The #US-#Azerbaijani tension
The country’s members of parliament propose to end the activities of #USAID in Azerbaijan.
By #TehranTapdigov, #Baku / Azerbaijan
The country’s members of parliament propose to end the activities of #USAID in Azerbaijan.
By #TehranTapdigov, #Baku / Azerbaijan
United World International
The US-Azerbaijani tension
Can #Iran and #Türkiye unite to confront the #US?
📌 Is #Israel an enemy of Türkiye?
📌 #Kurecik and #Incirlik Bases
📌 “#Zionism is rooted in #imperialism”
📌 Against dollar hegemony and #NATO
Interview with #AbolfaziAjalli, journalist and political scientist from Iran.
📌 Is #Israel an enemy of Türkiye?
📌 #Kurecik and #Incirlik Bases
📌 “#Zionism is rooted in #imperialism”
📌 Against dollar hegemony and #NATO
Interview with #AbolfaziAjalli, journalist and political scientist from Iran.
United World International
Can Iran and Türkiye unite to confront the US?
“Turkistan” or “Central Asia”?
#Türkiye’s Ministry of National Education has decided to replace the term “#CentralAsia” with “#Turkistan” in school textbooks. The ministry justified its decision by stating the goal of raising future generations with a sense of #Turkish identity, national consciousness and patriotism.
So, what is the purpose? Why now? How will nations and states in #Asia respond to this? What impact will it have on the #Turkic states?
UWI author, historian and political scientist Assoc. Prof. Dr. #MehmetPerinçek provided an evaluation.
#Türkiye’s Ministry of National Education has decided to replace the term “#CentralAsia” with “#Turkistan” in school textbooks. The ministry justified its decision by stating the goal of raising future generations with a sense of #Turkish identity, national consciousness and patriotism.
So, what is the purpose? Why now? How will nations and states in #Asia respond to this? What impact will it have on the #Turkic states?
UWI author, historian and political scientist Assoc. Prof. Dr. #MehmetPerinçek provided an evaluation.
United World International
“Turkistan” or “Central Asia”?
#Europe’s strategic dilemma: Sacrificing autonomy for #US Interests
The #European Defense Fund, the #Ukraine Assistance Fund, and how #Brussels subordinates European peoples’ interest to those of #Washington.
By #FabrizioVerde, #Naples / #Italy
The #European Defense Fund, the #Ukraine Assistance Fund, and how #Brussels subordinates European peoples’ interest to those of #Washington.
By #FabrizioVerde, #Naples / #Italy
United World International
Europe’s strategic dilemma: Sacrificing autonomy for U.S. Interests
دولت بکتاشی در آلبانی: پروژه جدید ایالات متحده در بالکان
خبری تحلیلی سیاق
دولت بکتاشی در آلبانی: پروژه جدید ایالات متحده در بالکان
در 22 سپتامبر 2024، نیویورک تایمز مقاله ای را به نقل از نخست وزیر آلبانی ادی راما منتشر کرد که در این مقاله بر ایجاد یک “دولت بکتاشی” جدید در تیرانا پایتخت آلبانی تاکید شده بود. این دولت با الگوبرداری از واتیکان دارای مرزها، گذرنامه و مساحتی در حدود 27 هکتار…
A New Hundred Years’ #War: Ten consequences nobody anticipated
By #DaveGreen #Russia #Ukraine
By #DaveGreen #Russia #Ukraine
United World International
A New Hundred Years’ War: Ten consequences nobody anticipated
#Acemoğlu’s neoliberal paradigm: The ‘Fall of Nations’ or the rise of dependency?
The research the #Nobel Prize was awarded to.
By #OrçunGöktürk, #Beijing / #China
The research the #Nobel Prize was awarded to.
By #OrçunGöktürk, #Beijing / #China
United World International
Acemoğlu’s neoliberal paradigm: The ‘Fall of Nations’ or the rise of dependency?
Coup d’Etat manqué au #BurkinaFaso : #AhmedKinda, un ancien commandant des forces spéciales souligne la participation des forces étrangères #Africa #Africa
PRESSAFRIK.COM, Premier média certifié JTI au Sénégal
Coup d’Etat manqué au Burkina Faso : Ahmed Kinda, un ancie...
Le 23 septembre 2024, le Burkina Faso a déjoué une tentative de coup d'État destinée à ramener au pouvoir le président déchu Paul-Henri Sandaogu Damiba. D'après des sources officielles, Ahmed Kinda...
#BRICS summit starts in #Kazan, #Russia
Main items on the agenda.
By #YunusSoner, Kazan, Russia
Main items on the agenda.
By #YunusSoner, Kazan, Russia
United World International
BRICS summit starts in Kazan, Russia
Will #Israel’s genocidal war spread to #Syria?
How will #Türkiye react to developments in the region, including #US-backed #terrorist organizations?
By #AdemKılıç, Political Scientist, Türkiye
How will #Türkiye react to developments in the region, including #US-backed #terrorist organizations?
By #AdemKılıç, Political Scientist, Türkiye
United World International
Will Israel’s genocidal war spread to Syria?
#BRICS membership for #Türkiye: The bigger world outside of #NATO and the #EU
#RecepErçin, Chairman of the Association of Economic Journalists of Türkiye, evaluated potential economic results of Türkiye’s application and potential membership to BRICS.
#RecepErçin, Chairman of the Association of Economic Journalists of Türkiye, evaluated potential economic results of Türkiye’s application and potential membership to BRICS.
United World International
BRICS membership for Türkiye: The bigger world outside of NATO and the EU
Law on Agents of Foreign Influence: To solidify the home front
#Ankara Center for Crisis and Policy Studies (ANKASAM) is among the prominent institutions which produces national strategies for #Türkiye’s foreign policy.
We asked the chairman Prof. Dr. #MehmetSeyfettinErol about a wide range of issues on the #Caucasus.
#Ankara Center for Crisis and Policy Studies (ANKASAM) is among the prominent institutions which produces national strategies for #Türkiye’s foreign policy.
We asked the chairman Prof. Dr. #MehmetSeyfettinErol about a wide range of issues on the #Caucasus.
United World International
Law on Agents of Foreign Influence: To solidify the home front
The testament and last will of #YahyaSinwar
The leader of #Hamas Yahya Sinwar was martyred by #Israel|i forces.
The images showing #Sinwar fighting until the last drop of his blood deeply affected the people all around the world.
The leader of #Hamas Yahya Sinwar was martyred by #Israel|i forces.
The images showing #Sinwar fighting until the last drop of his blood deeply affected the people all around the world.
United World International
The testament and last will of Yahya Sinwar
Un fonctionnaire de la MINUSCA impliqué dans une tentative de coup d’État au #BurkinaFaso ? #Africa #Africa
Un fonctionnaire de la MINUSCA impliqué dans une tentative de coup d’État au Burkina Faso ? | - Premier site d'info | Portail de référence au Mali depuis 2002. Actualité et infos maliennes en continu: Sports, Faits Divers, Politique, Rad
io FM
io FM
La adhesión de #Turquía a los #BRICS: El mundo más grande fuera de la #OTAN y la #UE
Recep Erçin, Presidente de la Asociación de Periodistas Económicos de Turquía, evaluó los posibles resultados económicos de la solicitud y posible adhesión de Turquía a los BRICS.
Recep Erçin, Presidente de la Asociación de Periodistas Económicos de Turquía, evaluó los posibles resultados económicos de la solicitud y posible adhesión de Turquía a los BRICS.
La adhesión de Turquía a los BRICS: El mundo más grande fuera de la
¿Qué podría significar para Turquía la adhesión a los BRICS? Turquía ha presentado una solicitud oficial de adhesión a los BRICS. Pero, curiosamente desde la distancia, Turquía también es un miembro
The #economic crisis in #Europe and new opportunities for #Turkish Stream and the whole of #Türkiye
By #İhsanSefa (retired colonel, Turkish Armed Forces)
By #İhsanSefa (retired colonel, Turkish Armed Forces)
United World International
The economic crisis in Europe and new opportunities for Turkish Stream and the whole of Türkiye
October 12: “Genocidal and slave owners or heroes and saints”
#Spain and #China: Two different forms of approaching the world.
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
#Spain and #China: Two different forms of approaching the world.
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
United World International
October 12: “Genocidal and slave owners or heroes and saints”
#FETÖ: The child of #CIA
The head of the Fethullah Gülen #Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), #FethullahGülen, has died.
The failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, threw him off balance. He believed that he would govern #Türkiye but ended in a fiasco.
The head of the Fethullah Gülen #Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), #FethullahGülen, has died.
The failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, threw him off balance. He believed that he would govern #Türkiye but ended in a fiasco.
United World International
FETÖ: The child of CIA