#Egyptian-#Turkish rapprochement: An important beginning to control the rhythm of the region
📌 A win-win situation
By #IslamFarag, Reporting from #Cairo / #Egypt
https://unitedworldint.com/33066-egyptian-turkish-rapprochement-an-important-beginning-to-control-the-rhythm-of-the-region/ #Turkiye #Ankara
📌 A win-win situation
By #IslamFarag, Reporting from #Cairo / #Egypt
https://unitedworldint.com/33066-egyptian-turkish-rapprochement-an-important-beginning-to-control-the-rhythm-of-the-region/ #Turkiye #Ankara
United World International
Egyptian-Turkish rapprochement: An important beginning to control the rhythm of the region
On Wednesday's meeting of the two countries' presindents in Cairo and the path it opens.
#Europe’s sanctions weapon hits its own farmers
📌 #European producers lost the #Russian market
📌 Removal of customs duties on #Ukraine
📌 #Germany most affected
📌 #Europe needs #Russia
By #AliRizaTasdelen
📌 #European producers lost the #Russian market
📌 Removal of customs duties on #Ukraine
📌 #Germany most affected
📌 #Europe needs #Russia
By #AliRizaTasdelen
United World International
Europe’s sanctions weapon hits its own farmers
The old continent's policy towards Eurasia affects even its food security.
The Tuareg factor in Niger
📌 History of the #Tuaregs in #Niger
📌 #Tuareg uprisings 1990-1995 and 2007-2009
📌 #Nigerian Tuaregs and Jihadists
📌 Possibility of a new #French intervention
https://unitedworldint.com/33087-the-tuareg-factor-in-niger/ #France #Africa
📌 History of the #Tuaregs in #Niger
📌 #Tuareg uprisings 1990-1995 and 2007-2009
📌 #Nigerian Tuaregs and Jihadists
📌 Possibility of a new #French intervention
https://unitedworldint.com/33087-the-tuareg-factor-in-niger/ #France #Africa
United World International
The Tuareg factor in Niger
Are Atlanticist forces using the Tuareg as a factor of destabilization?
#Putin’s interview: A cursory look
📌 “Very difficult to defeat the #US in propaganda war”
📌 Some relevant aspects of the interview
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/33094-putins-interview-a-cursory-look/ #TuckerCarlson #Russia
📌 “Very difficult to defeat the #US in propaganda war”
📌 Some relevant aspects of the interview
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/33094-putins-interview-a-cursory-look/ #TuckerCarlson #Russia
United World International
Putin’s interview: A cursory look
On the dialogue during the interview and some of its relevant aspects.
A #JamesBond-like detective work to understand world politics
📌 1914-1945: 100 million deaths in 30 years!
📌 Customers fighting to escape paying the bil
📌 The reality is definitely in so-called “conspiracy theories”
By #LatifBolat
https://unitedworldint.com/33100-a-james-bond-like-detective-work-attempt-in-world-politics/ #US #EU
📌 1914-1945: 100 million deaths in 30 years!
📌 Customers fighting to escape paying the bil
📌 The reality is definitely in so-called “conspiracy theories”
By #LatifBolat
https://unitedworldint.com/33100-a-james-bond-like-detective-work-attempt-in-world-politics/ #US #EU
United World International
A James Bond-like detective work to understand world politics
A football game is almost never just a football game.
#Elections in Pakistan: An Afterthought
By #DureAkram, #Lahore, #Pakistan
By #DureAkram, #Lahore, #Pakistan
United World International
Elections in Pakistan: An Afterthought
The country's stability languishes at the edge of a cliff, says Dure Akram writing from Lahore.
Are the promised land really promised?
📌 #Jewish state in the #US: “#Ararat (#Ağrı) City”
📌 #British idea of a Jewish state in #Kenya
📌 Attempt for an autonomous #Jewish state by #Stalin
📌 A Jewish state in #Madagascar
By #LatifBolat
https://unitedworldint.com/33117-are-the-promised-land-really-promised/ #Israel #Palestine
📌 #Jewish state in the #US: “#Ararat (#Ağrı) City”
📌 #British idea of a Jewish state in #Kenya
📌 Attempt for an autonomous #Jewish state by #Stalin
📌 A Jewish state in #Madagascar
By #LatifBolat
https://unitedworldint.com/33117-are-the-promised-land-really-promised/ #Israel #Palestine
United World International
Are the promised land really promised?
Kenya, Alaska, Australia, Madagaskar or eastern Türkiye...All were targeted as possible territory for Israel.
First day at the ICJ hearing on legal consequences of Israeli occupation of Palestine
📌 South #Africa: Israel establishes apartheid
📌 #SaudiArabia: Israel’s occupation “was illegal since 1967”
📌 #Netherlands: Presentation without mentioning #Israel or #Palestine
📌 #Bolivia: States must cooperate to stop Israel
By #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/33125-first-day-at-the-icj-hearing-on-legal-consequences-of-israeli-occupation-of-palestine/ #Algeria #Bangladesh #Belgium #Belize #Brazil #Chile
📌 South #Africa: Israel establishes apartheid
📌 #SaudiArabia: Israel’s occupation “was illegal since 1967”
📌 #Netherlands: Presentation without mentioning #Israel or #Palestine
📌 #Bolivia: States must cooperate to stop Israel
By #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/33125-first-day-at-the-icj-hearing-on-legal-consequences-of-israeli-occupation-of-palestine/ #Algeria #Bangladesh #Belgium #Belize #Brazil #Chile
United World International
First day at the ICJ hearing on legal consequences of Israeli occupation of Palestine
The Palestine delegation presented its arguments.
New forms of interference in the internal affairs of independent states and proposals for overcoming them in #Türkiye
United World International author and Vatan Party’s (Türkiye) Representative in #Russia, #MehmetPerinçek, gave a speech at the forum’s session titled “Political and Legal Aspects of Countering Neocolonialism”.
United World International author and Vatan Party’s (Türkiye) Representative in #Russia, #MehmetPerinçek, gave a speech at the forum’s session titled “Political and Legal Aspects of Countering Neocolonialism”.
United World International
New forms of interference in the internal affairs of independent states and proposals for overcoming them in Türkiye
Speech held on the International Forum of Supporters of the Struggle Against Modern Practices of Neocolonialism in Moscow.
La reelección de #Trump «disolvería la #OTAN»
Por #YunusSoner
Por #YunusSoner
Pia Global
La reelección de Trump "disolvería la OTAN" - Pia Global
Por Yunus Soner* - El pasado sábado, el candidato a la presidencia de Estados Unidos y, de hecho, presidente 2017 - 21, Donald Trump, suscitó otro debate transatlántico.
Geopolítica de dominó toppling
Por #FernandoEsteche
https://noticiaspia.com/geopolitica-de-domino-toppling/ #Argentina
Por #FernandoEsteche
https://noticiaspia.com/geopolitica-de-domino-toppling/ #Argentina
Pia Global
Geopolítica de dominó toppling - Pia Global
Por Fernando Esteche* Especial para UWI. Hay una metáfora para definir o graficar la geopolítica que suele hacer referencia al tablero de ajedrez que es un juego donde uno busca jaquear al rey del contrincante.
Resignation of the President and “Two-years-old arm wrestling between #Budapest and #Brussels”
Interview with #Hungarian journalist #FerencAlmassy, Editor-in-Chief of Visegrad Post.
By #TolgaDişçi
https://unitedworldint.com/33180-resignation-of-the-president-and-two-years-old-arm-wrestling-between-budapest-and-brussels/ #Hungary
Interview with #Hungarian journalist #FerencAlmassy, Editor-in-Chief of Visegrad Post.
By #TolgaDişçi
https://unitedworldint.com/33180-resignation-of-the-president-and-two-years-old-arm-wrestling-between-budapest-and-brussels/ #Hungary
United World International
Resignation of the President and “Two-years-old arm wrestling between Budapest and Brussels”
Interview with Hungarian journalist Ferenc Almassy, Editor-in-Chief of Visegrad Post.
States debate the scope of opinion the International Court of Justice should deliver
By #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/33187-states-debate-the-scope-of-opinion-the-international-court-of-justice-should-deliver/ #Israel #Palestine #Colombia #Cuba #Egypt #UAE #US #Russia #France #Gambia #Guyana #Hungary
By #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/33187-states-debate-the-scope-of-opinion-the-international-court-of-justice-should-deliver/ #Israel #Palestine #Colombia #Cuba #Egypt #UAE #US #Russia #France #Gambia #Guyana #Hungary
United World International
States debate the scope of opinion the International Court of Justice should deliver
Statements on the third day of public hearings at the Court of International Justice sessioning about Israel's policies against Palestine.
#Russian political party “United #Russia” held the first “For the Freedom of Nations” International Forum of Supporters of the Struggle against Modern Practices of Neocolonialism on 16-17 February 2024 in #Moscow.
We present #VladimirPligin’s speech.
We present #VladimirPligin’s speech.
United World International
The Political and Legal Aspects of Countering Neocolonialism
The speech of Vladimir Pligin, member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia Party, at the international forum against neocolonialism.
#Russian economist #SergeyGlazyev gave #Turkish TV channel CNN TÜRK an interview covering the topics of effects of the sanctions on Russia, changing trading profile of Russia after the sanctions, relations between #Russia and #Türkiye, “#BRICS currency”, trade with local currencies and possibility of Türkiye joining BRICS.
United World International
How did Western sanctions affect Russia?
Famous Russian economist Sergey Glazyev explains in interview on Turkish CNN Türk TV
Forwarded from NOTICIAS BRAVAS
🇭🇺🇪🇺 UWI: “Dimisión del Presidente y ‘Dos años de pulso entre Budapest y Bruselas’”
Veamos la perspectiva desde Turquía sobre los acontecimientos en Hungría y la Unión Europea:
🌶 Síguenos
Veamos la perspectiva desde Turquía sobre los acontecimientos en Hungría y la Unión Europea:
🌶 Síguenos
UWI: “Dimisión del Presidente y ‘Dos años de pulso entre Budapest y Bruselas’”
Veamos la perspectiva desde Turquía sobre los acontecimientos en Hungría y la Unión Europea: Por aquí traemos para Noticias Bravas la traducción de un artículo proveniente del medi...
Ceasefire, “normalization” and independence in #Gaza and #Palestine
📌 #Israel rejects, the #US doesn’t
📌 Why the US consents to a #ceasefire?
📌 #Rafah and #Sinai
📌 The red line of #Egypt
By #ŞafakErdem
📌 #Israel rejects, the #US doesn’t
📌 Why the US consents to a #ceasefire?
📌 #Rafah and #Sinai
📌 The red line of #Egypt
By #ŞafakErdem
United World International
Ceasefire, “normalization” and independence in Gaza and Palestine
Egypt, Russia, Türkiye and Qatar are on the agenda as guarantors alongside the United Nations.
Strong support for #Palestinian self-determination
By #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/33233-33233/ #Israel #China #Iran #Iraq #Ireland #Japan #Jordan #Kuwait #Lebanon #Libya #Luxemburg #Malaysia #Mauritius
By #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/33233-33233/ #Israel #China #Iran #Iraq #Ireland #Japan #Jordan #Kuwait #Lebanon #Libya #Luxemburg #Malaysia #Mauritius
United World International
Strong support for Palestinian self-determination
Statements on the fourth day of public hearings at the Court of International Justice regarding policies and practices of Israel towards Palestine.
Tuaregs in #BurkinaFaso
📌 Causes of #Tuareg uprisings in the #Sahel
📌 #Islamic groups in #BurkinaFaso
📌 Possibility of using #Tuaregs by Atlanticist forces
📌 Causes of #Tuareg uprisings in the #Sahel
📌 #Islamic groups in #BurkinaFaso
📌 Possibility of using #Tuaregs by Atlanticist forces
United World International
Tuaregs in Burkina Faso
Historical overview and regional perspectives.
The Dutch leader #ThierryBaudet breaks the mold
Thierry Baudet, #Dutch leader of the Forum for Democracy (Forum voor Democratie – FVD), broke the mold in his speech in the parliament.
By #AhmetKorkmaz
https://unitedworldint.com/33270-the-dutch-leader-thierry-baudet-breaks-the-mold/ #EU #US #Israel #Palestine
Thierry Baudet, #Dutch leader of the Forum for Democracy (Forum voor Democratie – FVD), broke the mold in his speech in the parliament.
By #AhmetKorkmaz
https://unitedworldint.com/33270-the-dutch-leader-thierry-baudet-breaks-the-mold/ #EU #US #Israel #Palestine
United World International
The Dutch leader Thierry Baudet breaks the mold
The Dutch parliamentarian calls his countru to break away from the Transatlantic Alliance.