Los países occidentales deciden quién arrebatará el poder a #Zelensky
https://noticiaspia.com/los-paises-occidentales-deciden-quien-arrebatara-el-poder-a-zelensky/ #Ucrania
https://noticiaspia.com/los-paises-occidentales-deciden-quien-arrebatara-el-poder-a-zelensky/ #Ucrania
Pia Global
Los países occidentales deciden quién arrebatará el poder a Zelensky - Pia Global
PIA Global comparte el análisis de United World International acerca de la disputa entre los líderes occidentales por la salida a la crisis interna en Ucrania.
The US fears the collapse of Israel
📌 Causes of the crack between the #US and #Israel
📌 US Efforts to Save Israel from Destruction
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
📌 Causes of the crack between the #US and #Israel
📌 US Efforts to Save Israel from Destruction
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
United World International
The US fears the collapse of Israel
Israel is losing while winning, in fact, commiting a suicide.
Saving #Israel by sacrificing #Netanyahu
📌 What is behind?
📌 The #US all isolated
📌 The dilemma of the US and the success of #Hamas
By #FikretAkfırat
https://unitedworldint.com/32649-saving-israel-by-sacrificing-netanyahu/ #Palestine #Gaza
📌 What is behind?
📌 The #US all isolated
📌 The dilemma of the US and the success of #Hamas
By #FikretAkfırat
https://unitedworldint.com/32649-saving-israel-by-sacrificing-netanyahu/ #Palestine #Gaza
United World International
Saving Israel by sacrificing Netanyahu
It is becoming more and more difficult for Washington to keep its traditional allies aligned with its stance on Israel.
#Georgia at the crossroads: #EU process and #NATO or the “3+3” format?
Interview with #ShotaApkhaidze, #Georgian political scientist and expert at the Financial University under the Government of the #Russian Federation.
Interview with #ShotaApkhaidze, #Georgian political scientist and expert at the Financial University under the Government of the #Russian Federation.
United World International
Georgia at the crossroads: EU process and NATO or the “3+3” format?
The West is pressuring the country to leave politically the region it belongs to. Accepting that would turn Georgia into a springboard for military operations, warns the expert.
Forwarded from Shota Apkhaidze/შოთა აფხაიძე
The South Caucasus is expecting with important developments in terms of regional peace and stability. It is not possible for such an environment of peace and stability to exist without Georgia. We talked with Shota Apkhaidze, Georgian political scientist and expert at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, about Georgia’s new EU candidate membership status, its refusal to join the “3+3” South Caucasus Platform and its possible NATO membership.
The South Caucasus is expecting with important developments in terms of regional peace and stability. It is not possible for such an environment of peace and stability to exist without Georgia. We talked with Shota Apkhaidze, Georgian political scientist and expert at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, about Georgia’s new EU candidate membership status, its refusal to join the “3+3” South Caucasus Platform and its possible NATO membership.
United World International
Georgia at the crossroads: EU process and NATO or the “3+3” format?
The West is pressuring the country to leave politically the region it belongs to. Accepting that would turn Georgia into a springboard for military operations, warns the expert.
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 #Erdoğan’s visit to #Hungary
📌 Pursuit of hot money
📌 #SheikhSait debates
📌 #Erdoğan’s visit to #Hungary
📌 Pursuit of hot money
📌 #SheikhSait debates
United World International
Erdoğan’s visit to Hungary; Pursuit of hot money; Sheikh Sait debates
Manin political events in Türkiye in the last week.
UWI webinar: Regional cooperation to stop #Israel|i aggression
🗓 December 25, 2023
⏰ 12:30 PM (Turkish time, GMT+3)
#Palestine: Dr. #BasemNaim, Chairman of international Bureau of #Hamas
#Lebanon: Dr. #AhmadMalli, Member of the Politburo of #Hezbollah
#Syria: Prof. #BessamAbuAbdullah, Political Scientist
#Türkiye: #İsmailHakkıPekin, ret. Lieutenant-General, former Head of Intelligence of the #Turkish Armed Forces’ General Staff
Turkish Republic of Northern #Cyprus: Prof. Dr. #HüseyinIşıksal, Academic
#Russia: #VyacheslavMatuzov, former #Soviet and #Russian Diplomat
🗓 December 25, 2023
⏰ 12:30 PM (Turkish time, GMT+3)
#Palestine: Dr. #BasemNaim, Chairman of international Bureau of #Hamas
#Lebanon: Dr. #AhmadMalli, Member of the Politburo of #Hezbollah
#Syria: Prof. #BessamAbuAbdullah, Political Scientist
#Türkiye: #İsmailHakkıPekin, ret. Lieutenant-General, former Head of Intelligence of the #Turkish Armed Forces’ General Staff
Turkish Republic of Northern #Cyprus: Prof. Dr. #HüseyinIşıksal, Academic
#Russia: #VyacheslavMatuzov, former #Soviet and #Russian Diplomat
United World International
UWI webinar: Regional cooperation to stop Israeli aggression
With participations from Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Türkiye, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Russia.
Avrupa Birliği genişleme siyaseti kapsamında Gürcistan’a aday üyelik statüsü verdi. #Avrupa’nın ve #ABD’nin #Gürcistan ile ilgili planları ne? #Tiflis’in nasıl bir önemi var? Gürcistan’ın geleceği nerede? Bütün bu sorulara siyaset bilimci #ŞotaAphaidze yanıt verdi
Gürcistan’ın yol ayrımı: AB ve NATO mu, 6’lı Platform mu?
Avrupa Birliği genişleme siyaseti kapsamında Gürcistan’a aday üyelik statüsü verdi. Avrupa’nın ve ABD’nin Gürcistan ile ilgili planları ne? Tiflis’in nasıl bir önemi var? Gürcistan’ın geleceği nerede? Bütün bu sorulara siyaset bilimci Şota Aphaidze yanıt…
#Georgia en la encrucijada: ¿El proceso de la #UE y la #OTAN o el formato «3+3»?
PIA Global comparte la entrevista a #ShotaApkhaidze, politólogo georgiano y experto de la Universidad Financiera dependiente del Gobierno de la Federación #Rusa, realizada por United World International.
PIA Global comparte la entrevista a #ShotaApkhaidze, politólogo georgiano y experto de la Universidad Financiera dependiente del Gobierno de la Federación #Rusa, realizada por United World International.
Pia Global
Georgia en la encrucijada: ¿El proceso de la UE y la OTAN o el formato "3+3"? - Pia Global
PIA Global comparte la entrevista a Shota Apkhaidze, politólogo georgiano y experto de la Universidad Financiera dependiente del Gobierno de la Federación Rusa, realizada por United World International.
Operation Al-Aqsa Storm: Reasons and consequences for #Gaza, Al-Quds and the region
📌 “Both #Israel and #Hamas were preparing for years”
📌 Two things Hamas miscalculated: #Muslim countries and #Hezbollah
📌 Dependence on the #US and Western countries
📌 #Türkiye’s guarantor proposal
Interview with journalist #RamazanBursa, who is closely acquainted with the Palestinian issue and the region.
By #ŞafakErdem
📌 “Both #Israel and #Hamas were preparing for years”
📌 Two things Hamas miscalculated: #Muslim countries and #Hezbollah
📌 Dependence on the #US and Western countries
📌 #Türkiye’s guarantor proposal
Interview with journalist #RamazanBursa, who is closely acquainted with the Palestinian issue and the region.
By #ŞafakErdem
United World International
Operation Al-Aqsa Storm: Reasons and consequences for Gaza, Al-Quds and the region
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek commented on the latest #PKK attack, #US and #Israel|i plans in the region, the importance of confrontation in the Eastern Mediterranean and the opportunities offered by the #Astana meeting scheduled for the second half of January in terms of clearing terrorist organizations to RIA Novosti.
United World International
The Astana Meeting’s opportunities to eliminate terror organizations
Interview to Russian RIA Novosti on the recent PKK attack on Turkish soliders in Iraq.
On 25 December, UWI organized a webinar entitled “Regional Cooperation to Stop #Israel|i Aggression”. The webinar addressed the reasons and consequences of the al-Aqsa Storm operation on 7 October, the current situation in #Gaza, and the positions of the countries in the region.
We present the presentations of the speakers and their answers to the questions.
https://unitedworldint.com/32701-uniting-the-command/ #Palestine
We present the presentations of the speakers and their answers to the questions.
https://unitedworldint.com/32701-uniting-the-command/ #Palestine
United World International
Uniting the command
Statements on the UWI webinar on Regional Cooperation to Stop Israeli Aggression, with participation from Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Russia.
#Türkiye-#EU: Problems of mutual understanding or struggle?
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the #Azerbaijan|i site Caliber.Аz about the #Turkish-EU relations.
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the #Azerbaijan|i site Caliber.Аz about the #Turkish-EU relations.
United World International
Türkiye-EU: Problems of mutual understanding or struggle?
Interview to Azerbaijani Caliber.az.
The #Turkish parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee approved a bill, by which #Türkiye gives green light to #Sweden’s adhesion to #NATO.
The Vatan Party made a public declaration on the matter, criticizing the decision and demanding a referendum on the matter.
The Vatan Party made a public declaration on the matter, criticizing the decision and demanding a referendum on the matter.
United World International
Open call for a referendum on NATO
Vatan Party criticizes Turkish parliamentary committee's approval of Sweden's adhesion to NATO.
Uwidata 25 Aralık'ta "#İsrail Saldırganlığını Durdurmak için Bölgesel İşbirliği" başlıklı bir webinar düzenledi.
#Hizbullah ve #HAMAS’ın da konuşmacı olduğu etkinlikte #Türkiye, #Rusya, #İran ve #Çin’in birlikteliğinin #ABD hegemonyasını bitireceği vurgulandı. #Gazze’de ortaya konulan planın ‘#Kürdistan’ projesiyle de ilişkili olduğu belirtildi.
#Hizbullah ve #HAMAS’ın da konuşmacı olduğu etkinlikte #Türkiye, #Rusya, #İran ve #Çin’in birlikteliğinin #ABD hegemonyasını bitireceği vurgulandı. #Gazze’de ortaya konulan planın ‘#Kürdistan’ projesiyle de ilişkili olduğu belirtildi.
‘Batı Asya ülkeleri Filistin’de sorunu çözebilir’
Hizbullah ve HAMAS’ın da konuşmacı olduğu etkinlikte Türkiye, Rusya, İran ve Çin’in birlikteliğinin ABD hegemonyasını bitireceği vurgulandı. Gazze’de ortaya konulan planın ‘Kürdistan’ projesiyle de ilişkili olduğu belirtildi.
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 #PKK attacks on #Turkish Armed Forces base in Northern #Iraq
📌 First approval for #Sweden’s #NATO membership
📌 #PKK attacks on #Turkish Armed Forces base in Northern #Iraq
📌 First approval for #Sweden’s #NATO membership
United World International
PKK attacks on Turkish Armed Forces’ base in Northern Iraq; First approval for Sweden’s NATO membership
Main political events in Türkiye in the last week.
UWİDATA'da Çarpıcı Değerlendirme: "Sonuç Ortada, İsrail Yenildi"
Uwidata "#İsrail Saldırganlığını Durdurmak için Bölgesel İşbirliği" başlıklı bir webinar düzenledi. Çevrimiçi toplantıda #HAMAS Uluslararası Büro Başkanı Dr. #BasemNaim, #Hizbullah Politbüro Üyesi Dr. #AhmadMalli de konuştu.
https://www.ulusal.com.tr/dunya/uwidatada-carpici-degerlendirme-sonuc-ortada-israil-yenildi-15049664 #Filistin #Gazze
Uwidata "#İsrail Saldırganlığını Durdurmak için Bölgesel İşbirliği" başlıklı bir webinar düzenledi. Çevrimiçi toplantıda #HAMAS Uluslararası Büro Başkanı Dr. #BasemNaim, #Hizbullah Politbüro Üyesi Dr. #AhmadMalli de konuştu.
https://www.ulusal.com.tr/dunya/uwidatada-carpici-degerlendirme-sonuc-ortada-israil-yenildi-15049664 #Filistin #Gazze
Ulusal Kanal
UWİDATA'da Çarpıcı Değerlendirme: "Sonuç Ortada, İsrail Yenildi"
Uwidata "İsrail Saldırganlığını Durdurmak için Bölgesel İşbirliği" başlıklı bir webinar düzenledi. Çevrimiçi toplantıda #HAMAS Uluslararası Büro Başkanı Dr. #BasemNaim, #Hizbullah Politbüro Üyesi Dr. #AhmadMalli de konuştu. Konuşmacılar Aksa Tufanı Operasyonu'nun #İsrail ve #ABD için bir yenilgi olduğunu söyledi.
Uwidata "İsrail Saldırganlığını Durdurmak için Bölgesel İşbirliği" başlıklı bir webinar düzenledi. Çevrimiçi toplantıda HAMAS Uluslararası Büro Başkanı Dr. Basem Naim, Hizbullah Politbüro Üyesi Dr. Ahmad Malli de konuştu. Konuşmacılar Aksa Tufanı Operasyonu'nun…
Motives for respecting Mao on his 130th birthday
📌 “Without #MaoZedong, there would be no New China”
📌 China owes its current prosperity to the great change during the #Mao Era
📌 #Türkiye and #China get closer with the revolutionary approach created by Mao
By #AdnanAkfırat
📌 “Without #MaoZedong, there would be no New China”
📌 China owes its current prosperity to the great change during the #Mao Era
📌 #Türkiye and #China get closer with the revolutionary approach created by Mao
By #AdnanAkfırat
United World International
Motives for respecting Mao on his 130th birthday
"Without Mao Zedong, there would be no New China"