Atlanticists, moderate imperialists, nationalists and #Eurasia (Pt. 2)
📌 The project: #Europe as an independent power between #America and #Asia
📌 The moderate imperialist’s worth as seen from #Turkey
Op-ed by #GökhanDağtekin
📌 The project: #Europe as an independent power between #America and #Asia
📌 The moderate imperialist’s worth as seen from #Turkey
Op-ed by #GökhanDağtekin
United World International
Atlanticists, moderate imperialists, nationalists and Eurasia (Pt. 2)
Part 2 the review of Schröder's book and a general discussion of European forces with a Eurasian point of view.
The #UnitedStates, #France, and the #UnitedArabEmirates (#UAE) have jointly started to create a new zone of instability in Southern #Libya.
📌 #America’s goals
📌 The position of France and the UAE
📌 Dangerous developments in #Africa
By #ErkinFeyyazEşli
📌 #America’s goals
📌 The position of France and the UAE
📌 Dangerous developments in #Africa
By #ErkinFeyyazEşli
United World International
The US’, France and UAE’s destabilizing operation
The danger in southern Libya
Perspectives of conflict and cooperation between the Islamic Republic of #Iran and #America (Pt. 1/2)
By Dr. Seyed Asadolah Athary Maryan, Professor for political science and international relations at the Tehran and Gazvin Universities
Translated by #SeyidAliGaemmagami and #YunusSoner
By Dr. Seyed Asadolah Athary Maryan, Professor for political science and international relations at the Tehran and Gazvin Universities
Translated by #SeyidAliGaemmagami and #YunusSoner
United World International
Perspectives of conflict and cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and America (Pt. 1/2)
An extensive analysis of Iranian-American relations
Perspectives of conflict and cooperation between the Islamic Republic of #Iran and #America (Pt. 2/2)
By Dr. Seyed Asadolah Athary Maryan, Professor for political science and international relations at the Tehran and Gazvin Universities
Translated by #SeyidAliGaemmagami and #YunusSoner
By Dr. Seyed Asadolah Athary Maryan, Professor for political science and international relations at the Tehran and Gazvin Universities
Translated by #SeyidAliGaemmagami and #YunusSoner
United World International
Perspectives of conflict and cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and America (Pt. 2/2)
An extensive analysis of Iranian-American relations.
The #Crimea Platform – A trap for #Turkey
📌 “#America’s children”
📌 Participation of #EmineErdoğan
📌 Fingerprints of #FETÖ
📌 Opportunities in front of Turkey #Ukraine #US #Russia
📌 “#America’s children”
📌 Participation of #EmineErdoğan
📌 Fingerprints of #FETÖ
📌 Opportunities in front of Turkey #Ukraine #US #Russia
United World International
The Crimea Platform – A trap for Turkey
The US is preparing by using the the FETO a new trap for Turkish-Russian relations over the issue of Crimea
#LatinAmerica and the #Caribbean: rising post-#pandemic migration pressure
📌 The Northern Triangle
📌 #Africa-#America
📌 #Mexico, a nodal player
📌 #Trump-#Biden
📌 #Haitian migration
By #FacundoEscobar
📌 The Northern Triangle
📌 #Africa-#America
📌 #Mexico, a nodal player
📌 #Trump-#Biden
📌 #Haitian migration
By #FacundoEscobar
United World International
Latin America and the Caribbean: rising post-pandemic migration pressure
Besides of Latin Americans, a growing number of Asians are also heading towards the US.
“#US prepares for Cold War in #LatinAmerica”
Argentinian President #AlbertoFernandez has concluded his visit to #Russia and #China. United World International expert #YunusSoner spoke on the visit and its repercussions in Latin #America and the reactions from #Washington to China Radio International #Turkey. Soner said that Fernandez’ visit caused “a series of small political earthquakes”.
We present the interview as published by CRI Türk.
Argentinian President #AlbertoFernandez has concluded his visit to #Russia and #China. United World International expert #YunusSoner spoke on the visit and its repercussions in Latin #America and the reactions from #Washington to China Radio International #Turkey. Soner said that Fernandez’ visit caused “a series of small political earthquakes”.
We present the interview as published by CRI Türk.
United World International
“US prepares for Cold War in Latin America”
UWI expert Soner's interview to CRI Turk on Argentina joining the Belt and Road and the US reaction.
#Ukraine crisis – Opening of Pandora’s box
📌 #America’s actions resemble those of #Hitler after being defeated in #Stalingrad
📌 #US has lost its position as ‘global leader’
📌 The European Union is based on imperialist traditions of #European capitalism
📌 America is #Europe’s deadly enemy
📌 #Putin’s efforts to preserve the humanist heritage of Orthodox Christianity
By #LjubodragSimonović / Belgrade, Serbia #Russia
📌 #America’s actions resemble those of #Hitler after being defeated in #Stalingrad
📌 #US has lost its position as ‘global leader’
📌 The European Union is based on imperialist traditions of #European capitalism
📌 America is #Europe’s deadly enemy
📌 #Putin’s efforts to preserve the humanist heritage of Orthodox Christianity
By #LjubodragSimonović / Belgrade, Serbia #Russia
United World International
Ukraine crisis – Opening of Pandora’s box
What the crisis has revealed on a bigger scope: the decay of the American Empire
The hypocrite civilization has already decided in your name
Has anyone demanded from #American artists to “express themselves for peace” in face of #America’s brutal occupations and massacres?
By #CanerKaravit #US #EU #Russia #Ukraine
Has anyone demanded from #American artists to “express themselves for peace” in face of #America’s brutal occupations and massacres?
By #CanerKaravit #US #EU #Russia #Ukraine
United World International
The hypocrite civilization has already decided in your name
Of course, Western art institutions will eventually step back from this mistake of cultural segregation. However, its shame will remain as a black stain on them.
Las Segovias, Playa Girón, Mar del Plata and now Los Angeles?
📌 They believe it to be the “#America of the #UnitedStates”
📌 New manifestation of American hegemony: Exclus,on of #Cuba, #Venezuela and #Nicaragua
By #SergioRodriguezGelfenstein
📌 They believe it to be the “#America of the #UnitedStates”
📌 New manifestation of American hegemony: Exclus,on of #Cuba, #Venezuela and #Nicaragua
By #SergioRodriguezGelfenstein
United World International
Las Segovias, Playa Girón, Mar del Plata and now Los Angeles?
The upcoming Summit of the Americas may become the scene of a new defeat for US claims of hegemony.
The #UnitedStates of #America have suffered unseen diplomatic defeats in the Summit of the Americas they hosted from June 6 to 10 in #LosAngeles. A number of presidents refused to follow the #US invitation.
📌 Declaration on migration
By #YunusSoner
📌 Declaration on migration
By #YunusSoner
United World International
The summit of decline
On the Summit of the Americas...
Allies that hurt #America
The author, #DougBandow, a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and former Special Assistant to President #RonaldReagan, describes the escape of these three countries from #US control and calls #Washington to recalibrate relations with them.
We present the article as published by the American Conservative.
The author, #DougBandow, a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and former Special Assistant to President #RonaldReagan, describes the escape of these three countries from #US control and calls #Washington to recalibrate relations with them.
We present the article as published by the American Conservative.
United World International
Allies that hurt America
Argues in the American Conservative: "Our so-called alliances with Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Türkiye demand re-evaluation."
“Arming #Cyprus is the next step to deterring #Putin and #Erdogan”
Whom will the #US weapons sent to the island target?
An answer is provided by Mark I. Fox and Ari Cicurel in a recent article published on thehill .com. Fox has (ret.) served as deputy commander, #UnitedStates Central Command and is a member of the Jewish Institute for National Security of #America’s (JINSA) Eastern #Mediterranean and Abraham Accords policy projects. Ari Cicurel is a senior policy analyst at JINSA.
Whom will the #US weapons sent to the island target?
An answer is provided by Mark I. Fox and Ari Cicurel in a recent article published on thehill .com. Fox has (ret.) served as deputy commander, #UnitedStates Central Command and is a member of the Jewish Institute for National Security of #America’s (JINSA) Eastern #Mediterranean and Abraham Accords policy projects. Ari Cicurel is a senior policy analyst at JINSA.
United World International
“Arming Cyprus is the next step to deterring Putin and Erdogan”
Opinion piece published in The Hill debating US' decision to lift arms embargo against South Cyprus.
Sanctions against #Russia or war against #Europe?
📌 The objective result of the sanctions for Europe
📌 Was #CharlesDeGaulle “#Putin’s agent”?
📌 The “deep” #America|n strategy
By #DimitrisKonstantakopoulos
📌 The objective result of the sanctions for Europe
📌 Was #CharlesDeGaulle “#Putin’s agent”?
📌 The “deep” #America|n strategy
By #DimitrisKonstantakopoulos
United World International
Sanctions against Russia or war against Europe?
Trotsky's visionary text, Kautsky's Ultra-Imperialism, the struggles of De Gaulle and Brandt and Europe's current fight for survival in face of American domination.
Lights, grays and shadows of the CELAC Summit
📌 Lincoln’s #America vs. Juárez’ America
📌 #Chávez and the birth of CELAC
📌 The Summit in #BuenosAires
📌 #CELAC needs an institutional body
📌 Collective leadership of the region
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
📌 Lincoln’s #America vs. Juárez’ America
📌 #Chávez and the birth of CELAC
📌 The Summit in #BuenosAires
📌 #CELAC needs an institutional body
📌 Collective leadership of the region
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
United World International
Lights, grays and shadows of the CELAC Summit
History and perspective of Latin American integration.