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Anti-#Netanyahu protests in Israel: “It’s an ethnic and cultural conflict”

We talked to #IsrailShamir, one of #Russia’s leading #MiddleEast experts, about the protests in #Israel and the latest developments in the region.

By #OnurSinanGüzaltan

Portraits of politicians – 2: #KemalKılıçdaroğlu

📌 #Kılıçdaroğlu’s weak points
📌 New co-chair candidate for the Greater #MiddleEast Project
📌 Distancing from #Eurasia, loyalty to #NATO
📌 Two sensitive issues: the #PKK and #FethullahGülen Terrorist Organization (#FETÖ)

By #TuncaArslan

#Syria’s return to #Arab League “just a matter of time”

📌 #SaudiArabia moved “closer to neutrality in global conflicts”
📌 “Backing armed opposition in the #MiddleEast is way behind us now”
📌#Atatürk departed from #Damascus to found the first #Turkish Republic”
📌 #Syrian-#Turkish relations will “lead to quick solution of #Kurdish problem East of #Euphrates

By #NahedAlHuseini for UWI / Damascus, Syria

BRICS Dossier

📌 New #BRICS member states: new order or big work ahead?
📌 Resource-rich BRICS needs to boost its #economy first
📌 The #G7 remains too large to forego international trade with them
📌 The #MiddleEast as an emerging BRICS hub?

By #DaveGreen
