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This week in Turkey

📌 Parliamentary motion to extend troop deployment to #Azerbaijan
📌 #Libya|n State High Council Head’s visit to #Turkey
📌 Events on the anniversary #Atatürk’s passing away

The Victory Day of the Turkish war of Independence: Military and political aspects and lessons for today

📌 The victory of all oppressed nations
📌 #Atatürk as a military genius
📌 August 30th and the #Turkish revolution
📌 The impact of imperialism and #NATO
📌 The 1974 #Cyprus peace operation
📌 Millennium Challenge 2002: The biggest military drill of the #US history

By #ŞafakErdem

#Atatürk’s plan for a regional confederation

📌 What did Ataturk say to the Syrian Prime Minister?
📌 Ataturk’s two-step plan
📌 The attempt to deal the final blow to #Syria and its failure

We present the third and last part of our interview with Prof. Dr. #MehmetYuva.

By #ŞafakErdem

https://unitedworldint.com/27882-ataturks-plan-for-a-regional-confederation/ #Türkiye
#Syria’s return to #Arab League “just a matter of time”

📌 #SaudiArabia moved “closer to neutrality in global conflicts”
📌 “Backing armed opposition in the #MiddleEast is way behind us now”
📌#Atatürk departed from #Damascus to found the first #Turkish Republic”
📌 #Syrian-#Turkish relations will “lead to quick solution of #Kurdish problem East of #Euphrates

By #NahedAlHuseini for UWI / Damascus, Syria

Emperyalizme direnen #Mali'den tarihi karar! Fransızca artık resmi dil değil

UWI'nin düzenlediği "Yaptırımlar ve Çok Kutupluluğun Kavşağında Mali" isimli Çalıştay'da Mali Yeniden Yapılandırılma Bakanı İbrahim İkassa Maïga, "Büyük #Atatürk hepimize örnek" demişti.

https://www.ulusal.com.tr/dunya/emperyalizme-direnen-maliden-tarihi-karar-fransizca-artik-resmi-dil-degil-15032937 #Afrika #Fransa
NATO imposes the yoke, but SCO brings freedom and equality

📌 You have to give up sovereignty when joining #NATO and the #EU
📌 NATO is an offensive organization, not a defensive one
📌 Sovereignty is not surrendered in the #BRICS and the #SCO
📌 #China supports SCO and BRICS for shared prosperity
📌 In 1933, #Atatürk heralded: “Harmony and organizations of the age of cooperation”

By #AdnanAkfırat

The 100th anniversary of the Republic of #Türkiye

📌 #Erdoğan’s emphasis: “Century of Türkiye”
📌 #Perinçek: “The first task of the new century is the Production Revolution”
📌 “100 Ships for the 100th Year”
📌 The people embraces the Republic and Mustafa Kemal #Atatürk
📌 Ambassador of #Palestine at the Republic march
