#Türkiye’s challenges and the lack of comprehensive political programs
Interview with #YunusSoner
By #OscarRotundo
Interview with #YunusSoner
By #OscarRotundo
United World International
Türkiye’s challenges and the lack of comprehensive political programs
Interview to Argentine website Pia Global.
5 differences between #Macron and #Baerbock
📌 Emphasis on not being dependent on the #US
📌 Positive tone on #Ukrainian issue
📌 No specific warning on #Taiwan
By #ŞafakErdem
📌 Emphasis on not being dependent on the #US
📌 Positive tone on #Ukrainian issue
📌 No specific warning on #Taiwan
By #ŞafakErdem
United World International
5 differences between Macron and Baerbock
A comparison of their stances in regards to Eurasian issues.
China-Russia cooperation in the construction of a new world
📌 The end of the liberal-globalist system
📌 Building a multi-polar world
📌 The #US’s lost war
📌 The strategy of distancing #China and #Russia from each other did not work
📌 End of dollar rule and sanctions
By #MehmetPerinçek
📌 The end of the liberal-globalist system
📌 Building a multi-polar world
📌 The #US’s lost war
📌 The strategy of distancing #China and #Russia from each other did not work
📌 End of dollar rule and sanctions
By #MehmetPerinçek
United World International
China-Russia cooperation in the construction of a new world
Dimensions of the alliance, its consequences for the global order and opportunities for Türkiye.
#Vietnam: 48 years after the defeat of #US imperialism
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
United World International
Vietnam: 48 years after the defeat of US imperialism
The decisive "Ho Chi Minh Campaign" concluded on May 1.
#Rus siyasetçi Mironov: #Türkiye dışında bütün #NATO üyeleri düşmanımız
Rus siyasetçi Mironov: Türkiye dışında bütün NATO üyeleri düşmanımız
Adil Rusya Partisi Genel Başkanı ve Duma Milletvekili Sergey Mironov, Türkiye-Rusya ilişkileri, Ukrayna’daki savaşın gidişatı, Çin’e bakışları, Avrupa’daki gelişmeler, Avrasya coğrafyası ve Wagner’in Rusya siyasetindeki yeriyle ilgili sorulara yanıt verdi.
#Ucrania y #Rusia alcanzan un acuerdo no oficial en #Estambul
Por #MehmetPerinçek
Por #MehmetPerinçek
Pia Global
Ucrania y Rusia alcanzan un acuerdo no oficial en Estambul - Pia Global
Por Mehmet Perinçek* - Es difícil predecir si estas conversaciones y el acuerdo preliminar conducirán a un resultado final. Sin embargo, no sería sorprendente que se iniciaran negociaciones abiertas entre ambos países en los próximos tiempos.
Komsomolskaya Pravda Gazetesi Uluslararası Editör Yardımcısı #EdvardChesnokov, #ABD’nin transatlantik veri kablolarını kesmeyi planladığını yazdı.
İstihbarat kaynakları: ABD, transatlantik veri kablolarını kesmeyi planlıyor
Komsomolskaya Pravda Gazetesi Uluslararası Editör Yardımcısı Edvard Chesnokov, ABD’nin transatlantik veri kablolarını kesmeyi planladığını yazdı.
Long live the 1st of May, day of the workers and oppressed nations that struggle against imperialism and for a multipolar world free of exploitation
United World International
Long live the 1st of May, day of the workers and oppressed nations that struggle against imperialism and for a multipolar world…
UWI congratulates May 1.
#Alemania dice «adiós» a las centrales nucleares
Por #ŞafakErdem
Por #ŞafakErdem
Pia Global
Alemania dice "adiós" a las centrales nucleares - Pia Global
Por Şafak Erdem* - La historia de la energía nuclear en Alemania es paralela a la historia de la desindustrialización de Alemania.
#Germany said ‘goodbye’ to #nuclear power plants
Interview with Dr. #AnjaWeisgerber and Dr. #AndreasKronenberg
By #CanÇakır
Interview with Dr. #AnjaWeisgerber and Dr. #AndreasKronenberg
By #CanÇakır
United World International
Germany said ‘goodbye’ to nuclear power plants
Though an electricity importing country, Germany follows the opposite line of its neighbors. While the tale of “Putin’s responsibility” is over, deindustrialization begins.
The #Syria policy of the ‘Table of Six’ is following the #US plan
📌 2011: The #CIA kicks off
#FETÖ and #Davutoğlu
📌 The involvement of #Russia
📌 The #Tehran Summit: “unacceptable” for the US
📌 The security issue for #Türkiye
📌 2011: The #CIA kicks off
#FETÖ and #Davutoğlu
📌 The involvement of #Russia
📌 The #Tehran Summit: “unacceptable” for the US
📌 The security issue for #Türkiye
United World International
The Syria policy of the ‘Table of Six’ is following the US plan
Disguises and security risks.
Another monument to terrorists will lead to big problems for Armenia
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the #Azerbaijan|i site Day.Az about the inauguration of the “Nemesis Monument” in #Armenia, which glorifies the bloody #terrorist attacks that murdered 31 #Turkish diplomats.
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the #Azerbaijan|i site Day.Az about the inauguration of the “Nemesis Monument” in #Armenia, which glorifies the bloody #terrorist attacks that murdered 31 #Turkish diplomats.
United World International
Another monument to terrorists will lead to big problems for Armenia
Interview to Azerbaijani news outlet Day.az on the recently opened "Nemesis Monument" in Armenia.
#Russian military experts and the communist leader evaluated the attack on #Kremlin
https://unitedworldint.com/29873-russian-military-experts-and-the-communist-leader-evaluated-the-attack-on-kremlin/ #Russia #Ukraine
https://unitedworldint.com/29873-russian-military-experts-and-the-communist-leader-evaluated-the-attack-on-kremlin/ #Russia #Ukraine
United World International
Russian military experts and the communist leader evaluated the attack on Kremlin
The Communist leader detects a "full-scale war is going on", while experts discuss further defence options.
#Syria’s return to #Arab League “just a matter of time”
📌 #SaudiArabia moved “closer to neutrality in global conflicts”
📌 “Backing armed opposition in the #MiddleEast is way behind us now”
📌 “#Atatürk departed from #Damascus to found the first #Turkish Republic”
📌 #Syrian-#Turkish relations will “lead to quick solution of #Kurdish problem East of #Euphrates”
By #NahedAlHuseini for UWI / Damascus, Syria
📌 #SaudiArabia moved “closer to neutrality in global conflicts”
📌 “Backing armed opposition in the #MiddleEast is way behind us now”
📌 “#Atatürk departed from #Damascus to found the first #Turkish Republic”
📌 #Syrian-#Turkish relations will “lead to quick solution of #Kurdish problem East of #Euphrates”
By #NahedAlHuseini for UWI / Damascus, Syria
United World International
Syria’s return to Arab League “just a matter of time”
On Chinese and Russian mediation efforts, Saudi Arabia's new stance and Türkiye's position.
#Honduras Dışişleri Bakan Yardımcısı: ‘#Çin en güçlü ve önemli müttefik’
Honduras Dışişleri Bakan Yardımcısı: ‘Çin en güçlü ve önemli müttefik’
Honduras, Türkiye’de daha önce Amerikan darbesiyle gündeme gelmişti. Yakın zamanda Tayvan’la ilişkilerini kesme hamlesi, dünyanın dikkatini üzerine çekti. Dışişleri Bakan Yardımcısı Gerardo Torres Zelaya, kararın arka planını anlattı
#Turkish foreign policy before/after elections – According to the #Italian press
📌 #Türkiye’s search for its own role
📌 Refugees and #Syria
📌 #Greece and the Eastern #Mediterranean
By #YiğitSaner writing for UWI from #Rome / #Italy
📌 #Türkiye’s search for its own role
📌 Refugees and #Syria
📌 #Greece and the Eastern #Mediterranean
By #YiğitSaner writing for UWI from #Rome / #Italy
United World International
Turkish foreign policy before/after elections – According to the Italian press
Headlines focus on Türkiye's general positioning between East and West, refugees and Syria as well as Greece and the Mediterranean.
“We need to have patience”
Interview with Dr. #WangJin, Associate Professor, and the Assistant Director, Institute of #MiddleEast Studies, Northwest University of #China.
By #YunusSoner
Interview with Dr. #WangJin, Associate Professor, and the Assistant Director, Institute of #MiddleEast Studies, Northwest University of #China.
By #YunusSoner
United World International
“We need to have patience”
On Chinese diplomacy and the Global Security Initiative towards the Middle East.
The fall in Bakhmut?
📌 #Prigozhin’s statement
📌 Consequences of leaving #Bakhmut
📌 Moment of truth
https://unitedworldint.com/29907-the-fall-in-bakhmut/ #Russia #Ukraine
📌 #Prigozhin’s statement
📌 Consequences of leaving #Bakhmut
📌 Moment of truth
https://unitedworldint.com/29907-the-fall-in-bakhmut/ #Russia #Ukraine
United World International
The fall in Bakhmut?
Russia could defeat itself if it fails to solve the problem of supplying its most combat-ready unit.
One step further in the #Ukrainian War: “We are on the brink”
📌 Bringing the war to #Russian territory
📌 “We have lots of patience”
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
https://unitedworldint.com/29914-one-step-further-in-the-ukrainian-war-we-are-on-the-brink/ #Russia #Ukraine
📌 Bringing the war to #Russian territory
📌 “We have lots of patience”
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
https://unitedworldint.com/29914-one-step-further-in-the-ukrainian-war-we-are-on-the-brink/ #Russia #Ukraine
United World International
One step further in the Ukrainian War: “We are on the brink”
The U.S. follows the strategy to carry the war onto Russian territory - Moscow's response will irrevocably change the fate of the world.
Elections in Türkiye
📌 Foreign Minister #MevlütÇavuşoğlu: “We are an unwavering #NATO member”
📌 Ruling party’s campaigns towards the elections
📌 Reactions to #US President using the term “#Armenian genocide”
📌 Foreign Minister #MevlütÇavuşoğlu: “We are an unwavering #NATO member”
📌 Ruling party’s campaigns towards the elections
📌 Reactions to #US President using the term “#Armenian genocide”
United World International
Statement on NATO from government officials; New projects in the electoral process; Reactions to US President calling the events…
Last week's main poltical events in Türkiye heading to elections.