Western countries decide who will take power away from #Zelensky
https://unitedworldint.com/32554-western-countries-decide-who-will-take-power-away-from-zelensky/ #Ukraine #Russia
https://unitedworldint.com/32554-western-countries-decide-who-will-take-power-away-from-zelensky/ #Ukraine #Russia
United World International
Western countries decide who will take power away from Zelensky
The USA, the EU and the UK have their own candidates who could take away part of the Ukrainian president's power.
İsrailli milletvekili, savaşın perde arkasını ortaya koyuyor
United World International'da #İsrail'de olup bitenleri gün ışığına çıkaran çok önemli bir röportaj yayımlandı. #YunusSoner'in İsrail Parlamentosu milletvekili #OferCassif ile söyleşisi savaşın yönü, #Netanyahu'nun durumu ve İsrail halkının görüşlerine dair bilinmeyenleri ortaya koyuyor.
United World International'da #İsrail'de olup bitenleri gün ışığına çıkaran çok önemli bir röportaj yayımlandı. #YunusSoner'in İsrail Parlamentosu milletvekili #OferCassif ile söyleşisi savaşın yönü, #Netanyahu'nun durumu ve İsrail halkının görüşlerine dair bilinmeyenleri ortaya koyuyor.
İsrailli milletvekili, savaşın perde arkasını ortaya koyuyor
United World International'da İsrail'de olup bitenleri gün ışığına çıkaran çok önemli bir röportaj yayımlandı. Yunus Soner'in İsrail Parlamentosu milletvekili Ofer Cassif ile söyleşisi savaşın yönü, Netanyahu'nun durumu ve İsrail halkının görüşlerine dair…
#Venezuela’s referendum against #US-led attacks in territorial dispute with neighboring #Guyana
📌 US disrupts bilateral negotiations
📌 International court “can’t decide” over Venezuelan territory
📌 The example of PetroCaribe
By #YunusSoner
📌 US disrupts bilateral negotiations
📌 International court “can’t decide” over Venezuelan territory
📌 The example of PetroCaribe
By #YunusSoner
United World International
Venezuela’s referendum against US-led attacks in territorial dispute with neighboring Guyana
Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez explains background of the dispute.
#DavidArakhamia, head of the parliamentary faction of the Servant of the People party in #Ukraine, in an interview he gave a few days ago, actually blamed President #Zelensky and former British Prime Minister #BorisJohnson for #Kyiv’s refusal to resolve the conflict diplomatically.
United World International (UWI) author #MehmetPerinçek commented on the Ukrainian official’s words for UWI:
United World International (UWI) author #MehmetPerinçek commented on the Ukrainian official’s words for UWI:
United World International
US-UK dispute in Ukraine?
Türkiye should focus on Cyprus and take its place in Eurasia.
Israel’s wiretapping in Southern Cyprus
📌 The key role of Southern #Cyprus
📌 The agreements between the #US, the #UK and #Israel
📌 Threat to the sovereignty of the #Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
By #FikretAkfırat
📌 The key role of Southern #Cyprus
📌 The agreements between the #US, the #UK and #Israel
📌 Threat to the sovereignty of the #Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
By #FikretAkfırat
United World International
Israel’s wiretapping in Southern Cyprus
The cooperation between the US, the UK and Israel poses a serious threat to the Turkish military presence in and the sovereignty of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Speaking to Israeli television, #RonenBar, the chef of Shin Bet, one of three major security and intelligence organizations in the country, said #Israel is determined to kill Hamas’s leaders “in every location, in #Gaza, in the #WestBank, in #Lebanon, in #Türkiye, in #Qatar, everyone.”
Interview with #İsmailHakkıPekin retired Lieutenant General
Interview with #İsmailHakkıPekin retired Lieutenant General
United World International
“West Asia should follow example of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization”
Israeli threats to assasinate Hamas leaders in Türkiye are serious and the only way to stop Israel and convince the US is to establish a balancing regional counterforce. coun
Which plans of #Washington did #Baku foil?
By #FadilPashayev
https://unitedworldint.com/32593-which-plans-of-washington-did-baku-foil/ #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Caucasus #US
By #FadilPashayev
https://unitedworldint.com/32593-which-plans-of-washington-did-baku-foil/ #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Caucasus #US
United World International
Which plans of Washington did Baku foil?
The United States desired to put on "Syrian clothes" on the Caucasus.
Tarihi referandum! ABD’ye karşı halk seferberliği
#Venezuela dün halk oylamasına gitti. Konu, Guyana Esequibo'sunun ülkeye katılması. Referandum, #ABD'nin #Guyana üzerinden Venezuela'nın kara ve deniz yetki alanına müdahalesine yanıt niteliği taşıyor
https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/tarihi-referandum-abdye-karsi-halk-seferberligi-437747 #YunusSoner
#Venezuela dün halk oylamasına gitti. Konu, Guyana Esequibo'sunun ülkeye katılması. Referandum, #ABD'nin #Guyana üzerinden Venezuela'nın kara ve deniz yetki alanına müdahalesine yanıt niteliği taşıyor
https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/tarihi-referandum-abdye-karsi-halk-seferberligi-437747 #YunusSoner
Tarihi referandum! ABD’ye karşı halk seferberliği
Venezuela dün halk oylamasına gitti. Konu, Guyana Esequibo'sunun ülkeye katılması. Referandum, ABD'nin Guyana üzerinden Venezuela'nın kara ve deniz yetki alanına müdahalesine yanıt niteliği taşıyor
Guayana Esequibo: Geoeconomics of an occupation
📌 #LatinAmerica as the epicenter of a “new” geopolicts of oil
By #IreneLéon
https://unitedworldint.com/32599-guayana-esequibo-geoeconomics-of-an-occupation/ #Venezuela #US
📌 #LatinAmerica as the epicenter of a “new” geopolicts of oil
By #IreneLéon
https://unitedworldint.com/32599-guayana-esequibo-geoeconomics-of-an-occupation/ #Venezuela #US
United World International
Guayana Esequibo: Geoeconomics of an occupation
And the central role of ExxonMobil in it.
From #Bolívar to #Chávez: 200 years later, the enemy is the same
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/32608-from-bolivar-to-chavez-200-years-later-the-enemy-is-the-same/ #Venezuela
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/32608-from-bolivar-to-chavez-200-years-later-the-enemy-is-the-same/ #Venezuela
United World International
From Bolívar to Chávez: 200 years later, the enemy is the same
The recent conflict around Guayana Esequibo is just the last chapter of an older and wider conflict. Here's why.
Intelligence spat between the #US and #Spain
Interview with #NuñoRodríguez, Spanish political scientist and analyst
Interview with #NuñoRodríguez, Spanish political scientist and analyst
United World International
Intelligence spat between the US and Spain
Spanish political scientist Nuño Rodríguez on the background of the crisis.
#India’s Role as a Peace Mediator in these Critical Times
The Schiller Institute has organized on July 8 and 9 an international conference titled “On the Verge of a New World War – European Nations Must Cooperate” in #France.
We present the speech held by #MrutyuanjaiMishra. Mr. Mishra is is an author and journalist, India.
The Schiller Institute has organized on July 8 and 9 an international conference titled “On the Verge of a New World War – European Nations Must Cooperate” in #France.
We present the speech held by #MrutyuanjaiMishra. Mr. Mishra is is an author and journalist, India.
United World International
India’s Role as a Peace Mediator in these Critical Times
The speech of Mrutyuanjai Mishra, Indian journalist and author, on on the Schiller Institute's conference.
Is World War III an unavoidable threat?
📌 Inevitability? The present rules-based order
📌 Hope against fatalism: The global shift
By #JacquesCheminade, president of the French political party Solidarité et Progrès
https://unitedworldint.com/32625-is-world-war-iii-an-unavoidable-threat/ #China #Russia #US #Israel
📌 Inevitability? The present rules-based order
📌 Hope against fatalism: The global shift
By #JacquesCheminade, president of the French political party Solidarité et Progrès
https://unitedworldint.com/32625-is-world-war-iii-an-unavoidable-threat/ #China #Russia #US #Israel
United World International
Is World War III an unavoidable threat?
Dangers ahead of mankind and forces to fight them.
The #UN “has become colony of the #US” – needs urgent reform
We had the chance to interview #HansVonSponeck. Von Sponeck worked for 30 years in the UN, has become Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Assistance, leading the Oil-for-Food-Program in #Iraq.
By #YunusSoner
We had the chance to interview #HansVonSponeck. Von Sponeck worked for 30 years in the UN, has become Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Assistance, leading the Oil-for-Food-Program in #Iraq.
By #YunusSoner
United World International
The UN “has become colony of the US” – needs urgent reform
Interview with former Assistant Secretary-General of the UN, Hans von Sponeck.
La quiebra de la política africana de #Francia
Por #AliRızaTaşdelen
Por #AliRızaTaşdelen
Pia Global
La quiebra de la política africana de Francia - Pia Global
Por Ali Riza Taşdelen* - La Asamblea Nacional francesa se reunió con África en el orden del día y se debatieron los últimos 10 años de relaciones entre Francia y África.
#Italy “chose the old order”
The #Italian government has announced to end its participation in the Chinese Belt and Road Project.
UWI author #FabrizioVerde commented in an interview with #TolgaDişçi on Italy’s reasons to exit the initiative.
https://unitedworldint.com/32638-italy-chose-the-old-order/ #China
The #Italian government has announced to end its participation in the Chinese Belt and Road Project.
UWI author #FabrizioVerde commented in an interview with #TolgaDişçi on Italy’s reasons to exit the initiative.
https://unitedworldint.com/32638-italy-chose-the-old-order/ #China
United World International
Italy “chose the old order”
On the country's decision to withdraw from the Belt and Road Initiative
Los países occidentales deciden quién arrebatará el poder a #Zelensky
https://noticiaspia.com/los-paises-occidentales-deciden-quien-arrebatara-el-poder-a-zelensky/ #Ucrania
https://noticiaspia.com/los-paises-occidentales-deciden-quien-arrebatara-el-poder-a-zelensky/ #Ucrania
Pia Global
Los países occidentales deciden quién arrebatará el poder a Zelensky - Pia Global
PIA Global comparte el análisis de United World International acerca de la disputa entre los líderes occidentales por la salida a la crisis interna en Ucrania.
The US fears the collapse of Israel
📌 Causes of the crack between the #US and #Israel
📌 US Efforts to Save Israel from Destruction
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
📌 Causes of the crack between the #US and #Israel
📌 US Efforts to Save Israel from Destruction
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
United World International
The US fears the collapse of Israel
Israel is losing while winning, in fact, commiting a suicide.
Saving #Israel by sacrificing #Netanyahu
📌 What is behind?
📌 The #US all isolated
📌 The dilemma of the US and the success of #Hamas
By #FikretAkfırat
https://unitedworldint.com/32649-saving-israel-by-sacrificing-netanyahu/ #Palestine #Gaza
📌 What is behind?
📌 The #US all isolated
📌 The dilemma of the US and the success of #Hamas
By #FikretAkfırat
https://unitedworldint.com/32649-saving-israel-by-sacrificing-netanyahu/ #Palestine #Gaza
United World International
Saving Israel by sacrificing Netanyahu
It is becoming more and more difficult for Washington to keep its traditional allies aligned with its stance on Israel.