Protests in #Türkiye after the attack on the hospital in #Gaza
By #YunusSoner #Israel #Palestine
By #YunusSoner #Israel #Palestine
United World International
Protests in Türkiye after the attack on the hospital in Gaza
Protesters in front of the Israeli consulate in Istanbul spoke to UWI.
“Just like that”
Interview with #SergeyGlazyev, Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, about the #Russian-#Turkish economic relations under the shadow of Western sanctions.
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan #Russia #Türkiye
Interview with #SergeyGlazyev, Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, about the #Russian-#Turkish economic relations under the shadow of Western sanctions.
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan #Russia #Türkiye
United World International
“Just like that”
Sergey Glazyev elaborates on the current and future economic relations between Türkiye and Russia persisting despite Western sanctions.
How to stop #Israeli aggression
#MehmetPerinçek, political scientist, historian and Uwidata author, commented on how the developments in #Gaza concern #Türkiye and what concrete steps Türkiye should take. #Palestine #Israel
#MehmetPerinçek, political scientist, historian and Uwidata author, commented on how the developments in #Gaza concern #Türkiye and what concrete steps Türkiye should take. #Palestine #Israel
United World International
How to stop Israeli aggression
Pressing strategic choices ahead of Türkiye
“If they go too far, they will witness the nation’s flood”
The daily newspaper #Aydınlık conducted an interview with Dr. #AliHajjHassan, the Head of the Youth Sector in #Hezbollah’s Educational Unit. #Palestine #Gaza #Israel
The daily newspaper #Aydınlık conducted an interview with Dr. #AliHajjHassan, the Head of the Youth Sector in #Hezbollah’s Educational Unit. #Palestine #Gaza #Israel
United World International
“If they go too far, they will witness the nation’s flood”
Interview with Dr. Ali Hajj Hassan, the Head of the Youth Sector in Hezbollah’s Educational Unit.
The four levels of analysis of the #Israeli-#Palestinian conflict (II)
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein #Israel #Palestine #gaza
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein #Israel #Palestine #gaza
United World International
The four levels of analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (II)
A glance at the regional level..
11 #films on the #Palestinian question
By #TuncaArslan #Palestine #Israel
By #TuncaArslan #Palestine #Israel
United World International
11 films on the Palestinian question
A list that includes israeli movies but is still inconclusive, till Zionsm and imperialism are removed from the region.
#Tehran’s perspective on #Gaza
📌 Why is #Israel afraid of Hezbollah?
📌 Why is the #US Navy in the East #Mediterranean?
📌 Groundbreaking proposal of #Iran
By #RafetBallı #Palestine
📌 Why is #Israel afraid of Hezbollah?
📌 Why is the #US Navy in the East #Mediterranean?
📌 Groundbreaking proposal of #Iran
By #RafetBallı #Palestine
United World International
Tehran’s perspective on Gaza
Strategic perspectives and tactical positions.
In #Palestine, #France can play an unprecedented role in the spirit of the Non-Aligned Movement of Bandung
By #JacquesCheminade, President Solidarité et Progrès (France) #Israel
By #JacquesCheminade, President Solidarité et Progrès (France) #Israel
United World International
In Palestine, France can play an unprecedented role in the spirit of the Non-Aligned Movement of Bandung
Statement of the President of French political party Solidarité et Progrès on the conflict in Palestine.
War in #Palestine as conflict between “two global axes”
📌 #Türkiye’s proposal to become a protective power in #Gaza
📌 Overcoming regional differences to stop the #US and #Israel
Interview with #IsmailHakkıPekin, ret. Lieutenant General and former Head of Intelligence at the General Staff of the #Turkish Armed Forces.
📌 #Türkiye’s proposal to become a protective power in #Gaza
📌 Overcoming regional differences to stop the #US and #Israel
Interview with #IsmailHakkıPekin, ret. Lieutenant General and former Head of Intelligence at the General Staff of the #Turkish Armed Forces.
United World International
War in Palestine as conflict between “two global axes”
The conflict reached far beyond the Hamas-Israel dimension.
3rd Belt and Road Forum and the rising voice of the New World
📌 New #US sanctions on #China
📌 Where is #Türkiye’s representative?
By #OrçunGöktürk, President of the #Turkish-#Chinese Belt and Road Institute
📌 New #US sanctions on #China
📌 Where is #Türkiye’s representative?
By #OrçunGöktürk, President of the #Turkish-#Chinese Belt and Road Institute
United World International
3rd Belt and Road Forum and the rising voice of the New World
The gathering fell upon the 10th anniversary of the initiative.
While the #Palestinians struggle, “#Türkiye should be where it should have been already”
By interview with Prof. Dr. #BessamAbuAbdullah, #Syrian State President Bashar al-Assad’s close associate, former Advisor to #Syria|n Ministry of Information. #US #Israel #Palestine
By interview with Prof. Dr. #BessamAbuAbdullah, #Syrian State President Bashar al-Assad’s close associate, former Advisor to #Syria|n Ministry of Information. #US #Israel #Palestine
United World International
While the Palestinians struggle, “Türkiye should be where it should have been already”
Israel had planned Hamas for dinner, but Hamas had Israel already at lunch, as the proverb says, argues Bessam Abu Abdullah, former Advisor to the Syrian Ministry of Information.
The Schiller Institute has organized on July 8 and 9 an international conference titled “On the Verge of a New World War – #European Nations Must Cooperate” in #Strasbourg, #France.
We start our series with the opening speech of Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and leader of the Schiller Institute.
We start our series with the opening speech of Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and leader of the Schiller Institute.
United World International
“Let a Garden amidst a Million Gardens Bloom!”
Opening speech in the international conference "On the Verge of a New World War – European Nations Must Cooperate”
‘#Türkiye, #Avrasya Ekonomik Birliği ve Kuşak Yol’a katılabilir’
‘Türkiye, Avrasya Ekonomik Birliği ve Kuşak Yol’a katılabilir’
Rus Bakan Sergey Glazyev’la Türk-Rus ekonomik ilişkilerini konuştuk. Glazyev, Türk-Rus ekonomik işbirliğinin gelişmesi için ABD ve AB'den bağımsız girişimler, bankalar, dijital ödeme kanallarının oluşturulmasının altını çizdi.Bakan, Türkiye’nin NATO pençesinden…
The four levels of analysis of the #Israeli-#Palestinian conflict (III and final)
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein #Gaza #Palestine #Israel
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein #Gaza #Palestine #Israel
United World International
The four levels of analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (III and final)
Contextualizing in the struggle between a unipolar and a multipolar world.
The #Palestine Conflict in global context and #China’s perspective on it
Interview with Prof. #YangChen. Professor Yang is the Executive Director of the Center for #Türkiye Studies in the University of #Shanghai.
By #YunusSoner #Israel
Interview with Prof. #YangChen. Professor Yang is the Executive Director of the Center for #Türkiye Studies in the University of #Shanghai.
By #YunusSoner #Israel
United World International
The Palestine Conflict in global context and China’s perspective on it
Interview with Prof. Yang Chen, Executive Director of the Center for Turkish Studies in the University of Shanghai.
“Türkiye has reached the edge of a revolution”
📌 100 years ago and now: plans to divide #Türkiye
📌 #Atatürk’s winning strategy
By #MehmetPerinçek
📌 100 years ago and now: plans to divide #Türkiye
📌 #Atatürk’s winning strategy
By #MehmetPerinçek
United World International
“Türkiye has reached the edge of a revolution”
On the Turkish republic's 100th anniversary of foundation and the road ahead.
Outcomes of the 5-party summit
📌 President #Raisi’s remarks
📌 A corridor from Iran to #Nakhchivan
📌 #Türkiye: “Countries in the region can solve their problems by themselves”
📌 #Lavrov: “An in-depth and productive discussion”
📌 9-point declaration
By #GürkanDemir reporting from #Tehran, #Iran #Russia #Armenia #Azerbaijan
📌 President #Raisi’s remarks
📌 A corridor from Iran to #Nakhchivan
📌 #Türkiye: “Countries in the region can solve their problems by themselves”
📌 #Lavrov: “An in-depth and productive discussion”
📌 9-point declaration
By #GürkanDemir reporting from #Tehran, #Iran #Russia #Armenia #Azerbaijan
United World International
Outcomes of the 5-party summit
The participant's comments and the 9-point-declaration.
#Mali armed forces discovered evidence of #US mercenaries’ presence in #Anefis
📌 Anefis: Vital strategic outpost
📌 How to defend?
By #ErkinFeyyazEşli #Africa
📌 Anefis: Vital strategic outpost
📌 How to defend?
By #ErkinFeyyazEşli #Africa
United World International
Mali armed forces discovered evidence of US mercenaries’ presence in Anefis
This may indicate the beginning of a new trend of outsourcing military operations to non-state actors.
“War in #Gaza will result in accelerated transition to multipolar world”
Interview with Dr. #AhmadMalli, Member of the Politburo of #Hezbollah and also Director of the Political and Legal Studies Center in the #Lebanese University.
By #YunusSoner #Palestine #Israel #Lebanon #US
Interview with Dr. #AhmadMalli, Member of the Politburo of #Hezbollah and also Director of the Political and Legal Studies Center in the #Lebanese University.
By #YunusSoner #Palestine #Israel #Lebanon #US
United World International
“War in Gaza will result in accelerated transition to multipolar world”
Interview with Dr. Ahmad Malli, Member of the Poltiburo of Hezbollah.
On #Türkiye’s alliance policy: Our foes determine who our friends are
📌 #QasemSoleimani
📌 Why did #Russia enter the #Syria|n conflict?
📌 #Iran’s foreign policy success
📌 Today’s geopolitical earthquake: #Palestine
By #RafetBallı
📌 #QasemSoleimani
📌 Why did #Russia enter the #Syria|n conflict?
📌 #Iran’s foreign policy success
📌 Today’s geopolitical earthquake: #Palestine
By #RafetBallı
United World International
On Türkiye’s alliance policy: Our foes determine who our friends are
From Iraq in 2003 over Syria in 2015 to today's Palestine: The evolution of one single front and regional actor's moves in it.