United World International
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🌍 Geopolitical analysis and forecasting of global trends

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The Death of the British Imperial State

📌 Since the second world war, over sixty states have become independent of #British rule

📌 The break-up of the British union will be beneficial to #England

By #CraigMurray

https://unitedworldint.com/25765-the-death-of-the-british-imperial-state/ #UK
#Spanish economy is failing due to lack of sovereignty

📌 Current government has no future
📌 "If there is no energy sovereignty, there is no sovereignty at all"
📌 "Solution is overthrowing all #US elements in our countries – it is them that are sinking us down"

We have interviewed #EnriqueRefoyo, political scientist from #Spain.

Political traces of #ShinzoAbe’s assassination

📌 A political party progressing along family: the LDP
📌 The desire for the Empire turning into action?
📌 The LDP’s period of gaining strength: The Yoshida Doctrine
📌 A new LDP under #Abe’s leadership
📌 The timing of Abe’s assassination

By #MehmetEmreÖztürk

https://unitedworldint.com/25796-political-traces-of-shinzo-abes-assassination/ #Japan
Behind the murder of former Prime Minister Abe

📌 Paralells between #Abe’s and #Kennedy’s assassinations
📌 Hostility against #Russia is a self-defeating measure for #Japan
📌 The murderer stayed on the scene – what that fact tells us

By #SakaiTanaka

Forwarded from Mehmet Perinçek
Görev Vakfı bünyesinde Türkiye merkezli faaliyet yürüten uluslararası strateji ve analiz platformu United World International (UWI), İngiltere'nin mali yaptırım listesinde yer aldı.
UWI Yöneticisi Dr. Mehmet Perinçek, platforma ‘dört dalga halinde’ uygulanan yaptırımları “United World International’ın hedef seçilmesinin en önemli sebebi Türkiye’nin Batı emperyalizmle mücadelesinin bütün cephelerindeki haklılığını İngilizce olarak dünya kamuoyuna duyurmasıdır.” sözleriyle değerlendirdi. Perinçek, UWI’nin Türkiye’nin ABD destekli PKK-PYD terör örgütüne karşı haklı mücadelesini, KKTC ve Doğu Akdeniz’de hak ve menfaatlerini, Karadeniz’de, Ege’de ve Kafkaslar’da Türkiye’nin ve müttefiklerinin haklılığını ortaya koyan çalışmalarının Batılı güçleri rahatsız ettiğini ifade etti.

Daha fazlası için ⤵️
Sri Lanka: Belt and Road Initiative and the myth of the debt trap

📌 The problem of #SriLanka’s external debt
📌 First debt from the World Bank…
📌 The helping hand of the #BeltAndRoad Initiative
📌 Largest external debt is to Western markets!
📌 Who is to blame for the debt trap?
📌 The #US wants to destruct, #BRI is constructive

By #OrçunGöktürk
