#Tuaregs en los países del #Magreb
https://www.geopolitika.ru/es/article/tuaregs-en-los-paises-del-magreb #África
https://www.geopolitika.ru/es/article/tuaregs-en-los-paises-del-magreb #África
Tuaregs en los países del Magreb
Como se ha dicho en materiales anteriores, los tuaregs viven históricamente en el territorio de Malí, Níger, Libia, Argelia, algunos de ellos viven en el norte de Burkina Faso.
#Europe is on fire: War footing
📌 “#French army is the primary target”
📌 “A nice surprise” for #Macron
📌 “For the defense of #Berlin”
📌 #Zelensky insulted #Brussels
By #YiğitSaner
https://unitedworldint.com/33915-europe-is-on-fire-war-footing/ #Russia #Ukraine
📌 “#French army is the primary target”
📌 “A nice surprise” for #Macron
📌 “For the defense of #Berlin”
📌 #Zelensky insulted #Brussels
By #YiğitSaner
https://unitedworldint.com/33915-europe-is-on-fire-war-footing/ #Russia #Ukraine
United World International
Europe is on fire: War footing
Current panorama of warmongering in Western Europe.
Prof. Dr. #ErdemİlkerMutlu: Een multipolaire wereld voor internationale vrede en neutraliteit
Pravda NL
Prof. Dr. Erdem İlker Mutlu: Een multipolaire wereld voor internationale vrede en neutraliteit
Op 26 en 27 februari ontving de Russische Federatie meer dan 500 deelnemers uit meer dan 130 landen in Moskou om de Westerse hegemonie uit te dagen tijdens het Tweede Congres van de Internationale Russofiele Beweging (MIR).UWI documenteert de...
Western influence in the current political situation in #Sudan
📌 The importance of #Sudan in the region
📌 The #USA’s stance on the Sudan crisis
📌 USA’s failure to address the Sudan crisis
📌 #European Union’s stance on the Sudan crisis
📌 #Britain’s role in the conflict
By Dr. #MayadaKamalEldeen
📌 The importance of #Sudan in the region
📌 The #USA’s stance on the Sudan crisis
📌 USA’s failure to address the Sudan crisis
📌 #European Union’s stance on the Sudan crisis
📌 #Britain’s role in the conflict
By Dr. #MayadaKamalEldeen
United World International
Western influence in the current political situation in Sudan
Goals and means of major external actors and their domestic repercussions.
By #IslamFarag, desde El Cairo, #Egipto
By #IslamFarag, desde El Cairo, #Egipto
Los paquetes de rescate para Egipto evitan catástrofes geopolíticas
Durante los dos últimos años, Egipto se ha enfrentado a unas perspectivas económicas sombrías que han ido empeorando día a día. Los rasgos de su crisis económica empezaron a tomar forma y a agravarse
La reunión de #Bruselas del 5 de abril es una preparación para la guerra
Por #MehmetPerinçek
https://noticiaspia.com/la-reunion-de-bruselas-del-5-de-abril-es-una-preparacion-para-la-guerra/ #Armenia #NikolPashinyan
Por #MehmetPerinçek
https://noticiaspia.com/la-reunion-de-bruselas-del-5-de-abril-es-una-preparacion-para-la-guerra/ #Armenia #NikolPashinyan
Pia Global
La reunión de Bruselas del 5 de abril es una preparación para la guerra - Pia Global
Por Mehmet Perinçek* - La misión de observación de la UE que opera en Armenia acabará convirtiéndose en una estructura paramilitar.
Influencia occidental en la actual situación política de Sudán
La guerra llevada a cabo por las Fuerzas de Apoyo Rápido comenzó el 15 de abril de 2023 y se acerca a su segundo año sin cesar este mes de abril. Las Naciones Unidas estiman que al menos 12.000
There will be no aid to Gaza
📌 #Palestinians and the health of #KateMiddleton
📌 “In accordance with international law”
📌 Zakat and Sadaqah for #Gaza
By #TuncaArslan
📌 #Palestinians and the health of #KateMiddleton
📌 “In accordance with international law”
📌 Zakat and Sadaqah for #Gaza
By #TuncaArslan
United World International
There will be no aid to Gaza
In this Ramadan, Palestinian children will have to play with empty Coca Cola bottles.
What’s going on #Libya: Relations between #Türkiye, the #US and #Russia
Interview with #İsmailHakkıPekin, retired Lieutenant-General of the #Turkish Armed Forces and former Head of Intelligence at the Chief of Staff.
By #YunusSoner
Interview with #İsmailHakkıPekin, retired Lieutenant-General of the #Turkish Armed Forces and former Head of Intelligence at the Chief of Staff.
By #YunusSoner
United World International
What’s going on Libya: Relations between Türkiye, the US and Russia
Türkiye will have to balance the US too, says Pekin in interview.
On April 2, 2024, Vatan Party Chairman #DoğuPerinçek held a press conference to evaluate the results of the local elections and outline the tasks ahead.
“#Türkiye has lost and the #US and #Israel have won in the elections.”
“#Türkiye has lost and the #US and #Israel have won in the elections.”
United World International
Two dangers on the rise: Weak government – destructive opposition
#Libya changes focus of international security partnership from #Türkiye to #US
📌 The situation in Libya
📌 Amentum activities in #Africa
📌 Possible #Ankara fiasco
📌 The situation in Libya
📌 Amentum activities in #Africa
📌 Possible #Ankara fiasco
United World International
Libya changes focus of international security partnership from Türkiye to US
The role of the US PMC Amentum and its geopolitical context.
#ABD'li askeri şirket Amentum #Libya'da harekete geçti
ABD'li askeri şirket Amentum Libya'da harekete geçti
Karanlık Amerikan firması Amentum'un Libya'daki varlığına ve etkinliklerine dair her geçen gün yeni bilgiler geliyor. Şirket petrol rafinelerinin kontrolü için silahlı çatışmalara giriyor, Dibeyde hükümetiyle işbirliği yaparak ülkenin batısındaki güçleri…
#Turkish elections in #US and West #European media
📌 “A historic victory”
📌 #Imamoğlu on the path to 2028
📌 Erdoğan punished for the #economy
📌 Carnegie: #Erdoğan’s foreign policy route would not change
By #ŞafakErdem
https://unitedworldint.com/33954-turkish-elections-in-us-and-west-european-media/ #Türkiye
📌 “A historic victory”
📌 #Imamoğlu on the path to 2028
📌 Erdoğan punished for the #economy
📌 Carnegie: #Erdoğan’s foreign policy route would not change
By #ŞafakErdem
https://unitedworldint.com/33954-turkish-elections-in-us-and-west-european-media/ #Türkiye
United World International
Turkish elections in US and West European media
A major blow to Erdoğan
The #Russia|n Federation hosted over 500 participants from more than 130 countries in #Moscow to challenge Western hegemony in the Second Congress of the International Russophile Movement (MIR).
UWI documents in the following days some speeches delivered in the congress. We present the speech of #AmalWahdan, Founder and editor of the Arab Gazette.
UWI documents in the following days some speeches delivered in the congress. We present the speech of #AmalWahdan, Founder and editor of the Arab Gazette.
Lula and Petro: “Tell me who you are with and I will tell you who you are”
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/33966-lula-and-petro-tell-me-who-you-are-with-and-i-will-tell-you-who-you-are/ #Venezuela #Brazil #US #EU
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/33966-lula-and-petro-tell-me-who-you-are-with-and-i-will-tell-you-who-you-are/ #Venezuela #Brazil #US #EU
United World International
Lula and Petro: “Tell me who you are with and I will tell you who you are”
On Brazil and Colombia's support for the Pro-American oppositional wanna-be candidate in Venezuela.
رئيس الاستخبارات العسكرية التركية السابق لا يستبعد حربا أهلية في #ليبيا مجددًا #الوسط
رئيس الاستخبارات العسكرية التركية السابق لا يستبعد حربا أهلية في #ليبيا مجددًا #الوسط
يعتقد رئيس الاستخبارات العسكرية التركية السابق، إسماعيل حقي بكين، أن الخطر يحدق بليبيا، وأن «هناك خطرًا جديًا من احتمال اندلاع حرب أهلية في ليبيا مجددًا»، مستبعدًا في الوقت نفسه إجراء الانتخابات في المدى المنظور.
Forwarded from Idee&Azione
Quando vedremo che lo Stato dello Yemen, che è ancora sotto guerra da parte degli Stati Uniti e dei suoi alleati nell'area, i vicini dello Yemen, hanno preso la decisione strategica di chiudere il commercio di Bab el-Mandeb e di impedire a qualsiasi nave israeliana, in seguito a qualsiasi nave americana e britannica, di attraversare il Mar Rosso, vedremo che questa decisione strategica dello Yemen è stata presa e stava infliggendo non solo la regione, ma il commercio globale.
(di Amal Wahdan)
(di Amal Wahdan)
Il Sud del mondo "conterrà gli Stati Uniti all'interno dei propri confini"
Grazie mille. Ma prima, permettetemi di chiedervi un momento di silenzio per commemorare e rispettare i 35.000 palestinesi che sono stati genocidati a Gaza da ottobre. Grazie. Questo è il nostro ricamo tradizionale. È un ricamo fatto a mano. Questa conchiglia…
Le scénario d’une guerre civile en #Libye… est possible !
Univers News
Le scénario d’une guerre civile en Libye… est possible!!! | Univers News
TUNIS – UNIVERSNEWS (MONDE) - L’ancien chef du service du renseignement militaire turc, Ismail Haggui, a estimé que la situation en Libye est très compliquée
Two factions within the AKP
📌 Returning to the “founding principles”
📌 Pro-Americans in the #AKP
📌 Towards the end of “the policy of balance”
By #İsmetÖzçelik
https://unitedworldint.com/33971-2-factions-within-the-akp/ #Türkiye
📌 Returning to the “founding principles”
📌 Pro-Americans in the #AKP
📌 Towards the end of “the policy of balance”
By #İsmetÖzçelik
https://unitedworldint.com/33971-2-factions-within-the-akp/ #Türkiye
United World International
Two factions within the AKP
Division within Türkiye's governing political party has a strong geopolitical and fundamental frame.
What do the election results in #Senegal mean?
Interview with #ThiernoBachir, #Senegalese Journalist
https://unitedworldint.com/33979-what-do-the-election-results-in-senegal-mean/ #Africa
Interview with #ThiernoBachir, #Senegalese Journalist
https://unitedworldint.com/33979-what-do-the-election-results-in-senegal-mean/ #Africa
United World International
What do the election results in Senegal mean?
The election results in Senegal and their implications for foreign policy.