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За каждого школьника хоть немножко баллов в общий рейтинг.
Учителя сами разбираются, за что им баллы начисляют? Если победителей и призеров во Всероссийской и Московской олимпиадах много не бывает, то на диагностиках свой рейтинг вполне неплохо можно заработать. Здесь главное - массовость и "видеоконтроль проведения". И ГБУшки без хлеба насущного не останутся.
Ведь каким великим и могучим русским языком написано:
"коэффициент динамики результатов",
"год непрерывного обучения",
"особые образовательные потребности",
"суммарный рейтинговый балл",
"идентификация обучающихся операторами мероприятий производится по уникальным
Предлагаем Департаменту образования разработать разговорный русско-инопланетный словарь и добавить его в качестве приложения к методичке.
А то учителям и родителям сложно понять, в чём вклад, где качество, как в рейтинг вписаться?

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Forwarded from Art With Aim
I just posted about Russia launching its digital twin, social credit score system.

I posted this article about *digital twins* back in February.

The nanotech some discuss will make distance euthanasia possible. Like the people we see who are perfectly fine, and then drop with seizures.

The following article says “we’ll highjack your senses, so your brain will identify with your digital twin."

Imagine having the time of your life in a chosen virtual reality, with your virtual friends while your actual body dies of starvation in real life …
They always take what they publish one step further. Internet of Things, then Internet of Bodies, then … here’s talk about Internet of Senses!


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The Social Credit Score In Britain

Rishi Sunaks wants to restrict driving licenses and financial access to those that refuse National Service... (or the draft)

In other words,
“Fight in our wars or we’ll cancel you. “

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To get toilet paper in a public place in China, the Chinese digital wallet Alipay requires a social credit of 550 or higher.

That is, if you behaved badly (according to the regime) - it will be difficult for you to go to the bathroom in a public place


Forwarded from Art With Aim
First posted on AWA in June 2023.

We find ourselves locked in a global asylum where the lunatics have taken over. It is less like a conspiracy and more like collective dementia—a slow mental decline that renders us oblivious to what is unfolding around us. While we were tending to our day-to-day lives, struggling to maintain stable societies, they were busy wiring the place with surveillance devices. Tech companies have inventoried, and collected all our passive data, to recreate our souls and make warped digital twins out of our essence. Using this data, they manipulate our politics and financial systems, control information flow, and hypnotize young and old alike. Their SMART devices are our straitjackets.



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Media is too big
2013 interview with George Soros - you can see he's talking about the global economic reset.

Read Alison McDowell's research on INET, which funds Heckman's human capital program at the University of Chicago, in this June 2018 post. https://wrenchinthegears.com/2018/06/13/the-chicago-school-of-economics-and-george-soros-new-theories-for-an-impoverished-world/

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Geoengineering Whistleblower Interview with Kristen Meghan. She was also a leading figure against masks... I found it a little off that she is not mentioning her credentials as an Industrial Hygienist and PPE expert here.... but I looked into it more and found this post in 2016 about her: https://m.vk.com/@secretxgovernment-chemtrails-and-the-global-warming-lie-how-geoengineering-aff

Kristen Meghan worked for the US-Army as an environmental specialist and became a witness to geoengineering. In this short interview she shares her first-hand knowledge and insights.


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Media is too big
🇬🇧 Meet Keir Starmer, the UK puppet who will try to force us into Agenda 2030 via a Social Credit System; and the next wartime prime minister.

"In 2009, the satanic paedophile, Jimmy Savile, was interviewed under caution by police in Surrey and Sussex. Subsequently, the police referred 4 cases to the CPS alleging that Savile had raped at least three learning disabled girls under the age of 16. The CPS, after receiving the files from the police, refused to prosecute Savile, and dropped the claim, citing 'insufficient evidence'.

After Savile's death, and despite multiple attempts at high level cover ups, we now know he abused at least 500 known victims over a four decade period. The man in charge of the CPS at the time and the man that decided that there was 'insufficient evidence' to charge Saville, is now the 'leader' of the UK Labour government Party. 'Sir' Keir Starmer."

Source: https://x.com/real_shirelass/status/1795406316866822628

Source for the last clips about Starmer's leadership campaign top donors all being genocidal Israeli lobbyists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ahlBTd6ZxI


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I am in Moscow... and Beef cuts I can identify are hard to find. As I said in a previous post, I am in a very affluent neighborhood here, and this beef product just showed up in the store. That is over $42 US for 2 steaks uncooked. What dawned on me was that all the beef with fat was astronomically expensive. Beef fat is where the highest form of nutrition is. They've conned us into fat free.... and now you can't find affordable beef with fat on it. Anywhere. This is how they wage covert warfare.

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🇨🇦 The drugs given to kill the patient, unsurprisingly, also allow for them to harvest the person's organs. Total psychopaths behind every last agenda on earth right now.


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Что такое "иммунитет" и как влияют на него vакц&ны

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- Теория полиморфизма
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