Another failed attempt to disrupt #Russia|n operation rhythm
UWI author political scientist #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan was guest to #Turkish TV channel Ulusal Kanal. GĂĽzaltan shared his views on the questions on #Kursk and afterward. #Ukraine #US #UK
UWI author political scientist #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan was guest to #Turkish TV channel Ulusal Kanal. GĂĽzaltan shared his views on the questions on #Kursk and afterward. #Ukraine #US #UK
United World International
Another failed attempt to disrupt Russian operation rhythm
#Nasrallah’s death – #Türkiye and #Iran should form a regional bloc against #Israel
Israel struck #Hezbollah’s headquarters. Hezbollah’s leader, #HassanNasrallah, was martyred in the attack. UWI author, political scientist #OnurSinanGüzaltan was a guest on Türkiye’s Ulusal Kanal TV channel.
Israel struck #Hezbollah’s headquarters. Hezbollah’s leader, #HassanNasrallah, was martyred in the attack. UWI author, political scientist #OnurSinanGüzaltan was a guest on Türkiye’s Ulusal Kanal TV channel.
United World International
Nasrallah’s death – Türkiye and Iran should form a regional bloc against Israel
#Russia-#Israel: Towards an open war?
Recent events show increasing tension and even a tendency towards open confrontation.
By #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan
Recent events show increasing tension and even a tendency towards open confrontation.
By #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan
United World International
Russia-Israel: Towards an open war?
Does the #Biden administration want to go to war with #Russia?
Interview to #Turkish TV Channel Ulusal Kanal.
By #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan #US #Trump
Interview to #Turkish TV Channel Ulusal Kanal.
By #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan #US #Trump
United World International
Does the Biden administration want to go to war with Russia?
“Devrimci muhafazakâr” #Trump’ın yeni dönemi ve sorular
#OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan #ABD
#OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan #ABD
“Devrimci muhafazakâr” Trump’ın yeni dönemi ve sorular | Kitalararasi
Onur Sinan Güzaltan Donald Trump, ABD’nin yeni başkanı seçildi. Dünya, yeni Trump döneminin ne getireceğini tartışıyor. İlk dönemindeki siyasetleri, seçim kampanyasındaki söylemleri ve yönetim kadrosundaki isimlere dayanarak, Trump’ın ABD dış politikasında…
Via #Syria, #US and #Israel are trying to spread sectarian conflict to the region
UWI author political scientist #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan was guest to #Russia Today France. GĂĽzaltan answered the question on the recent developments in Syria.
UWI author political scientist #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan was guest to #Russia Today France. GĂĽzaltan answered the question on the recent developments in Syria.
United World International
Via Syria, US and Israel are trying to spread sectarian conflict to the region
Who is winning in #Syria?
A balance for regional actors and a look ahead.
By #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan
A balance for regional actors and a look ahead.
By #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan
United World International
Who is winning in Syria?
The #US’s role in the #Ukrainian attack on the #TurkStream
UWI authors #MehmetPerinçek and #OnurSinanGüzaltan evaluated the Ukrainian army’s drone attack on the TurkStream Natural Gas Pipeline for the #Russia|n newspaper Izvestia. #TĂĽrkiye
UWI authors #MehmetPerinçek and #OnurSinanGüzaltan evaluated the Ukrainian army’s drone attack on the TurkStream Natural Gas Pipeline for the #Russia|n newspaper Izvestia. #TĂĽrkiye
United World International
The US’s role in the Ukrainian attack on the TurkStream
What’s happening in #Turkish politics?
The domestic “democratic initiative” comes along with a tilt towards the West in the “policy of balance”.
By #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan #TĂĽrkiye
The domestic “democratic initiative” comes along with a tilt towards the West in the “policy of balance”.
By #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan #TĂĽrkiye
United World International
What’s happening in Turkish politics?
El papel de #EEUU en el ataque #ucraniano al #TurkStream
PIA Global comparte la entrevista a #MehmetPerinçek y #OnurSinanGüzaltan al diario ruso Izvestia.
PIA Global comparte la entrevista a #MehmetPerinçek y #OnurSinanGüzaltan al diario ruso Izvestia.
Pia Global
El papel de EEUU en el ataque ucraniano al TurkStream - Pia Global
PIA Global comparte la entrevista a Mehmet Perinçek y Onur Sinan Güzaltan al diario ruso Izvestia.
Le rôle des #ÉtatsUnis dans l'attaque ukrainienne contre #TurkStream
Interview de #MehmetPerinçek et #OnurSinanGüzaltan au quotidien russe Izvestia
Interview de #MehmetPerinçek et #OnurSinanGüzaltan au quotidien russe Izvestia
Le rôle des États-Unis dans l'attaque ukrainienne contre TurkStream - Terre et Peuple - Résistance Identitaire Européenne
Terre et Peuple, Association Culturelle identitaire Enracinée. Rejoignez la Résistance Identitaire Européenne.
A new Yalta in the end?
Possible consequences for #Europe, the #MiddleEast and #China.
By #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan
Possible consequences for #Europe, the #MiddleEast and #China.
By #OnurSinanGĂĽzaltan
United World International
A new Yalta in the end?