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The Prime Minister Of Hungary Is Exposing The Document Proving George Soros Is Largely Behind The Global Illegal Immigrant Invasion.

So is the UN, WHO, CDC, IMF, GAVI, WEF, CIA, Mi5, Mi6, MOSSAD, the BRICS, the FBI, etc.

What bothers me is that I posted an article I wrote about this in 2011, and was banned, as well as treated to a feeding frenzy of my own following, friends and family calling me a racist, who felt that western, imperialist countries were "above" the consequences of their bombing other countries, and crushing indigenous peoples. So... WHY has it taken people with far more prominence THIS LONG to speak up!?!? -Airika


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🇺🇸💥 Mass vaccination and the decimation of the US military

The UK faces the same issue - Leaving Sovereign Defence basically ineffective

Now we can understand the 'open door' funding of Illegal Immigrants of fighting aged male's with 'military style' hair cuts

Is taxpayers money to the tune of several $billions, funding Ukraine or being syphoned off to fund a UN sleeping army with stockpiled weapons and munitions?

Is it a 'coincidence' that the 'bar' for intake for personnel to join a military service, has been lowered - To include any national

Or that the subject of Conscription to maintain a defence capability.

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First published on AWA in March 2024

🚨 Confirmed - The United Nations is Funding Illegals with US Tax Dollars to Come to the United States

The Center for Immigration studies just released this report: https://cis.org/Bensman/UN-Budgets-Millions-USBound-Migrants-2024

The UN Budgets Millions for U.S.-Bound Migrants in 2024.

Public documents show cash handouts to help feed, transport, and house people headed for the U.S. border.

In a nutshell, the UN and its advocacy partners are planning to spread $372 million in “Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA)”, and “Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MCA)” to some 624,000 immigrants in-transit to the United States during 2024. That money is most often handed out, other UN documents show, as pre-paid, rechargeable debit cards, but also hard “cash in envelopes”

The UN’s 2024 update to the “Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan” (RMRP for short), a planning and budget document for handing out nearly $1.6 billion in 17 Latin America countries, can cast a broad confirming light on the cash giveaways and much more aid for 2024 ahead — with the helping hands of 248 named non-governmental organizations.

Despite the RMRP plan title naming Venezuelans as recipients of this aid operation, the document’s fine print (footnote on p. 14 and paragraph on p. 43, for instance) says the largesse goes to “all nationalities” and “multiple other nationalities”.

The U.S. is the largest donor to the United Nations; therefore, we are funding our own invasion.

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Almost 2 years ago, Netflix released the trailer for the film Athena about a future civil war that commences when African & Arab immigrants begin rioting after an Algerian youth is shot dead by police. This seems to Black Mirror what's occurring in France today.

Netflix, with the Obama's UN ambassador, Susan Rice on the Board of Directors until she stepped down in Dec 2020 to join the Biden admin, produces predictive programming content like this. The show, Athena wasn't in partnership with the Obama's Higher Ground Productions (at least on the surface), but it's no accident that they started generating 'programming' for Netflix in 2019, right before the dystopian Covid Twilight Zone series began worldwide.


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My friend, Dr. Valentina Kiseleva shared this with me, and suggested to focus from minute 49 and then 1:04:15 approximately- discussion about vegetarianism being a psy-op.

Guardians of the World: New Age & The Green Agenda - Part 5 | Bill Cooper

This video documents the connection with The New Age, the Environmental Movement, 15 minute cities, Climate Change and the United Nations.

Part 1: https://t.iss.one/TheConspiracyHole/36138

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I first posted this on AWA on April 2024: the documentary that Candace Owen was discussing, in the post I shared of hers yesterday.

12 million Germans ethnically cleansed after WWII with over half a million murdered for the "crime" of speaking German. Women and children were raped and then shot in mass.

Surprisingly this was aired on the BBC in 2015.

The war in Ukraine is destroying Slavics.... which are on both sides dying. The immigrant invasions are destroying only European dominant nations. Why? Because only reformist, Zionist Jews believe they are the chosen race of "God." Books and documents have revealed that the eradication of white cultures was essential to them, and they've been doing it covertly for hundreds of years. Name one royal family that is the race of their nation in the last 300+ years.... you can't. That includes the Romanovs- who weren't Slav. The history lesson that Putin gave in the Tucker interview? It was globalist revisionist history originating in the mid 1700s.... not a Slavic perspective.

All wars, intelligence agencies, the toxic Rockefeller medical system, destroying education, rewriting history, weather modification/weather warfare, the weaponized food systems, gmo seed, chemicals, big tech, scamdemics, major movements, Hollywood, the music industry, the arts, journalism, the centralized banking system, United Nations/WHO/CDC/WEF, the pedophilia blackmail in every power echelon, human trafficking, black markets (drugs, weapons, baby farms, organs, etc.), us VS them, fake duopoly (BRICS VS west) global politics, diet wars, even religions are being steered to funnel all people into one tech-totalitarian system. Prove me wrong. -Airika



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В Британии теперь устанавливают дефибрилляторы в школах для спасения детей и учителей в случае сердечных приступов.

С каких таких пор у школьников проблемы с сердцем?

Теория Большого Шока
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Молодой глобальный лидер ВЭФ Ида Аукен обвинила население планеты в том, что оно хочет жить лучше:

«Подумайте о 3 миллиардах человек, относящихся к среднему классу, которые хотят владеть автомобилями, телефонами, компьютерами, есть мясо. Я имею в виду, что это огромная нагрузка на ресурсы, которыми мы располагаем, и именно поэтому цены так резко выросли за последние 15 лет...».

Теория Большого Шока
Сокращение производства и продаж продукции сельскохозяйственного машиностроения на внутренний рынок по итогам 2024 года ожидается на уровне 2,5%. Об этом ТАСС сообщил президент Российской ассоциации производителей специализированной техники ("Росспецмаш"), совладелец завода "Ростсельмаш" Константин Бабкин. https://tass.ru/ekonomika/21242163
В связи с последними событиями в Великобритании (новым премьер-министром стал лидер Лейбористской партии Кир Стармер, выходец из рабочей семьи, в 2014 году получивший титул сэра).
Одна из лучших книг, показывающих изнанку и одновременно суть английской власти. С тех пор мало что изменилось. https://www.labirint.ru/books/831004/
Деревопад в Москве показал сегодня,как негативно бордюринг и плитка, подрубая корни деревьев,обрекает их на гибель. А нарушенная гидрология сказывается на всех деревьях,не только у бордюров. А также нарушенная роза ветров из-за неуемной стройки из-за жадности строительных магнатов и аффилированных полагаю с ними чиновников.
Обращает внимание то, что больше всего деревьев в ураган снесено у асфальта и вблизи пруда с благоустройством. Исключение составляют только очень большие деревья, как например липа в Заповедной Дубраве- около 30 метров. Но в пропорциональном отношении- в Останкинском парке, убитом злоустройством, деревьев попадало больше, чем В Саду. Боже, спаси нас от благоустройства