Tendencies in #Europe towards distancing from the #US and the possibility of a #nuclear conflict
📌 Europe’s U-turn?
📌 The gateway to nuclear conflict?
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
📌 Europe’s U-turn?
📌 The gateway to nuclear conflict?
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
United World International
Tendencies in Europe towards distancing from the U.S. and the possibility of a nuclear conflict
The Ukraine crisis may soon turn into contradictions and conflicts within the Transatlantic camp.
A current look at the conflict in #Ukraine
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
United World International
A current look at the conflict in Ukraine
Western and Ukrainian resources are drying out - this might be the explanation for their diplomatic trips to China as well.
#ArmenianGenocide propaganda in the film ‘Sabre Dance’
📌 Genocidal #Turks instead of German fascists?
📌 The “evil” pro-#Turkish commissar
📌 The “profound” reasons behind #Khachaturian’s masterpiece
By #MehmetPerinçek
https://unitedworldint.com/8103-armenian-genocide-propaganda-in-the-film-sabre-dance/ #Armenia #Türkiye
📌 Genocidal #Turks instead of German fascists?
📌 The “evil” pro-#Turkish commissar
📌 The “profound” reasons behind #Khachaturian’s masterpiece
By #MehmetPerinçek
https://unitedworldint.com/8103-armenian-genocide-propaganda-in-the-film-sabre-dance/ #Armenia #Türkiye
United World International
Armenian genocide propaganda in the film ‘Sabre Dance’
Last year, a movie called “Sabre Dance” came out about an episode in the life of Aram Khachaturian, a Soviet composer with Armenian roots
Genocide or betrayal: The true story behind the #Armenian question
📌 #Turkish relations with #Armenians in history
📌 What really happened in 1915?
📌 What do the #Ottoman archival documents say?
📌 Why is the term “#Genocide” false?
By #HalimGençoğlu
https://unitedworldint.com/12716-genocide-or-betrayal-the-true-story-behind-the-armenian-question/ #Armenia #Türkiye
📌 #Turkish relations with #Armenians in history
📌 What really happened in 1915?
📌 What do the #Ottoman archival documents say?
📌 Why is the term “#Genocide” false?
By #HalimGençoğlu
https://unitedworldint.com/12716-genocide-or-betrayal-the-true-story-behind-the-armenian-question/ #Armenia #Türkiye
United World International
Genocide or betrayal: The true story behind the Armenian question
The Armenian deportation of 1915 is one of the most politicized historical questions in the field and public sphere
Enver, Jamal and Halil Pashas in the eyes of an #Armenian #Communist
"The correspondence and reports, which were marked as “top secret”, belonging to the communist leaders like #Lenin, #Stalin, #Kirov, #Karinian, #Myasnikian, #Borian, #Lalaian reveal that what happened in 1915 was not a #genocide but mutual bloodshed."
By #MehmetPerinçek
https://unitedworldint.com/17873-enver-jamal-and-halil-pashas-in-the-eyes-of-an-armenian-communist/ #Armenia #Türkiye
"The correspondence and reports, which were marked as “top secret”, belonging to the communist leaders like #Lenin, #Stalin, #Kirov, #Karinian, #Myasnikian, #Borian, #Lalaian reveal that what happened in 1915 was not a #genocide but mutual bloodshed."
By #MehmetPerinçek
https://unitedworldint.com/17873-enver-jamal-and-halil-pashas-in-the-eyes-of-an-armenian-communist/ #Armenia #Türkiye
United World International
Enver, Jamal and Halil Pashas in the eyes of an Armenian Communist
Historic document revealed: The letter of Gessirian, an Armenian Communist, to the Soviet Government 1921.
The “#Turkish” Zelensky
📌 #Erdoğan guided by necessities instead of choices
📌 Will #Kılıçdaroğlu become the #Zelensky of #Türkiye?
📌 #Russia and #China recognize that the #US is investing in the six-party alliance
By Dr. #BessamAbuAbdullah
📌 #Erdoğan guided by necessities instead of choices
📌 Will #Kılıçdaroğlu become the #Zelensky of #Türkiye?
📌 #Russia and #China recognize that the #US is investing in the six-party alliance
By Dr. #BessamAbuAbdullah
United World International
The “Turkish” Zelensky
A view from Syria on Turkish elections.
#Russian politician Mironov: “Every #NATO country except #Türkiye is our enemy”
Interview with #SergeyMironov, President of the political party Just #Russia, deputy of the Duma
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
Interview with #SergeyMironov, President of the political party Just #Russia, deputy of the Duma
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
United World International
Russian politician Mironov: “Every NATO country except Türkiye is our enemy”
Former President of the Federal Council of the Russian Federation spoke to UWI: "We are deploying tactical nuclear bombs to Belarus in retaliation to NATO aggression."
#Ukraine and #Russia reach unofficial agreement in #Istanbul
By #MehmetPerinçek
By #MehmetPerinçek
United World International
Ukraine and Russia reach unofficial agreement in Istanbul
UWI discloses full text of Finnish-mediated agreement on ceasefire and the start of negotations.
Elections in #Türkiye
📌 Government and opposition send messages to the #US
📌 Attacks on #CHP leader and presidential candidate #KemalKılıçdaroğlu
📌 Vatan Party’s call to the #Turkic world regarding #Iran
📌 Government and opposition send messages to the #US
📌 Attacks on #CHP leader and presidential candidate #KemalKılıçdaroğlu
📌 Vatan Party’s call to the #Turkic world regarding #Iran
United World International
Government and opposition send messages to the U.S.; Attack on oppositional candidate; Vatan Party proposal regarding Iran
Last week's main political events in Türkiye heading to elections
Tendencias en #Europa hacia el distanciamiento con #EEUU y la posibilidad de un conflicto #nuclear
Por #OnurSinanGüzaltan
Por #OnurSinanGüzaltan
Pia Global
Tendencias en Europa hacia el distanciamiento con EEUU y la posibilidad de un conflicto nuclear - Pia Global
Por Onur Sinan Güzaltan* - Sólo el tiempo pondrá a prueba hasta qué punto los líderes europeos respaldarán sus palabras con hechos.
#Türkiye, #Russia and #China must resist #US plans in #Sudan
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the #Russian news agency RIA Novosti about the situation in Sudan.
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the #Russian news agency RIA Novosti about the situation in Sudan.
United World International
Türkiye, Russia and China must resist U.S. plans in Sudan
Interview to Russian news agency Ria Novosti on the situation in Sudan
#Türkiye’s challenges and the lack of comprehensive political programs
Interview with #YunusSoner
By #OscarRotundo
Interview with #YunusSoner
By #OscarRotundo
United World International
Türkiye’s challenges and the lack of comprehensive political programs
Interview to Argentine website Pia Global.
5 differences between #Macron and #Baerbock
📌 Emphasis on not being dependent on the #US
📌 Positive tone on #Ukrainian issue
📌 No specific warning on #Taiwan
By #ŞafakErdem
📌 Emphasis on not being dependent on the #US
📌 Positive tone on #Ukrainian issue
📌 No specific warning on #Taiwan
By #ŞafakErdem
United World International
5 differences between Macron and Baerbock
A comparison of their stances in regards to Eurasian issues.
China-Russia cooperation in the construction of a new world
📌 The end of the liberal-globalist system
📌 Building a multi-polar world
📌 The #US’s lost war
📌 The strategy of distancing #China and #Russia from each other did not work
📌 End of dollar rule and sanctions
By #MehmetPerinçek
📌 The end of the liberal-globalist system
📌 Building a multi-polar world
📌 The #US’s lost war
📌 The strategy of distancing #China and #Russia from each other did not work
📌 End of dollar rule and sanctions
By #MehmetPerinçek
United World International
China-Russia cooperation in the construction of a new world
Dimensions of the alliance, its consequences for the global order and opportunities for Türkiye.
#Vietnam: 48 years after the defeat of #US imperialism
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
United World International
Vietnam: 48 years after the defeat of US imperialism
The decisive "Ho Chi Minh Campaign" concluded on May 1.
#Rus siyasetçi Mironov: #Türkiye dışında bütün #NATO üyeleri düşmanımız
Rus siyasetçi Mironov: Türkiye dışında bütün NATO üyeleri düşmanımız
Adil Rusya Partisi Genel Başkanı ve Duma Milletvekili Sergey Mironov, Türkiye-Rusya ilişkileri, Ukrayna’daki savaşın gidişatı, Çin’e bakışları, Avrupa’daki gelişmeler, Avrasya coğrafyası ve Wagner’in Rusya siyasetindeki yeriyle ilgili sorulara yanıt verdi.
#Ucrania y #Rusia alcanzan un acuerdo no oficial en #Estambul
Por #MehmetPerinçek
Por #MehmetPerinçek
Pia Global
Ucrania y Rusia alcanzan un acuerdo no oficial en Estambul - Pia Global
Por Mehmet Perinçek* - Es difícil predecir si estas conversaciones y el acuerdo preliminar conducirán a un resultado final. Sin embargo, no sería sorprendente que se iniciaran negociaciones abiertas entre ambos países en los próximos tiempos.
Komsomolskaya Pravda Gazetesi Uluslararası Editör Yardımcısı #EdvardChesnokov, #ABD’nin transatlantik veri kablolarını kesmeyi planladığını yazdı.
İstihbarat kaynakları: ABD, transatlantik veri kablolarını kesmeyi planlıyor
Komsomolskaya Pravda Gazetesi Uluslararası Editör Yardımcısı Edvard Chesnokov, ABD’nin transatlantik veri kablolarını kesmeyi planladığını yazdı.