The trap in the sale of F-16 to Türkiye
📌 Strategic contradiction between #Türkiye and #NATO
📌 Defense and weapon systems strategically independent of NATO and the #US
📌 More vulnerable to Western and #American threats
By #MehmetPerinçek #Sweden
📌 Strategic contradiction between #Türkiye and #NATO
📌 Defense and weapon systems strategically independent of NATO and the #US
📌 More vulnerable to Western and #American threats
By #MehmetPerinçek #Sweden
United World International
The trap in the sale of F-16 to Türkiye
Why the purchase harms Türkiye's national security interests.
After 25 years the revolution is still standing
By #GeraldinaColotti #LatinAmerica #Venezuela #Chávez
By #GeraldinaColotti #LatinAmerica #Venezuela #Chávez
United World International
After 25 years the revolution is still standing
The month of February has a great importance in the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela. Here's why.
The Schiller Institute has organized in #Paris an international conference titled “#Water for #Peace”.
As UWI, we consider the conference of strategic value and will publish in two parts the notes of #OdileMojon, one of the organizers.
As UWI, we consider the conference of strategic value and will publish in two parts the notes of #OdileMojon, one of the organizers.
United World International
“The Oasis Plan, key to future Israeli-Palestinian peace”
Notes from the Schiller Institute's conference on "Water for Peace", Pt. 1.
Forwarded from NOTICIAS BRAVAS
🌊 “El mayor reto de nuestro tiempo: Hacia el Mare Clausum”
Veamos qué opinan desde Turquía sobre la acción naval de las grandes potencias mundiales en nuestros tiempos.
Veamos qué opinan desde Turquía sobre la acción naval de las grandes potencias mundiales en nuestros tiempos.
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 #ISIS #terrorist attack on church in #Istanbul
📌 Meeting between #İbrahimKalın and #IsmailHaniyeh
📌 Resignation of the Central Bank Governor
📌 #ISIS #terrorist attack on church in #Istanbul
📌 Meeting between #İbrahimKalın and #IsmailHaniyeh
📌 Resignation of the Central Bank Governor
United World International
ISIS terrorist attack on church in Istanbul; Meeting between İbrahim Kalın and Ismail Haniyeh; Resignation of the Central Bank…
Main political events in Türkiye in the last week.
#Turkish drones: A qualitative shift in relations between #Cairo and #Ankara
By #IslamFarag, Reporting from Cairo, #Egypt #Turkiye
By #IslamFarag, Reporting from Cairo, #Egypt #Turkiye
United World International
Turkish drones: A qualitative shift in relations between Cairo and Ankara
Warm winds between Cairo and Ankara ahead of Turkish President Erdoğan's visit to Egypt in mid-February.
The #UnitedStates sends #Ukrainian troops to #Sudan #Africa #Ukraine #US #Africa #Ukraine #US
United World International
The United States sends Ukrainian troops to Sudan
Ukrainian soldiers are cheap, and serve even beyond Ukraine in Washington's struggle against Russia and Türkiye.
#ABD, etinden sütünden yararlanıyor: Ukraynalılar #Afrika'ya... Hedefte o ülke var
ABD, etinden sütünden yararlanıyor: Ukraynalılar Afrika'ya... Hedefte o ülke var
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin Sudan’a Ukraynalı savaşçıları sevk ettiğine dair bir iddia United World International(UWIDATA) analiz sitesinde yer aldı.
The Schiller Institute has organized in #Paris an international conference titled “#Water for Peace”.
As United World International, we consider the conference of strategic value and will publish in two parts the notes of #OdileMojon, one of the organizers. #Africa #JoséMulenda #KarelVereycken #PierreBerthelot #AlainGachet #SébastienDrochon
As United World International, we consider the conference of strategic value and will publish in two parts the notes of #OdileMojon, one of the organizers. #Africa #JoséMulenda #KarelVereycken #PierreBerthelot #AlainGachet #SébastienDrochon
United World International
“Is mutual development around water possible in the Fertile Crescent?”
Notes from the Schiller Institute's conference on "Water for Peace", Pt.2.
Maximilian Krah of the AfD on the #Palestine-#Israel war, the sanctions on #Russia and leaders in #Europe
Interview with Dr #MaximilianKrah, member of the Federal Executive Board of the #AfD, a member of the European Parliament.
Interview with Dr #MaximilianKrah, member of the Federal Executive Board of the #AfD, a member of the European Parliament.
United World International
Maximilian Krah of the AfD on the Palestine-Israel war, the sanctions on Russia and leaders in Europe
Two apples fell from the sky in 1980: One to #China, one to #Türkiye
📌 Turgut to Türkiye, Deng to China
📌 Apprentice at #Mao’s workbench
📌 Türkiye ramping in consumption while China ramping in production
📌 When #Yugoslavia and Eastern #Europe did not fit China
📌 Nationalist society is the foundation!
By #LatifBolat
📌 Turgut to Türkiye, Deng to China
📌 Apprentice at #Mao’s workbench
📌 Türkiye ramping in consumption while China ramping in production
📌 When #Yugoslavia and Eastern #Europe did not fit China
📌 Nationalist society is the foundation!
By #LatifBolat
United World International
Two apples fell from the sky in 1980: One to China, one to Türkiye
A comparison of Türkiye's Turgut Özal and China's Deng Xiaoping
#Washington’s instruction to #Athens: Give the #Russia|n defense system to #Kiev and have your reward!
📌 “#Greece in the arms of the #US”
📌 #Türkiye: The strategic enemy
By #YiğitSaner #Ukraine
📌 “#Greece in the arms of the #US”
📌 #Türkiye: The strategic enemy
By #YiğitSaner #Ukraine
United World International
Washington’s instruction to Athens: Give the Russian defense system to Kiev and have your reward!
On the recent agreement between the U.S. and Greece and a comparison between Athens' and Ankara's stance towards Moscow.
Conclusions from the #Putin-#Carlson interview
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan #Russia #US
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan #Russia #US
United World International
Conclusions from the Putin-Carlson interview
On relations to the West, contradictions within the Atlantic camp and global trends.
Forwarded from NOTICIAS BRAVAS
🇺🇸🇺🇦🇸🇩 UWI: “Estados Unidos envía tropas ucranianas a Sudán”
De tal modo, el gran proxy norteamericano ahora tendría un alcance transcontinental: Veamos los detalles.
De tal modo, el gran proxy norteamericano ahora tendría un alcance transcontinental: Veamos los detalles.
UWI: “Estados Unidos envía tropas ucranianas a Sudán”
De tal modo, el gran proxy norteamericano ahora tendría un alcance transcontinental: Veamos los detalles. En un artículo del sitio de análisis, United World International, hicieron...
Mali is on the verge of a new brutal war with the Tuaregs
📌 #Libyan Tuaregs after the fall of #Gaddafi
📌 #Tuaregs and #Islamists during the 2012 #Mali uprising
📌 #French and Western intervention and the #UN peace agreement
📌 Intensification of separatists after the 2021 coup and the departure of #France
📌 #Libyan Tuaregs after the fall of #Gaddafi
📌 #Tuaregs and #Islamists during the 2012 #Mali uprising
📌 #French and Western intervention and the #UN peace agreement
📌 Intensification of separatists after the 2021 coup and the departure of #France
United World International
Mali is on the verge of a new brutal war with the Tuaregs
“#ABŞ yardım müqabilində #Ukrayna'dan #Sudan'a hərbçi göndərib” #Afrika #Afrika
AzPolitika — onlayn siyasi-ictimai qəzet
“ABŞ yardım müqabilində Ukraynadan Sudana hərbçi göndərib” – Xarici KİV
ABŞ Sudana ukraynalı döyüşçülər göndərib.“” xəbər verir ki, belə bir iddia ilə United World International (UWIDATA) nəşri çıxış edib.İddia olunur ki, 2023-cü ilin avqust ayından etibarən Ukrayna Kəşfiyyat İdarəsinə bağlı xüsusi təyinatlılar…
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek gave a statement to the newspaper of the #Azerbaijani Presidential Administration, “Bakinsky Rabochy” about the results of early presidential elections in #Azerbaijan.
United World International
About the results of the Azerbaijani elections
Interview to newspaper of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration, Bakinsky Rabochy
#Egyptian-#Turkish rapprochement: An important beginning to control the rhythm of the region
📌 A win-win situation
By #IslamFarag, Reporting from #Cairo / #Egypt #Turkiye #Ankara
📌 A win-win situation
By #IslamFarag, Reporting from #Cairo / #Egypt #Turkiye #Ankara
United World International
Egyptian-Turkish rapprochement: An important beginning to control the rhythm of the region
On Wednesday's meeting of the two countries' presindents in Cairo and the path it opens.