#Türkiye to connect new #Kars-#Nakhchivan railway to #Zangezur corridor
Interview with #MehmetPerinçek and #ElshadMammadov
By #SabinaAlizade
https://unitedworldint.com/34922-turkiye-to-connect-new-kars-nakhchivan-railway-to-zangezur-corridor/ #Azerbaijan #Caucasus
Interview with #MehmetPerinçek and #ElshadMammadov
By #SabinaAlizade
https://unitedworldint.com/34922-turkiye-to-connect-new-kars-nakhchivan-railway-to-zangezur-corridor/ #Azerbaijan #Caucasus
United World International
Türkiye to connect new Kars-Nakhchivan railway to Zangezur corridor
The Turkish government's initiative to construct a railway corridor connecting the city of Kars with the border region of Igdır and Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan is in its final preparatory stage.
#France and #Ukraine are organizing a military bloc in #African countries
📌 #Ukrainians have been in Africa for a long time
📌 #Russia’s diplomatic successes and Ukraine’s shadow activities in Africa
📌 #Ukrainian embassies and #French interests
📌 Who besides #Africa could suffer?
📌 #Ukrainians have been in Africa for a long time
📌 #Russia’s diplomatic successes and Ukraine’s shadow activities in Africa
📌 #Ukrainian embassies and #French interests
📌 Who besides #Africa could suffer?
United World International
France and Ukraine are organizing a military bloc in African countries
The Central Committee of the Vatan (Patriotic) Party convened in April 2024 under the chairmanship of Chairman Dr. #DoğuPerinçek and decided on the “Declaration of the National State” and “We are the Pioneer of the National State”.
https://unitedworldint.com/34945-declaration-of-the-national-state-lets-unite-for-the-strong-state-and-the-producing-nation/ #Türkiye #US
https://unitedworldint.com/34945-declaration-of-the-national-state-lets-unite-for-the-strong-state-and-the-producing-nation/ #Türkiye #US
United World International
Declaration of the national state: “Let’s Unite for the Strong State and the Producing Nation”
The Vatan Party Central Committee declaration on Türkiye and the region.
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 #Bahçeli calls for cooperation with #Syria against #terrorism
📌 Controversial change in education system
📌 #Galatasaray is the champion in football
📌 #Bahçeli calls for cooperation with #Syria against #terrorism
📌 Controversial change in education system
📌 #Galatasaray is the champion in football
United World International
Coalition partner Bahçeli calls for cooperation with Syria; Controversial change in education system; Galatasaray is the champion…
On May 23-24, the international “Second Europe-Asia: Dialogue of Civilizations Conference” was held in the #Russia|n city of #Perm on the #Europe-#Asia border.
We present the speech of #ElshadMirbashiroglu, #Azerbaijan|i deputy.
We present the speech of #ElshadMirbashiroglu, #Azerbaijan|i deputy.
United World International
Inter-Civilizational dialogue and the question of security
#Mexico: From the Mayans and the Aztecs to #ClaudiaSheinbaum and the 4th. Transformation
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
United World International
Mexico: From the Mayans and the Aztecs to Claudia Sheinbaum and the 4th. Transformation
Some takeaways for the #European Parliament #elections
📌 4 phenomena across #Europe
📌 Commonalities and differences of nationalists
📌 Commonalities and differences of nationalists
By #AliRızaTaşdelen
📌 4 phenomena across #Europe
📌 Commonalities and differences of nationalists
📌 Commonalities and differences of nationalists
By #AliRızaTaşdelen
United World International
Some takeaways for the European Parliament elections
Bir Cumhurbaşkanının zamansız ölümü, sonuçları ve #İran'ın siyasi geleceği
Bir Cumhurbaşkanının zamansız ölümü, sonuçları ve İran'ın siyasi geleceği
İlkeciler için şehit cumhurbaşkanı Reisi'nin destekçilerini kazanmak önemli bir konu... Cumhurbaşkanlığı adaylığı için Muhammed Bagher Ghalibaf, Saeed Jalili, Parviz Fattah, Mohammad Mokhber, Mehrdad Bazrpash ve Ezzatollah Zarghami gibi isimler konuşuluyor.
#Ukrayna üzerinden devam eden #Rusya ve Batı arasındaki savaşın #Afrika’ya doğru genişliyor. Ukrayna'nın Afrika'da peş peşe büyükelçilikler açmasının arkasında #Fransa olduğu ve asıl amacın Rusya'ya karşı asker toplamak olduğu iddia edildi.
Ukrayna savaşı Afrika’ya yayılıyor: Büyükelçiliklerin perde arkası ne
Ukrayna üzerinden devam eden Rusya ve Batı arasındaki savaşın Afrika’ya doğru genişliyor. Ukrayna'nın Afrika'da peş peşe büyükelçilikler açmasının arkasında Fransa olduğu ve asıl amacın Rusya'ya karşı asker toplamak olduğu iddia edildi.
Dodon’s victory in #Moldova elections could strengthen the friendship between #Chișinău and #Ankara
📌 #Russia|n factor
📌 Development of relations with #Erdogan during #Dodon’s presidency
📌 #Türkiye’s bet on Dodon
📌 #Russia|n factor
📌 Development of relations with #Erdogan during #Dodon’s presidency
📌 #Türkiye’s bet on Dodon
United World International
Dodon’s victory in Moldova elections could strengthen the friendship between Chișinău and Ankara
On May 23-24, the international “Second Europe-Asia: Dialogue of Civilizations Conference” was held in the #Russia|n city of #Perm on the #Europe-#Asia border.
We present the speech of #LuXiaojun, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of #China in the #Russian Federation.
We present the speech of #LuXiaojun, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of #China in the #Russian Federation.
United World International
Xi Jinping’s Global Civilisation Initiative and V.V. Putin’s concept of ‘Russia: State-Civilisation’
Changing international order and #Turkish-#Chinese relations
📌 Behind the scenes of #Fidan’s visit
📌 High-level visit to #Xinjiang after 12 years
📌 “We are on the same page with China on international issues“
By #OrçunGöktürk / #Beijing, #China
https://unitedworldint.com/35005-changing-international-order-and-turkish-chinese-relations/ #Türkiye
📌 Behind the scenes of #Fidan’s visit
📌 High-level visit to #Xinjiang after 12 years
📌 “We are on the same page with China on international issues“
By #OrçunGöktürk / #Beijing, #China
https://unitedworldint.com/35005-changing-international-order-and-turkish-chinese-relations/ #Türkiye
United World International
Changing international order and Turkish-Chinese relations
The #Sahrawi Writers and Journalists Union organized a conference with the theme “A Press Perspective on the Western #Sahara Issue and Developments”. Journalists from numerous countries attended the meeting.
From #Türkiye, #KıvançÖzdal, the Head of Foreign News at Ulusal Kanal TV channel, cameraman #ZaferAlpuğan and Aydınlık Newspaper columnist #AliRızaTaşdelen were present at the meeting.
From #Türkiye, #KıvançÖzdal, the Head of Foreign News at Ulusal Kanal TV channel, cameraman #ZaferAlpuğan and Aydınlık Newspaper columnist #AliRızaTaşdelen were present at the meeting.
United World International
Federation of journalists in solidarity with the Sahrawi cause
#Francia y #Ucrania organizan un bloque militar en países africanos
https://www.elviejotopo.com/topoexpress/ucrania-en-africa/ #Africa
https://www.elviejotopo.com/topoexpress/ucrania-en-africa/ #Africa
El Viejo Topo
Ucrania en África | Geopolítica | El Viejo Topo
Ucrania está intentando contrarrestar la creciente influencia de Rusia en África y acaba de abrir allí diez embajadas, y planea otras diez.
The “#Chinese dragon” is awakening, and the “#American Empire” is tottering in the sands of the Middle East
📌 An economic corridor between #China, North #Africa, the #MiddleEast and #Türkiye
📌 The #Egyptian elite’s vision of China
By #MohamedSabreen
📌 An economic corridor between #China, North #Africa, the #MiddleEast and #Türkiye
📌 The #Egyptian elite’s vision of China
By #MohamedSabreen
United World International
The “Chinese dragon” is awakening, and the “American Empire” is tottering in the sands of the Middle East
Comprehensive look on the relations between the East Asian giant and West Asian countries.
War drums in Europe, #Ukraine conflict spilling over to #Africa and #Türkiye’s BRICS membership
📌 #Europe preparing for war
📌 The #Atlantic era is ending
📌 Preparation for the upcoming #US elections
📌 #BRICS membership: Contribution to world peace
By #MehmetPerinçek
📌 #Europe preparing for war
📌 The #Atlantic era is ending
📌 Preparation for the upcoming #US elections
📌 #BRICS membership: Contribution to world peace
By #MehmetPerinçek
United World International
War drums in Europe, Ukraine conflict spilling over to Africa and Türkiye’s BRICS membership
By taking concrete steps to BRICS, Ankara may contribute to avoid a global war.
On the coup attempt in #Congo, elections in #Chad and developments in the #Sahel
📌 #Europe and #Africa
Interview with Dr. #MohamedTorshin, writer and researcher in the #African affairs.
By #HendSelim
📌 #Europe and #Africa
Interview with Dr. #MohamedTorshin, writer and researcher in the #African affairs.
By #HendSelim
United World International
On the coup attempt in Congo, elections in Chad and developments in the Sahel
#Türkiye will strengthen #BRICS
By #SerhatLatifoğlu
By #SerhatLatifoğlu
United World International
Türkiye will strengthen BRICS
Türkiye should promptly abandon the outdated Western-centric economic model and seize its proper place both in BRICS and the new world economy.
In return for receiving #Turkish #Bayraktar drones, Ukraine attacks the #TurkStream
📌 Using Ukraine to thwart Turkish-#Russia|n relations
📌 “The #US and #Ukraine bombing #Türkiye’s energy security, not metaphorically but literally”
By #AykutDiş
📌 Using Ukraine to thwart Turkish-#Russia|n relations
📌 “The #US and #Ukraine bombing #Türkiye’s energy security, not metaphorically but literally”
By #AykutDiş
United World International
In return for receiving Turkish Bayraktar drones, Ukraine attacks the TurkStream
A new #holocaust in the 21st century: #Zionism threatens the world
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/35068-a-new-holocaust-in-the-21st-century-zionism-threatens-the-world/ #Israel #Palestine #Gaza
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/35068-a-new-holocaust-in-the-21st-century-zionism-threatens-the-world/ #Israel #Palestine #Gaza
United World International
A new holocaust in the 21st century: Zionism threatens the world
The Palestine conflict in its wider context was debated in Venezuela.