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🌍 Geopolitical analysis and forecasting of global trends

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Russian Chinese joint military drills starting

📌 Joint drills come as “last #US troops leave #Afghanistan
📌 Upcoming joint drills of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in September
📌#Chinese and #Russian governments demonstrate capacity to project power throughout #Eurasia

https://unitedworldint.com/20185-russian-chinese-joint-military-drills-starting/ #China #Russia
The events in #Tunisia and the #Turkish strategy

📌 #Turkey, #Russia and #China against the West in #Africa
📌 Turkey’s allies in #Libya: A Pro-Boumédiène and Pro-Bourguiba government in Tunisia
📌 The incompetence of the #MuslimBrotherhood
📌 The flawless cooperation of the Pro-Boumédiène government with Turkey in Libya
📌 A longing for the Bourgiba and Ben Ali Periods
📌 The historical opposition of nationalist, populist and anti-#Israel#Robespierre
📌 #Ikhwan has avoided violence

The Turkish expert on international relations, Prof. Dr. #HasanÜnal has discussed the #Turkish-#Russian relations in an article titled “Breaking the impasse: How a Turkish–Russian deal could light up the way”, published by the website The Cradle.Co recently.

The article focuses on a topic which UWI also frequently deals with: The notion that #Turkey and #Russia take up the matters of #Crimea and #Cyprus in a package and search step by step for a solution that supports peace, stability and welfare while disrupting imperialist plans.

Is Tunisia really the answer?

"Experience tells us that the answer was #Egypt, not #Tunisia: Whatever the dynamics of politics, whatever the country, international religious organizations are killing #democracy."

Op-ed by #IslamFarag

Международное новостное издание United World International (UWIDATA) в статье о Петербургском международном экономическом форуме отметило в качестве одного из ключевых событий форума этого года презентацию книги А.Галушки, А.Ниязметова, М.Окулова «КРИСТАЛЛ РОСТА. К русскому экономическому чуду»

В публикации в частности отмечается:
«The book “Growth Crystal: On the Russian Economic Miracle” was promoted during the forum. The book has three authors: The Deputy Secretary of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation and former Minister of the Development of the Far East Alexander Galushka, the Deputy Secretary of the Permanent Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District Artur Niyazmetov, and the Deputy Secretary of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation Maksim Okulov.
The book was essentially written in order to better understand the reasons for the extraordinary growth of the economy during the Stalin era of the USSR between 1929 and 1955, as the authors of the book describe. This research, which was written using the first-hand sources and confidential archive documents, examines the solutions of the record-breaking economic growth, a growth unreached by any other nation so far, and whether these solutions are still suitable for today’s sense.»

Как сообщалось ранее «Книга «КРИСТАЛЛ РОСТА. К русскому экономическому чуду» вызвала живой интерес за рубежом. Уже начата подготовка к изданию книги в Китае и Турции. Статьи, посвященные книге опубликованы в Испании и Бразилии.

📌 Monroe Doctrine vs Our American Drift
📌 #Chávez and #Fidel vs the #OAS
📌 Post-pandemic challenge

Chávez said: “#CELAC is the most important political, economic, cultural and social union project in our contemporary history”

Op-ed by #FacundoEscobar

https://unitedworldint.com/20295-celac-vs-oea/ #LatinAmerica
Towards a #US Regime-free Democratic Order Embracing Social Justice and Equity

We present the speech of Emeritus Mayor #PeterWoods, Co-Chair of the #AsiaPacific Regional Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of #Korea and Ambassador of United Cities and Local Governments (Asia-Pacific).

The #Shanghai Cooperation Organization (#SCO) will rebuild what the #US has destroyed

📌 The key role of the SCO
📌#Turkey and #Qatar should also be included in the process’
📌 SCO-#Afghan Contact Group
📌 The Advantage of #economic support
📌 The SCO could pave the way for the New World Order

Op-ed by #OrçunGöktürk
