#İmranHan, gözaltından önce UWI’ye konuştu: #Amerika’dan korkanlar milli çıkarlarını koruyamaz
https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/imran-han-gozaltindan-once-uwiye-konustu-amerikadan-korkanlar-milli-cikarlarini-koruyamaz-388158 #Pakistan
https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/imran-han-gozaltindan-once-uwiye-konustu-amerikadan-korkanlar-milli-cikarlarini-koruyamaz-388158 #Pakistan
İmran Han, gözaltından önce UWI’ye konuştu: Amerika’dan korkanlar milli çıkarlarını koruyamaz
İmran Han, Pakistan’ı ayağa kaldıran gözaltına alınma olayından iki gün önce UWI’ye özel mülakatında yeni bir dünyanın kurulduğunu söyledi. Şaşırtıcı bir şekilde Hindistan’ın dış politikasını övdü. Türkiye seçimlerinde kalbinin Erdoğan’dan yana olduğunu belirtti
UWI discloses report of #Ukrainian intelligence: #Zelensky attempted to divide #Crimean Tatars by planting spies
By #IşıkgünAkfırat
https://unitedworldint.com/30011-uwi-discloses-report-of-ukrainian-intelligence-zelensky-attempted-to-divide-crimean-tatars-by-planting-spies/ #Ukraine #Crimea
By #IşıkgünAkfırat
https://unitedworldint.com/30011-uwi-discloses-report-of-ukrainian-intelligence-zelensky-attempted-to-divide-crimean-tatars-by-planting-spies/ #Ukraine #Crimea
United World International
UWI discloses report of Ukrainian intelligence: Zelensky attempted to divide Crimean Tatars by planting spies
The document focuses on the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (KTMM), and the World Congress of Crimean Tatar.
Em uma entrevista à UWI, o ex-primeiro-ministro do #Paquistão fala da política externa da #Índia como um exemplo a ser seguido, chama o #Afeganistão de "uma linha de vida futura" e culpa seu governo por não estabelecer relações de acordo "devido ao medo dos #EUA".
As antigas estruturas de poder global estão mudando
Em uma entrevista à UWI, o ex-primeiro-ministro do Paquistão fala da política externa da Índia como um exemplo a ser seguido, chama o Afeganistão de "uma linha de vida futura" e culpa seu governo por
A brief political history of #Thailand and the upcoming general #elections
By #MehmetAlemdar
By #MehmetAlemdar
United World International
A brief political history of Thailand and the upcoming general elections
An analysis of the political system and the geopolitical importance of the elections.
Раскрыты секретные документы СБУ: Украина считает крымских татар потенциальными врагами
kp.ru -
Раскрыты секретные документы СБУ: Украина считает крымских татар потенциальными врагами
Турецкая газета «Айдынлык» опубликовала тайную переписку украинских спецслужб о крымских татарах
В Турции рассказали о враждебном отношении Киева к крымским татарам
Федеральное агентство новостей
В Турции рассказали о враждебном отношении Киева к крымским татарам
Украинские националисты считают крымских татар потенциальной угрозой, пишет турецкое издание «Айданлык» со ссылкой на документы СБУ.
Erdoğan is close to victory
#RecepTayyipErdoğan, the candidate of the People’s Alliance, #KemalKılıçdaroğlu, the candidate of the Nation Alliance, and #SinanOğan, the candidate of the Ata Alliance, competed against each other.
https://unitedworldint.com/30037-erdogan-is-close-to-victory/ #Türkiye
#RecepTayyipErdoğan, the candidate of the People’s Alliance, #KemalKılıçdaroğlu, the candidate of the Nation Alliance, and #SinanOğan, the candidate of the Ata Alliance, competed against each other.
https://unitedworldint.com/30037-erdogan-is-close-to-victory/ #Türkiye
United World International
Erdoğan is close to victory
Results of the presiential and parliamentary elections in Türkiye.
#Polisario Front: 50 years of struggles and victories
📌 Western #Sahara, the #Spanish state, and #Morocco
📌 A united and inclusive society
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
📌 Western #Sahara, the #Spanish state, and #Morocco
📌 A united and inclusive society
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
United World International
Polisario Front: 50 years of struggles and victories
The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic is the last country in Africa waiting for liberation from colonialism. Here's a view on it's leading organization.
“The pro-#American political program has lost in the #elections”
United World International author #YunusSoner provided an interview to #Russia Today commeting on the elections in #Türkiye.
United World International author #YunusSoner provided an interview to #Russia Today commeting on the elections in #Türkiye.
United World International
“The pro-American political program has lost in the elections”
Interview to Russia Today on Türkiye's elections and its possible consequences on foreign policy.
How to prevent a war in the Pacific?
📌 The strategic importance of the Pacific for the #US and #China
📌 Impact of #Russia’s special military operation on #Asia-#Pacific
📌 Limitations of US imperialism and the future of the Asia-Pacific
By #OrçunGöktürk
📌 The strategic importance of the Pacific for the #US and #China
📌 Impact of #Russia’s special military operation on #Asia-#Pacific
📌 Limitations of US imperialism and the future of the Asia-Pacific
By #OrçunGöktürk
United World International
How to prevent a war in the Pacific?
Power and ideology constellations in Asia-Pacific.
The opposition handed over #election victory to Erdoğan
📌 How can #Erdoğan still win?
📌 The #CHP lost urban nationalists
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
📌 How can #Erdoğan still win?
📌 The #CHP lost urban nationalists
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
United World International
The opposition handed over election victory to Erdoğan
Nationalist votes are the key to electoral victory.
The institutions Nova Resistência (#Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (#Türkiye), the International #Eurasian Movement (#Russia), the Thinkers’ Forum (#China) and the International Russophile Movement organized a ‘Global Multipolarity Conference’
United World International
The Global Multipolarity Conference
"El programa político proamericano ha perdido en las elecciones"
#YunusSoner, autor de United World International, concedió una entrevista a #Russia Today en la que hablaba de las elecciones en #Turquía.
#YunusSoner, autor de United World International, concedió una entrevista a #Russia Today en la que hablaba de las elecciones en #Turquía.
Pia Global
"El programa político proamericano ha perdido en las elecciones" - Pia Global
Estas elecciones han demostrado ser importantes en la medida en que han mostrado un bloque del 25% de votantes nacionalistas.
A miracle in the heart of #Asia: Horgos!
📌 At the pole of inaccessibility in #Eurasia
📌 #Herodotus’ legend comes true!
📌 The bright path of #Kazakhstan
📌 TUCEM opens #Turkish brands the doors to #China from Horgos
By #AdnanAkfırat
📌 At the pole of inaccessibility in #Eurasia
📌 #Herodotus’ legend comes true!
📌 The bright path of #Kazakhstan
📌 TUCEM opens #Turkish brands the doors to #China from Horgos
By #AdnanAkfırat
United World International
A miracle in the heart of Asia: Horgos!
The importance of Eurasia's largest 'dry port'.
#Turquía dejó atrás una larga pero tranquila noche electoral.
Compitieron #RecepTayyipErdoğan, candidato de la Alianza Popular, #KemalKılıçdaroğlu, candidato de la Alianza de la Nación, y #SinanOğan, candidato de la Alianza Ata.
#Turquía dejó atrás una larga pero tranquila noche electoral.
Compitieron #RecepTayyipErdoğan, candidato de la Alianza Popular, #KemalKılıçdaroğlu, candidato de la Alianza de la Nación, y #SinanOğan, candidato de la Alianza Ata.
Erdoğan se acerca a la victoria
Compitieron Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, candidato de la Alianza Popular, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, candidato de la Alianza de la Nación, y Sinan Oğan, candidato de la Alianza Ata.
#YunusSoner, autor de United World International, concedió una entrevista a #Russia Today en la que hablaba de las elecciones en #Turquía.
#YunusSoner, autor de United World International, concedió una entrevista a #Russia Today en la que hablaba de las elecciones en #Turquía.
"El programa político pro-estadounidense ha perdido en las elecciones"
Gracias por acompañarnos hoy de nuevo. 5% de diferencia entre los dos principales candidatos. ¿Le han sorprendido los resultados? Sí, estoy totalmente de acuerdo con su corresponsal aquí en Estambul.
“#US pressure on #Türkiye may increase after the #elections”
UWI author #OnurSinanGüzaltan was the guest of #Russia Today. Güzaltan evaluated the results of the first round of elections in Türkiye and its possible reflections on foreign policy.
UWI author #OnurSinanGüzaltan was the guest of #Russia Today. Güzaltan evaluated the results of the first round of elections in Türkiye and its possible reflections on foreign policy.
United World International
“U.S. pressure on Türkiye may increase after the elections”
Interview to Russia Today on Türkiye's elections.
The days of Horgos have come!
📌 The #US plan of using pawns will not work
📌 The success of the Belt and Road Initiative
📌 Emerging economic cooperation
📌 #Türkiye’s responsibility
📌 Horgos free zone will shine
By #AdnanAkfırat
https://unitedworldint.com/30082-the-days-of-horgos-have-come/ #China
📌 The #US plan of using pawns will not work
📌 The success of the Belt and Road Initiative
📌 Emerging economic cooperation
📌 #Türkiye’s responsibility
📌 Horgos free zone will shine
By #AdnanAkfırat
https://unitedworldint.com/30082-the-days-of-horgos-have-come/ #China
United World International
The days of Horgos have come!
On the China-Central Asia Summit of May 18-19.
#SergeyLavrov’s address
The institutions Nova Resistência (#Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (#Türkiye), the International Eurasian Movement (#Russia), the Thinkers’ Forum (#China) and the International Russophile Movement organized a ‘Global Multipolarity Conference’
The institutions Nova Resistência (#Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (#Türkiye), the International Eurasian Movement (#Russia), the Thinkers’ Forum (#China) and the International Russophile Movement organized a ‘Global Multipolarity Conference’
United World International
Sergey Lavrov’s address
Moscow's view on the global order anmd rise of multipolarity
https://www.geopolitika.ru/es/article/la-oposicion-entrego-la-victoria-electoral-erdogan #Turquía
https://www.geopolitika.ru/es/article/la-oposicion-entrego-la-victoria-electoral-erdogan #Turquía
La oposición entregó la victoria electoral a Erdoğan
La grave crisis económica, el terremoto que asoló 11 ciudades, el sistema presidencial que no funciona, millones de inmigrantes ilegales, la falta de méritos en las instituciones estatales, la
#Ukraine: Tales of #war
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/30107-ukraine-tales-of-war/ #Russia
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/30107-ukraine-tales-of-war/ #Russia
United World International
Ukraine: Tales of war
Considering their statements, some Western politicians seem be stuck in time, repeating themselves all the time, or live in another world.