded from РИА Новости
Мишустин сообщил, что больше 10 млн человек в России открыли криптокошельки и перевели на них свыше десятка триллионов рублей
"Как выросло благосостояние советского человека! Стоит только взглянуть на криптокошельки россиян, и вся буржуазная пропаганда зарыдает в злобном бессилии" ( почти цитата из к/ф Интердевочка)
Forwarded from РИА Новости
Media is too big
"Давайте сделаем свою экосистему. У нас все для этого есть. Есть элементы экосистемы, которые нужно доработать. Нужно сделать свой магазин потому что App Store и Google Play очень скоро могут не дать возможности скачивать приложения"

Мишустин рассказывает о поддержке IT-сферы и ожиданиях правительства от российских программистов и говорит, что не надо ничего бояться - "всё будет здесь хорошо".
Forwarded from РИА Новости
Песков назвал одной из целей спецоперации на Украине предотвращение угрозы Третьей мировой войны
Forwarded from РИА Новости
Песков в интервью Sky News назвал огромной трагедией значительные потери среди российских военных в ходе спецоперации на Украине
Forwarded from FUTURIS
Американская финтех-компания Bolt купила криптовалютный стартап Wyre со штаб-квартирой в Сан-Франциско за $1,5 млрд. Сделка станет крупнейшим слиянием на рынке криптовалют

В 2021 году криптовалютный рынок пережил бурный рост из-за притока новых инвесторов. По данным CoinMarketCap, общая стоимость криптовалют в прошлом году выросла более чем втрое и достигла $3 трлн.
HIV Research Is Positively False: The Television Program Which Was Never Shown https://snooze2awaken.com/2022/04/07/hiv-research-is-positively-false-the-television-program-which-was-never-shown "This is the filming at the Geneva World AIDS Conference where the Perth Group of scientists, including Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, Dr. Valendar Turner, Dr. John Papadimitriou and David Causer, stated that HIV had never been isolated or purified and that the HIV test was based on flawed science."
Lockdowns, Masks Destroying Mental Health of Children & Young People (Audio) https://anchor.fm/sol-luckman/episodes/Lockdowns--Masks-Destroying-Mental-Health-of-Children--Young-People-e102ig1 "Children absolutely need to play with each other, get exercise, and have healthy, unmasked human interaction on a regular basis. Anything less is child abuse, and those who continue to perpetrate it are committing crimes against humanity for which they must be held accountable."
Forwarded from ViroLIEgy
Maurice Hilleman and the Avian Flu Pandemics

In April of 1957, Maurice Hilleman read an article in The New York Times and decided a flu pandemic from Asia was imminent. He convinced chicken farmers not to kill their roosters in order to have a sufficient supply of eggs for the creation of vaccines and then bypassed federal regulations in order to quickly produce said vaccines in a matter of months. The vaccines were given out in the beginning of July and by September, the predicted pandemic hit. The H2N2 “virus” that was isolated by Hilleman was said to have been a reassortment of avian and human flu “viruses,” thus fulfilling Hilleman’s own antigenic shift theory.

A little over a decade later in 1968, a new flu pandemic hit the US from Hong Kong. The “virus” was said to be related to the H2N2 strain from 1957. It was said to be isolated from the throat washings which were cultured in both monkey kidney tissues and chicken embryo amniotic-allantoic fluid. It was given the name H3N2 as it was said to be a mutation of the 1957 strain. In other words, Hilleman’s theory of antigenic drift came in to play in order to explain why people came down with the same disease but were not immune to the “virus” even though they had been vaccinated against it since 1957. Thus, Maurice Hilleman is intimately connected to the Asian/avian flu pandemics.

Forwarded from ViroLIEgy
I guess we can drop the whole vaccination agenda then as we've been saying all along, right? 🤷‍♂️

Fauci: Herd immunity to SARS-CoV-2 may be ‘unattainable’

"It may be impossible to reach herd immunity given the wily nature of SARS-CoV-2, and federal health officials say the goal should instead be figuring out ways to live with the virus going forward.

That’s according to a new article written by Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and two NIAID officials that published Thursday in The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 

Fauci has long questioned herd immunity as a benchmark to end the COVID-19 pandemic, often describing the epidemiological concept as “elusive” or “mystical.”

“There are significant obstacles to achieving complete herd immunity with COVID-19,” the NIAID officials wrote. “‘Classical’ herd immunity, leading to disease eradication or elimination, almost certainly is an unattainable goal.”


Maybe it's time to listen to those of us labelled as "conspiracy theorists." We've only been proven right again and again and again and...
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Gain of Fiction

What must be realized about the GOF studies and the bioweapon narrative is that these stories are designed to keep people believing in the lies of Germ Theory. This is yet another fear-based tactic utilized by those in power to ensure that the masses are frightened of an invisible enemy that can be unleashed upon the world either accidentally or intentionally at a moments notice. There will be figureheads who appear to be on the side of truth, questioning the natural existence of “SARS-COV-2,” challenging the safety of the vaccines, promoting alternative therapies, etc. who will also continue to push the idea that “viruses” exist and can be manipulated in a lab. These people are the Pied Pipers leading those who are going astray back into the fold. There is no need to create a “virus” bioweapon when all that was needed to control the masses is a PCR test and some well-designed propaganda.

Forwarded from Наталья Мерцалова
Как настроить функцию перевода
Forwarded from The Corbett Report
via How To Kill A Sacred Cow podcast: James Corbett of The Corbett Report joins us to talk about the bait and switch narratives used by authoritarians to enact ever harsher controls on the proles. If the history of the media has taught us anything, it's that it is a tool used to frame events that conform to agendas hashed out in smoke filled rooms to benefit the few, while the rest of us do the killing and sacrificing. Not a bad deal for them; a raw deal for us. By looking at the unfolding Ukrainian conflict and the fake news and decontextualized stories that make them up, we can see the game for what it is. A bunch of slogans and false narratives cobbled together to form an authoritarian prison.The post Interview 1719 - James Corbett Kills A Sacred Cow first appeared on The Corbett Report.

via The Corbett Report https://ift.tt/9jNzvRq