Recent Middle Eastern Meetings: Each marching to the beat of their own drum
By #IslamFarag #Egypt #Israel #US
By #IslamFarag #Egypt #Israel #US
United World International
Recent Middle Eastern Meetings: Each marching to the beat of their own drum
A view from Cairo on the recent diplomatic traffic in the region.
«El concepto de Estado garante no es realista ni factible»
Por #Elifİlhamoğlu en entrevista con el ex embajador turco #UluçÖzülker.
Por #Elifİlhamoğlu en entrevista con el ex embajador turco #UluçÖzülker.
Pia Global
"El concepto de Estado garante no es realista ni factible" - Pia Global
Por Elif İlhamoğlu* en entrevista con el ex embajador turco Uluç Özülker. Este enfrentamiento entre Estados Unidos y Rusia es un riesgo para todo el mundo. Y esto tiene que terminar en paz. Turquía aparece como el país que puede poner fin a esto en circunstancias…
The #French people against the shadow of the #UnitedStates
📌 The rise of anti-#NATO candidates
📌 Neo-liberal center losing power: electing #Macron will only be a Pyrrhus victory
📌 Transition between #LePen and #Mélenchon voters
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan #France
📌 The rise of anti-#NATO candidates
📌 Neo-liberal center losing power: electing #Macron will only be a Pyrrhus victory
📌 Transition between #LePen and #Mélenchon voters
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan #France
United World International
The French people against the shadow of the United States
A quick review on the first round of the France presidential elections.
Last week in #Turkey
📌 The #Turkish people hold #NATO and the #USA responsible for what happened in Ukraine
📌 #Turkish nationalists warn against provocations in #Ukraine
📌 President #Erdoğan in #Uzbekistan
📌 The #Turkish people hold #NATO and the #USA responsible for what happened in Ukraine
📌 #Turkish nationalists warn against provocations in #Ukraine
📌 President #Erdoğan in #Uzbekistan
United World International
Stunning Ukraine Poll; Turkish nationalists warn against provocations in Ukraine; President Erdogan in Uzbekistan
Main political events in Turkey in the last week.
Turkish-African relations: past, present and future
📌 #Turks in Africa
📌 #Ottoman presence at the of East Africa
📌 Turkish response to Western colonialism in #Africa
📌 #Turkish – #African relations in 21st century
By #HalimGençoğlu #Turkey
📌 #Turks in Africa
📌 #Ottoman presence at the of East Africa
📌 Turkish response to Western colonialism in #Africa
📌 #Turkish – #African relations in 21st century
By #HalimGençoğlu #Turkey
United World International
Turkish-African relations: past, present and future
Current relations between Turkey and Africa, especially in the last two decades, are evidence of histoic relations with the continent. This paper aims to reveal the relations between Turkey and Africa in the 21st century.
#Bucha opens the last floodgates: Whipped up into the great inferno?
📌 War in #Kosovo to serve #NATO’s eastward expansion
📌 War crimes in #Afghanistan
📌 From bombing Dresden in World War II to “shock and awe” in #Iraq
By #WolfgangEffenberger #US
📌 War in #Kosovo to serve #NATO’s eastward expansion
📌 War crimes in #Afghanistan
📌 From bombing Dresden in World War II to “shock and awe” in #Iraq
By #WolfgangEffenberger #US
United World International
Bucha opens the last floodgates: Whipped up into the great inferno?
From the World War I and II over Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq to Ukraine: War, crimes and propaganda.
The aim of the #Bucha Provocation is to prolong this war
The former Head of the #Turkish Armed Forces’ Chief of Staff intelligence, retired Lieutenant General #İsmailHakkıPekin, has evaluated the latest developments throughout the world with #Elifİlhamoğlu. #Russia #Ukraine #US #EU
The former Head of the #Turkish Armed Forces’ Chief of Staff intelligence, retired Lieutenant General #İsmailHakkıPekin, has evaluated the latest developments throughout the world with #Elifİlhamoğlu. #Russia #Ukraine #US #EU
United World International
The aim of the Bucha Provocation is to prolong this war
The EU's Strategic Compass, the sabotage of peace talks on Ukraine in Turkey, and another possible sabotage of talks - attacks in Israel.
#Venezuela “locomotora energética de América Latina” - Pia Global
Pia Global
Venezuela “locomotora energética de América Latina” - Pia Global
PIA Global comparte la entrevista realizada por Douglas Bolívar* al diputado Ángel Rodríguez de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela
Price increases create pressure on government
We have interviewed #ElenaLabrado, journalist and editor at #Spain’s Castilla-La Mancha Media on her country’s positioning in the crisis and its effects on Spain.
By #YunusSoner #EU #Russia #Ukraine
We have interviewed #ElenaLabrado, journalist and editor at #Spain’s Castilla-La Mancha Media on her country’s positioning in the crisis and its effects on Spain.
By #YunusSoner #EU #Russia #Ukraine
United World International
Price increases create pressure on government
Ukraine crisis: Spain's political parties' position and effects on society.
Azerbaijan always relies on its own strength – this is the key to its success
United World International’s expert #MehmetPerinçek evaluated this speech of Ilham Aliyev on the #Azerbaijan news portal day .az.
United World International’s expert #MehmetPerinçek evaluated this speech of Ilham Aliyev on the #Azerbaijan news portal day .az.
United World International
Azerbaijan always relies on its own strength – this is the key to its success
UWI expert Perinçek's interview to Azerbaijani news outlet on President Aliyev's speech about the first quarter of 2022.
Historical background of #Turkey’s immigration policy
By #CansuYiğit
By #CansuYiğit
United World International
Historical background of Turkey’s immigration policy
An in-depth analysis of Turkish migration policy's history and legal framework.
Military situation in #Ukraine
We document an article by #JacquesBaud. Baud’s article have several merits: First of all, Baud is what one would call an insider to intelligence and military affars. He is a former Colonel of the General Staff, former member of Swiss strategic intelligence, specialist in Eastern European countries.
We document an article by #JacquesBaud. Baud’s article have several merits: First of all, Baud is what one would call an insider to intelligence and military affars. He is a former Colonel of the General Staff, former member of Swiss strategic intelligence, specialist in Eastern European countries.
United World International
Military situation in Ukraine
An insider's view to evolution and eruption of the Ukraine conflict: Retired Swiss Colonel, who was head of doctrine for UN peace operations and worked with NATO in Ukraine provides an intriguing account
#Venezuela Enerji ve Petrol Komisyonu Başkanı #ÁngelRodríguez: Petrokimya atılımı yapacağız
Venezuela Enerji ve Petrol Komisyonu Başkanı Rodríguez: Petrokimya atılımı yapacağız
Petrol rezervlerinde dünya birincisi olan Venezuela, ambargoları aşarak bir petrokimya atılımı yapmayı planlıyor. Venezuela’nın enerji siyasetlerinde belirleyici konumda bulunan Komisyon Başkanı Ángel Rodríguez, UWI muhabiri Douglas Bolivar’ın sorularını…
The Venezuelan political class before enigma of President #Maduro meeting #US delegation
📌 “A lifting of the sanctions is coming”
📌 #Venezuela in international geopolitics
By #DouglasBolivar, Caracas / Venezuela
📌 “A lifting of the sanctions is coming”
📌 #Venezuela in international geopolitics
By #DouglasBolivar, Caracas / Venezuela
United World International
The Venezuelan political class before enigma of President Maduro meeting US delegation
Members of parliament from government and opposition evalauted the process to UWI.
Enerjide #Venezuela seçeneği yükseliyor
Ulusal Kanal
Enerjide Venezuela seçeneği yükseliyor
Ukrayna operasyonu nedeniyle Rusya’yı hedef alan yaptırımlar, en çok Batı'yı vurdu. Enerjisini büyük ölçüde Rusya’dan karşılayan batılı ülkeler ve hatta ABD, diplomatik ilişkilerini kestiği Venezuela ile görüşmelere başladı. Venezuela Parlamentosu Enerji…
Le Pen’s win will change the balance of the world
📌 A blow to US imperialism from inside the Atlantic system
📌 #Macron is the man of #US imperialism and the enemy of #Turkey
📌 Le Pen: the leader who horrified US imperialism
📌 #Eurasia against the #Atlantic system
📌 A vote for #LePen is a vote against US domination
Vatan Party Chairman #DoğuPerinçek held a press conference on April 18th 2022 at the Party’s Headquarters in Ankara. Perinçek called the Turks, Algerians, Arabs, all Muslims, Africans and French friends to “vote for Marine Le Pen”.
📌 A blow to US imperialism from inside the Atlantic system
📌 #Macron is the man of #US imperialism and the enemy of #Turkey
📌 Le Pen: the leader who horrified US imperialism
📌 #Eurasia against the #Atlantic system
📌 A vote for #LePen is a vote against US domination
Vatan Party Chairman #DoğuPerinçek held a press conference on April 18th 2022 at the Party’s Headquarters in Ankara. Perinçek called the Turks, Algerians, Arabs, all Muslims, Africans and French friends to “vote for Marine Le Pen”.
United World International
Le Pen’s win will change the balance of the world
The second round of presidential elections in France takes place between the Atlantic System and Eurasia.
#Europe shot itself in the foot with #Russia sanctions
📌 Food and energy crisis
📌 #Putin’s decision threatens dollar hegemony
📌 #European giants are worried
📌 Western media is questioning the effectiveness of the sanctions
📌 European people’s support for sanctions decreased
By #Elifİlhamoğlu
📌 Food and energy crisis
📌 #Putin’s decision threatens dollar hegemony
📌 #European giants are worried
📌 Western media is questioning the effectiveness of the sanctions
📌 European people’s support for sanctions decreased
By #Elifİlhamoğlu
United World International
Europe shot itself in the foot with Russia sanctions
While Washington wants the war to continue and benefits from it, thus defending the sanctions to the end, it is not clear how long its European allies can continue this policy.
#Fransa seçimlerinin ilk turu üzerine değerlendirme: Fransız halkı #ABD gölgesine karşı çıkıyor #LePen #Macron #LePen #Macron
Fransa seçimlerinin ilk turu üzerine değerlendirme: Fransız halkı ABD gölgesine karşı çıkıyor
Sonuçlar Fransa’da ABD, NATO ve neoliberalizm karşıtlığının yükseldiğini gösteriyor. Böylesine bir manzarada Macron’un seçilmesi ancak bir Pirus Zaferi olarak nitelendirilebilir. Hatta Macron’un da yükselen Atlantik karşıtı dalgaya kapılması olası gözükmektedir
Armenia must prove its sincerity
United World International’s expert #MehmetPerinçek evaluated the latest developments in the normalization process between #Turkey and #Armenia and the survey conducted by Gallup International in Armenia on the #Azerbaijan website
United World International’s expert #MehmetPerinçek evaluated the latest developments in the normalization process between #Turkey and #Armenia and the survey conducted by Gallup International in Armenia on the #Azerbaijan website
United World International
Armenia must prove its sincerity
UWI expert Perinçek's interview to Azerbaijani news outlet on Armenian politics and regional relations.
Relaciones turco-africanas: pasado, presente y futuro (Parte I)
Por #HalimGençoğlu
Por #HalimGençoğlu
Pia Global
Relaciones turco-africanas: pasado, presente y futuro (Parte I) - Pia Global
Relaciones turco-africanas: pasado, presente y futuro, en el siglo XXI constituyen una de las principales orientaciones de la política exterior turca