📽 Turkish-Syrian #cinema friendship must persist
📌 #Syrian movies in #Istanbul
📌 #Turkish films in #Damascus
📌 Decision to establish cultural centers
Op-ed by #TuncaArslan
📌 #Syrian movies in #Istanbul
📌 #Turkish films in #Damascus
📌 Decision to establish cultural centers
Op-ed by #TuncaArslan
United World International
Turkish-Syrian cinema friendship must persist
Although films were already being produced in Syria after 1936 when the independence was gained, Syrian Cinema only began to gain its national identity in the 1960s with the intervention of the state in private productions.
📽 #TuncaArslan yazdı: #Türkiye-#Suriye #sinema dostluğu sürmeli
📌 #İstanbul’da Suriye filmleri
📌 #Şam’da #Türk filmleri
📌 Kültür merkezleri kurulması kararı
📌 #İstanbul’da Suriye filmleri
📌 #Şam’da #Türk filmleri
📌 Kültür merkezleri kurulması kararı
United World International
Türkiye-Suriye sinema dostluğu sürmeli
Bağımsızlığın kazanıldığı 1936’dan başlayarak yapılmış bazı filmlerin adları ansiklopedik bilgi olarak sıralanabilirse de Suriye sinemasının asıl olarak 1960’lı yıllardan itibaren özel kuruluşların yanına devlet sektörünün de eklenmesiyle ulusal kimlik kazanmaya…
Patriarch Bartholomew’s adventure in Ukraine
#Istanbul (Fener) Patriarch #Bartholomew’s visit to #Ukraine has already sparked tensions and reactions in the #Orthodox world. As we will see, these tensions have more to do with geopolitics than religion.
Op-ed by #DenizBerktay
https://unitedworldint.com/20592-patriarch-bartholomews-adventure-in-ukraine/ #US #Greece #Russia #Turkey
#Istanbul (Fener) Patriarch #Bartholomew’s visit to #Ukraine has already sparked tensions and reactions in the #Orthodox world. As we will see, these tensions have more to do with geopolitics than religion.
Op-ed by #DenizBerktay
https://unitedworldint.com/20592-patriarch-bartholomews-adventure-in-ukraine/ #US #Greece #Russia #Turkey
United World International
Patriarch Bartholomew’s adventure in Ukraine
The Patriarch's visit is serving more geopolitics than religion