Brazil will return as “admired and respected protagonist” of international politics
📌 #Brazil “does not have to support #US strategy – which only consists in responding to #Washington’s relative decline”
We interviewed #WalterSorrentino
By #YunusSoner
📌 #Brazil “does not have to support #US strategy – which only consists in responding to #Washington’s relative decline”
We interviewed #WalterSorrentino
By #YunusSoner
United World International
Brazil will return as “admired and respected protagonist” of international politics
Expected foreign policy, ecomomic crisis, domestic political challenges, future of Bolsonaro and the rising Evangelism.
¿Es viable un centro de gas #turco-#ruso para suministrar energía a #Europa?
Pia Global
¿Es viable un centro de gas turco-ruso para suministrar energía a Europa? - Pia Global
PIA Global comparte el resumen del seminario web "La crisis energética de Europa y las perspectivas de la cooperación ruso-turca" organizado por United World International.
Sobre la reciente amnistía general del gobierno #sirio
Por Dr. #NajmAlAhmad
Por Dr. #NajmAlAhmad
Pia Global
Sobre la reciente amnistía general del gobierno sirio - Pia Global
La nueva amnistía es la continuación de una serie de decretos de amnistía que se han emitido en repetidas ocasiones desde el comienzo de la crisis en Siria en 2011, con el objetivo de reforzar los requisitos de la reconciliación nacional.
#Sport and Art, Pt. 2: The #Aesthetics of the Sports Spectacle
📌 „Individual Actions“
📌 The Principle of „Perfection“
By #LjubodragSimonovic
📌 „Individual Actions“
📌 The Principle of „Perfection“
By #LjubodragSimonovic
United World International
Sport and Art, Pt. 2: The Aesthetics of the Sports Spectacle
Second part of a series of articles on the relation between sports and art. UWI will publish every sunday a new chapter of Simonovic's text.
#Suriye Devlet Başkanı #Esad'ın lideri olduğu Baas Partisi'nin milletvekili #NabilToumeh, Esad'ın, Cumhurbaşkanı #Erdoğan ile görüşeceği iddialarına ilişkin açıklama yaptı. Toumeh'e göre görüşme '#Türkiye'deki seçimlerden önce veya sonra olabilir.'
Suriyeli siyasetçiden 'görüşme' yorumu: Erdoğan'a yarayıp yaramayacağını düşünmeliyiz
Baas Partisi’nin milletvekili Nabil Toumeh, AKP’li Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ve Suriye Devlet Başkanı Beşar Esad’ın görüşme iddialarına ilişkin, “Bu toplantının seçimlerden önce Erdoğan'a yarayıp yaramayacağını düşünmeliyiz” yorumunu yaptı.
#Brazil: “A victory for democracy”
We interviewed #MonicaValente. Monica Valente is currently member of the National Committee of the Workers’ Party (PT) and the Executive Secretary of the #SaoPaolo Forum.
By #YunusSoner
We interviewed #MonicaValente. Monica Valente is currently member of the National Committee of the Workers’ Party (PT) and the Executive Secretary of the #SaoPaolo Forum.
By #YunusSoner
United World International
Brazil: “A victory for democracy”
On governability, economic and foreign policies of the coming Lula Government of Brazil.
“Time for the US to leave the region”
📌 #Perinçek: “A new historical phase”
📌 Meaning of the meeting: Joint use of armed forces
📌 Towards the dissolution of #PKK
📌 Expulsion of the #US and #terrorist organizations #Türkiye #Syria
📌 #Perinçek: “A new historical phase”
📌 Meaning of the meeting: Joint use of armed forces
📌 Towards the dissolution of #PKK
📌 Expulsion of the #US and #terrorist organizations #Türkiye #Syria
United World International
“Time for the US to leave the region”
Comments on the first meeting between Syria and Türkiye after 11 Years.
Forças kosovares nas #Malvinas: ferramentas da ‘#Bretanha global’
Por #MicaelaConstantini
Por #MicaelaConstantini
Nova Resistência
Forças kosovares nas Malvinas: ferramentas da 'Bretanha global' | Nova Resistência
O presente artigo aborda a importância geo-estratégica e geopolítica das Ilhas Malvinas e do Atlântico Sul para a Grã-Bretanha como potência internacional que disputa a hegemonia diante da transformação para um mundo multipolar. Em 23 de novembro, foi ratificado…
Imperialism and narco-terrorism
We spoke with #RafaelBarajasDurán in #Mexico City.
By #YunusSoner
We spoke with #RafaelBarajasDurán in #Mexico City.
By #YunusSoner
United World International
Imperialism and narco-terrorism
The dimension of drug drafficking in Mexico cannot be explained without the United States, says Barajas in the first part of the interview.
#Siria y #Türkiye, junto a #Irán e #Irak, pueden eliminar la «amenaza hipotética del extremismo kurdo»
PIA Global comparte con sus lectores la entrevista realizada en #Damasco, Siria al Dr. #NabilToumeh por #NahedAlHuseini para el portal United World International.
PIA Global comparte con sus lectores la entrevista realizada en #Damasco, Siria al Dr. #NabilToumeh por #NahedAlHuseini para el portal United World International.
Pia Global
Siria y Türkiye, junto a Irán e Irak, pueden eliminar la "amenaza hipotética del extremismo kurdo" - Pia Global
PIA Global comparte con sus lectores la entrevista realizada en Damasco, Siria, al Dr. Nabil Toumeh por Nahed al Huseini para el portal United World
Uluslararası İnsan Hakları Konseyi’nin (IHRC) Birleşmiş Milletler Daimi Temsilcisi Haysam Abou-Said, #Ankara-#Şam görüşmesinin “bütün coğrafyı ve hatta okyanus ötesini” etkileyebileceğini söyledi. #Türkiye #Suriye #Türkiye #Suriye
'Uluslararası güçler diyalogu yavaşlatmak istiyor'
Uluslararası İnsan Hakları Konseyi’nin (IHRC) Birleşmiş Milletler Daimi Temsilcisi Haysam Abou-Said, Ankara-Şam görüşmesinin “bütün coğrafyı ve hatta okyanus ötesini” etkileyebileceğini söyledi.
Are the #US preparing to expel #Türkiye from #NATO?
Political scientist and United World International author #OnurSinanGüzaltan commented on Bolton’s statement on #Russia Today TV channel.
Political scientist and United World International author #OnurSinanGüzaltan commented on Bolton’s statement on #Russia Today TV channel.
United World International
Are the US preparing to expel Türkiye from NATO?
Interview to Russian RT on Bolton's statement regarding expellint Türkiye from NATO.
#Brazil: #Lula and actions of overthrowing
By #OscarRotundo
By #OscarRotundo
United World International
Brazil: Lula and actions of overthrowing
The assault on the congress shows a determination of Bolsonaro's supporters to destruct governability of Lula.
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 Climate Change speech of #Erdoğan
📌 #Turkish objections to #Sweden and #Finland’s #NATO membership are continuing
📌 Exclusive #Istanbul derby victory for #Galatasaray
📌 Climate Change speech of #Erdoğan
📌 #Turkish objections to #Sweden and #Finland’s #NATO membership are continuing
📌 Exclusive #Istanbul derby victory for #Galatasaray
United World International
Erdoğan calls for climate change; Türkiye-NATO relations; Istanbul derby win of Galatasaray FC
Main political events in Türkiye in the last week.
An assessment of 100 Years of the USSR
📌 The #USSR’s most important contribution to humanity
📌 The USSR living within #Russia
📌 The return of #Stalin
📌 Liberation of the world from #German #fascism
📌 Two USSR: The retreat from socialism and collapse
📌 The end of the unipolar world and the #Eurasian Century
By #MehmetPerinçek
📌 The #USSR’s most important contribution to humanity
📌 The USSR living within #Russia
📌 The return of #Stalin
📌 Liberation of the world from #German #fascism
📌 Two USSR: The retreat from socialism and collapse
📌 The end of the unipolar world and the #Eurasian Century
By #MehmetPerinçek
United World International
An assessment of 100 Years of the USSR
The Soviet experience and the path ahead.
The Eurozone is heading into a recession
Today we are publishing the third speech held on UWI’s webinar on “#Europe’s Energy Crisis and the Prospects of #Turkish-#Russian Cooperation”.
By #MichaelRoberts, Economist and labor activist, #UnitedKingdom
Today we are publishing the third speech held on UWI’s webinar on “#Europe’s Energy Crisis and the Prospects of #Turkish-#Russian Cooperation”.
By #MichaelRoberts, Economist and labor activist, #UnitedKingdom
United World International
The Eurozone is heading into a recession
The prospects for Türkiye of becoming an international gas hub are "way too optimistic", argues the author.
The time of celebrations it’s over – now it’s about determination and confidence in the future democracy in #Brazil and the success of the #Lula government
By #WalterSorrentino, Vice-President of the Communist Party of Brazil (PcdoB)
By #WalterSorrentino, Vice-President of the Communist Party of Brazil (PcdoB)
United World International
The time of celebrations it’s over – now it’s about determination and confidence in the future democracy in Brazil and the success…
A broad democratic front to exclude the extreme right is crucial, says the author.
“The nation-state is the first line of defense for the people”
We are presenting the second part of our interview with #RafaelBarajasDurán.
By #YunusSoner #Mexico
We are presenting the second part of our interview with #RafaelBarajasDurán.
By #YunusSoner #Mexico
United World International
“The nation-state is the first line of defense for the people”
Background, perspective and continental dimension of Mexico's Fourth Transformation
A chain on Europe’s autonomy
📌 The level of partnership will be increased
📌 ‘Goodbye European autonomy’
📌 Cracks can place in jeopardy weapons
📌 A step back on #China
📌 ‘#Europe and the Indo-Pacific security is no longer inseparable’
📌 "US preparations to deploy soldiers to #Sweden
📌 The level of partnership will be increased
📌 ‘Goodbye European autonomy’
📌 Cracks can place in jeopardy weapons
📌 A step back on #China
📌 ‘#Europe and the Indo-Pacific security is no longer inseparable’
📌 "US preparations to deploy soldiers to #Sweden
United World International
A chain on Europe’s autonomy
Joint statement from the EU and NATO.