The friendship between #Russia and #Türkiye: Making history today and in the future
#DoğuPerinçek, the Chairman of the Vatan Party (Patriotic Party), addressed the State leaders of the #Russian Federation and the youth of Russia at the opening meeting of Russia’s new school year, held in #Moscow on September 1, 2022.
#DoğuPerinçek, the Chairman of the Vatan Party (Patriotic Party), addressed the State leaders of the #Russian Federation and the youth of Russia at the opening meeting of Russia’s new school year, held in #Moscow on September 1, 2022.
United World International
The friendship between Russia and Türkiye: Making history today and in the future
Speech of Vatan Party Chairman Dr. Doğu Perinçek at the traditional opening ceremony of the new school year in Russia with attendance of high-ranking members of the Russian state.
A country at crossroads
📌 Why the #USA is at the crossroads
📌 The milestone of 2017
📌 #Trump’s determination: ‘We have been defeated’
📌 Two Americas
📌 The burgeoning third force
By #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of Vatan Party (#Türkiye)
📌 Why the #USA is at the crossroads
📌 The milestone of 2017
📌 #Trump’s determination: ‘We have been defeated’
📌 Two Americas
📌 The burgeoning third force
By #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of Vatan Party (#Türkiye)
United World International
A country at crossroads
The US heading to the elections – 1.
Choices under arms
📌 What happened to the Dollar as the power of coercion weakened?
📌 The swords are crossed
📌 The struggle to get control over the #Pentagon
📌 New option for the Pentagon
📌 Truth in the media
📌 Armed forces emerging from the votes
By #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of Vatan Party (#Türkiye) #US
📌 What happened to the Dollar as the power of coercion weakened?
📌 The swords are crossed
📌 The struggle to get control over the #Pentagon
📌 New option for the Pentagon
📌 Truth in the media
📌 Armed forces emerging from the votes
By #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of Vatan Party (#Türkiye) #US
United World International
Choices under arms
The US heading to the elections - 2
The historical roots of the Third Path
📌 The winner loses
📌 New option
📌 Historical roots
📌 The historical crossroad
By #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of Vatan Party (#Türkiye)
📌 The winner loses
📌 New option
📌 Historical roots
📌 The historical crossroad
By #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of Vatan Party (#Türkiye)
United World International
The historical roots of the Third Path
The US heading to elections - 3
The common ground of the Organisation of #Turkic states and our policies – Pt. 1
📌 Independence from the Atlantic and friendship with #China and #Russia
📌 The Islamic faith and the background of secularism
By #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of Vatan Party (#Türkiye)
📌 Independence from the Atlantic and friendship with #China and #Russia
📌 The Islamic faith and the background of secularism
By #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of Vatan Party (#Türkiye)
United World International
The common ground of the Organisation of Turkic states and our policies – Pt. 1
In the historical and contemporary context of the organization.
The #US heading to elections 4: The unfortunate coming together
📌 Class or ethnic/religion-based analyses
📌 The role of minorities in power struggles
📌 The Rednecks storming the US Congress
📌 Questioning racist and religious consciousness
By #DoğuPerinçek
📌 Class or ethnic/religion-based analyses
📌 The role of minorities in power struggles
📌 The Rednecks storming the US Congress
📌 Questioning racist and religious consciousness
By #DoğuPerinçek
United World International
The US heading to elections 4: The unfortunate coming together
If the struggle against Neocons succeeds in overcoming ethnic and religious bounderies, a "new beginning" will take off.
The Organization of #Turkic States – Pt. 2: Our policies towards the organization
By #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of Vatan Party (#Türkiye)
By #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of Vatan Party (#Türkiye)
United World International
The Organization of Turkic States – Pt. 2: Our policies towards the organization
The Organization of Turkic States as seen from Ankara within a broader concept of Eurasia
The #US heading to elections 5: The Fake Left is a single nation
📌 Neocons’ special platoon
📌 Fake Leftist Biden crew
📌 The class and global identity of the Fake Left
By #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of Vatan Party (#Türkiye)
📌 Neocons’ special platoon
📌 Fake Leftist Biden crew
📌 The class and global identity of the Fake Left
By #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of Vatan Party (#Türkiye)
United World International
The US heading to elections 5: The Fake Left is a single nation
States that stand up for independence, nations that seek liberation, peoples that make revolution against imperialism: They are one front, a single nation, too!
#DoğuPerinçek: Voting yes to #NATO is voting yes to #PKK and #FETÖ
📌 NATO’s expansion to the East is an expansion towards #Türkiye
📌 You are deputies of the veteran parliament, not of NATO
📌 NATO’s expansion to the East is an expansion towards #Türkiye
📌 You are deputies of the veteran parliament, not of NATO
United World International
Doğu Perinçek: Voting yes to NATO is voting yes to PKK and FETO
Call to the Turkish parliament to reject Finland's NATO membership.
#Iran should be included into the Organization of #Turkic States
Vatan Party Chairman #DoğuPerinçek held a press conference at the Vatan Party Headquarters in Ankara on April 19, 2023 at 13.00 and announced the Decision of the Vatan Party Presidential Board regarding the process of participation of the #Iranian State to the #Turkish States Organization.
Vatan Party Chairman #DoğuPerinçek held a press conference at the Vatan Party Headquarters in Ankara on April 19, 2023 at 13.00 and announced the Decision of the Vatan Party Presidential Board regarding the process of participation of the #Iranian State to the #Turkish States Organization.
United World International
Iran should be included into the Organization of Turkic States
Decision of Vatan Party Presidential Board.
Portraits of politicians 5: #DoğuPerinçek
📌 Anti-imperialism and the Vatan Party
📌 An #election between #Türkiye and the #US
By #TuncaArslan
📌 Anti-imperialism and the Vatan Party
📌 An #election between #Türkiye and the #US
By #TuncaArslan
United World International
Portraits of politicians 5: Doğu Perinçek
Perinçek argues that the people will elect between Türkiye and the United States.
The decisive importance of the alliance between #Russia, #Türkiye, #Iran and #China at the edge of entering the Eurasian Era
United World International continues publishing papers that were presented to the Global Multipolarity Confernce. Today we present the speech of Dr. #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of the Vatan Party (Türkiye) to our readers.
United World International continues publishing papers that were presented to the Global Multipolarity Confernce. Today we present the speech of Dr. #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of the Vatan Party (Türkiye) to our readers.
United World International
The decisive importance of the alliance between Russia, Türkiye, Iran and China at the edge of entering the Eurasian Era
On the frontline in the battle for multipolarity.