🎄🎅 #Christmas and #NewYear scenes in #cinema
📽 Art in general and the cinema in particular have always paid close attention to the concept of “New Year”, which during the history of humanity was celebrated at very different times, sometimes in March, sometimes even in August.
By #TuncaArslan
📽 Art in general and the cinema in particular have always paid close attention to the concept of “New Year”, which during the history of humanity was celebrated at very different times, sometimes in March, sometimes even in August.
By #TuncaArslan
United World International
Christmas and New Year scenes in cinema
A collection of movies dealing with the final days of the year.
Prime Minister WHO?
📌 “Don’t you think he looks tired?“
📌 Revolution without revolution
📌 Hindu-British #Macron and a parody of #LePen
📌 Prime Minister? President? Who cares…
By #KonradRękas
https://unitedworldint.com/22815-prime-minister-who/ #BorisJohnson #UK #EU
📌 “Don’t you think he looks tired?“
📌 Revolution without revolution
📌 Hindu-British #Macron and a parody of #LePen
📌 Prime Minister? President? Who cares…
By #KonradRękas
https://unitedworldint.com/22815-prime-minister-who/ #BorisJohnson #UK #EU
United World International
Prime Minister WHO?
Prime Minister Johnson is getting "tired" - his possibles substitutes and the Macronization of British policies.
How universal is #Turkey’s #Kemalist #Economic Development Model?
The World Association of Political #Economy has organized in cooperation with the Shanghai International Studies University its 15th annual forum on December in #Shanghai.
We present the speech of #KuntayGücüm, editor-in-chief of the monthly Teori magazine.
The World Association of Political #Economy has organized in cooperation with the Shanghai International Studies University its 15th annual forum on December in #Shanghai.
We present the speech of #KuntayGücüm, editor-in-chief of the monthly Teori magazine.
United World International
How universal is Turkey’s Kemalist Economic Development Model?
Analysis of Turkey's development leap in the beginning of the 20th Century.
‘La última privatización en el descalabro generalizado de #Europa’
#Italia y #Francia han firmado un pacto para una mayor cooperación en diversos temas, el llamado “Trattato del Quirinale”.
Por #FabrizioVerde
#Italia y #Francia han firmado un pacto para una mayor cooperación en diversos temas, el llamado “Trattato del Quirinale”.
Por #FabrizioVerde
Pia Global
'La última privatización en el descalabro generalizado de Europa' - Pia Global
Italia y Francia han firmado un pacto para una mayor cooperación en diversos temas, el llamado "Trattato del Quirinale", nombre elegido para evocar el Tratado del Elíseo que, en 1963, acercó a Francia y Alemania. El acuerdo bilateral pretende consolidar las…
La realidad de #Mali, en el Sahel africano, no dista demasiado de otros países del continente. Guerras internas, violencia, terrorismo, persecuciones, presos políticos y golpes de Estado sacuden al país. #AminataDramaneTraoré al recibir el premio Blue Planet Award de la Fundación alemana Ethecon, describe y analiza algunos de los problemas malienses. Aquí reproducimos el mencionado discurso.
Pia Global
Mali, una guerra forzada - Pia Global
Mali, una guerra forzada. Aminata Dramane Traoré al recibir el premio Blue Planet Award describe y analiza algunos de los problemas malienses
“Turkey should widen its peaceful diplomacy in the region”
On #Turkey’s diplomatic contacts and other regional developments, UWI expert #Elifİlhamoğlu interviewed ret. Lieutenant-General #İsmailHakkıPekin, former Head of Military Intelligence at the #Turkish Armed Forces’ General Staff.
On #Turkey’s diplomatic contacts and other regional developments, UWI expert #Elifİlhamoğlu interviewed ret. Lieutenant-General #İsmailHakkıPekin, former Head of Military Intelligence at the #Turkish Armed Forces’ General Staff.
United World International
“Turkey should widen its peaceful diplomacy in the region”
Expectations and proposals for Turkey's regional diplomacy in 2022.
The #Bolivarian Revolution’s path forward to #socialism
By Jacobo Torres de León, member of the #Venezuelan National Assembly representing workers, member of the Vice-Presidency of the PSUV and International Coordinator of the Bolivarian #Socialist Confederation of Workers (CBST).
Translation by #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/22832-the-bolivarian-revolutions-path-forward-to-socialism/ #LatinAmerica #Venezuela #Caracas
By Jacobo Torres de León, member of the #Venezuelan National Assembly representing workers, member of the Vice-Presidency of the PSUV and International Coordinator of the Bolivarian #Socialist Confederation of Workers (CBST).
Translation by #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/22832-the-bolivarian-revolutions-path-forward-to-socialism/ #LatinAmerica #Venezuela #Caracas
United World International
The Bolivarian Revolution’s path forward to socialism
The member of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Jacobo Torres de León wrote for UWI on the country's road ahead.
Last week in #Turkey
📌 #Turkish and #Syrian officials’ bilateral meeting in #Jordan
📌 Nationwide increases in price commodities in the new year
https://unitedworldint.com/22856-claims-on-turkey-syria-bilateral-dialog-and-the-nationwide-price-increases-in-the-new-year/ #Syria
📌 #Turkish and #Syrian officials’ bilateral meeting in #Jordan
📌 Nationwide increases in price commodities in the new year
https://unitedworldint.com/22856-claims-on-turkey-syria-bilateral-dialog-and-the-nationwide-price-increases-in-the-new-year/ #Syria
United World International
Claims on Turkey-Syria bilateral dialog and the nationwide price increases in the New Year
Main political events in the last week in Turkey.
¿Se arrepentirá #Baerbock de ser ministra de Asuntos Exteriores?
Por #TunçAkkoç
https://noticiaspia.com/se-arrepentira-baerbock-de-ser-ministra-de-asuntos-exteriores/ #Alemania
Por #TunçAkkoç
https://noticiaspia.com/se-arrepentira-baerbock-de-ser-ministra-de-asuntos-exteriores/ #Alemania
Pia Global
¿Se arrepentirá Baerbock de ser ministra de Asuntos Exteriores? - Pia Global
¿Cambiará Alemania, que casi santifica el concepto de estabilidad en la gestión económica y la vida social, su eje de política exterior y asumirá riesgos?
An interview with Tatamkhulu Ismail Afrika: South #African poet of #Turkish origin
By #HalimGençoğlu
https://unitedworldint.com/22840-an-interview-with-tatamkhulu-ismail-afrika-south-african-poet-of-turkish-origin/ #Africa
By #HalimGençoğlu
https://unitedworldint.com/22840-an-interview-with-tatamkhulu-ismail-afrika-south-african-poet-of-turkish-origin/ #Africa
United World International
An interview with Tatamkhulu Ismail Afrika: South African poet of Turkish origin
The interview by Robert Berold, 1992
#Россия является страной, которая играет положительную роль в #Ливии, в отличие от #Франции и #США. К такому выводу пришли #турецкие и #ливийские эксперты.
#Россия является страной, которая играет положительную роль в #Ливии, в отличие от #Франции и #США. К такому выводу пришли #турецкие и #ливийские эксперты.
Ливийские и турецкие эксперты призвали сотрудничать с Россией
Россия является страной, которая играет положительную роль в Ливии, в отличие от Франции и США.
All roads lead to #Rome
📌 The “warm” waters of the #Mediterranean
📌 The point of view of the #Italian government
📌 “Anti-Migrant” walls
📌 The Lamorgese proposal
📌 Right-wing opposition and #Draghi’s conclusions
By #YiğitSaner
https://unitedworldint.com/22861-all-roads-lead-to-rome/ #Italia
📌 The “warm” waters of the #Mediterranean
📌 The point of view of the #Italian government
📌 “Anti-Migrant” walls
📌 The Lamorgese proposal
📌 Right-wing opposition and #Draghi’s conclusions
By #YiğitSaner
https://unitedworldint.com/22861-all-roads-lead-to-rome/ #Italia
United World International
All roads lead to Rome
The increase in immigration flows to Europe and the Italian context.
Macron’s #European plan as #elections get closer
📌 #France’ EU Presidency
📌 #Macron is aiming to the EU’s leadership
📌 The #Ukrainian crisis and the #EU’s dilemma
By #AliRızaTaşdelen
📌 #France’ EU Presidency
📌 #Macron is aiming to the EU’s leadership
📌 The #Ukrainian crisis and the #EU’s dilemma
By #AliRızaTaşdelen
United World International
Macron’s European plan as elections get closer
With presidential elections only 100 days ahead, the French President seems to go for leadership in both: France and the European Union.
“#US deep state behind #Kazakh protests”
We interviewed on the protests and their international dimension Dr. #AndrewKorybko, a #Moskow-based #American expert.
By #OrçunGöktürk
https://unitedworldint.com/22876-us-deep-state-behind-kazakh-protests/ #Kazakhstan #Russia
We interviewed on the protests and their international dimension Dr. #AndrewKorybko, a #Moskow-based #American expert.
By #OrçunGöktürk
https://unitedworldint.com/22876-us-deep-state-behind-kazakh-protests/ #Kazakhstan #Russia
United World International
“US deep state behind Kazakh protests”
International dimension of protests in Kazakhstan
Webinar UWI sulla #Libia e il #Mediterraneo: problematiche del dialogo interno e regionale
Webinar UWI sulla Libia e il Mediterraneo: problematiche del dialogo interno e regionale
L'antidiplomatico - Liberi di svelarvi il mondo
#Allende or #Biden?
📌 “#Chile’s Biden”
📌 Boric’s Government Plan
📌 #Boric responds to greetings from #France, #Bolivia, #US, #EU and #Canada
📌 And how long will Boric govern at all?
📌 “Latent threat to Boric”: Chile’s armed forces
By #YunusSoner
📌 “#Chile’s Biden”
📌 Boric’s Government Plan
📌 #Boric responds to greetings from #France, #Bolivia, #US, #EU and #Canada
📌 And how long will Boric govern at all?
📌 “Latent threat to Boric”: Chile’s armed forces
By #YunusSoner
United World International
Allende or Biden?
Experts from Mexico to Venezuela, from Brazil to Argentina discussed with UWI the new Chilean President's political path.
El plan europeo de #Macron mientras se acercan las elecciones
Por #AliRızaTaşdelen
Por #AliRızaTaşdelen
Pia Global
El plan europeo de Macron mientras se acercan las elecciones - Pia Global
Por Ali Rıza Taşdelen* - El presidente francés Emmanuel Macron asumió el sábado la presidencia rotatoria de la Unión Europea (UE) para los próximos seis meses. Francia también asumió el liderazgo de la Fuerza Conjunta de Muy Alta Disponibilidad (VJTF) de…
#US🇺🇸 – #Russia🇷🇺: A critical crossroads and a window of opportunity for a sick planet
By #DimitrisKonstantakopoulos
By #DimitrisKonstantakopoulos
United World International
US – Russia: A critical crossroads and a window of opportunity for a sick planet
Why the US-Russian talks must end only with winners and with no losers.
Who is challenging whom in Kazakhstan?
📌 A second front against #Russia
📌 A blow to the Belt and Road
📌 #Turkey and the #Turkic World are also being targeted
📌 In #Kazakhstan, #Eurasia and the #Atlantic are facing off
By #MehmetPerinçek
https://unitedworldint.com/22924-who-is-challenging-whom-in-kazakhstan/ #China #US
📌 A second front against #Russia
📌 A blow to the Belt and Road
📌 #Turkey and the #Turkic World are also being targeted
📌 In #Kazakhstan, #Eurasia and the #Atlantic are facing off
By #MehmetPerinçek
https://unitedworldint.com/22924-who-is-challenging-whom-in-kazakhstan/ #China #US
United World International
Who is challenging whom in Kazakhstan?
The events are result of the global conflict between the Atlantic and Eurasia.