#Washington’s retreat from the #EastMed pipeline
By #IslamFarag
https://unitedworldint.com/23073-washingtons-retreat-from-the-eastmed-pipeline/ #US #Greece #Cyprus #Israel #Egypt #Turkey
By #IslamFarag
https://unitedworldint.com/23073-washingtons-retreat-from-the-eastmed-pipeline/ #US #Greece #Cyprus #Israel #Egypt #Turkey
United World International
Washington’s retreat from the EastMed pipeline
A victory for political and economic realism.
Will 2022 be the year #LatinAmerica strikes back against #US #imperialism?
United World International is starting a new article series, where international experts evaluate the year 2021 and present their predictions and expectations for the year 2022.
We present the views of #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein, #Venezuela|n expert on International Relations.
United World International is starting a new article series, where international experts evaluate the year 2021 and present their predictions and expectations for the year 2022.
We present the views of #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein, #Venezuela|n expert on International Relations.
United World International
Will 2022 be the year Latin America strikes back against US imperialism?
Latin America will become an important actor in the international system in 2022.
#Turkish experts: #US plans in #Ukraine and #Kazakhstan target #Turkey as well
Retired Lieutenant-General #İsmailHakkıPekin, Gaziantep University academic Dr. #AliFuatGökçe, Vatan Party’s Deputy Chairman #SerdarÜsküplü, visiting Professor at the Moscow State University Dr. #MehmetPerinçek and the journalist #DenizBerktay made important statements on the matters.
Retired Lieutenant-General #İsmailHakkıPekin, Gaziantep University academic Dr. #AliFuatGökçe, Vatan Party’s Deputy Chairman #SerdarÜsküplü, visiting Professor at the Moscow State University Dr. #MehmetPerinçek and the journalist #DenizBerktay made important statements on the matters.
United World International
Turkish experts: US plans in Ukraine and Kazakhstan target Turkey as well
In response, Turkey should leave the NATO "immediately", most experts argued.
The #Kazakh crossroads in #Turkish-#Russian relations
The plan to put #Ankara and #Moscow at odds with one another over #CentralAsia has failed.
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
https://unitedworldint.com/23121-the-kazakh-crossroads-in-turkish-russian-relations/ #Kazakhstan #Turkey #Russia #US #EU #FETÖ
The plan to put #Ankara and #Moscow at odds with one another over #CentralAsia has failed.
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
https://unitedworldint.com/23121-the-kazakh-crossroads-in-turkish-russian-relations/ #Kazakhstan #Turkey #Russia #US #EU #FETÖ
United World International
The Kazakh crossroads in Turkish-Russian relations
Incidents in Central Asia and 5 geographies for Turkish-Russian cooperation.
2022: The year of destiny
United World International is starting a new article series, where international experts evaluate the year 2021 and present their predictions and expectations for the year 2022.
We present the views of Dr. #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of the Vatan Party (#Turkey).
United World International is starting a new article series, where international experts evaluate the year 2021 and present their predictions and expectations for the year 2022.
We present the views of Dr. #DoğuPerinçek, Chairman of the Vatan Party (#Turkey).
United World International
2022: The year of destiny
Challenges and solutions ahead of Turkey
“#Israel attacks #Syria to make up for its defeats against the Resistance”
#MehdiAzizi, #Iran|ian Mehr’s foreign news agency director evaluated the developments in the region in an interview he gave to United World International.
By #RoyaFereyduni
#MehdiAzizi, #Iran|ian Mehr’s foreign news agency director evaluated the developments in the region in an interview he gave to United World International.
By #RoyaFereyduni
United World International
“Israel attacks Syria to make up for its defeats against the Resistance”
On Israel's attacks on Syria, Damascus' reintegration into the Arab world and the UAE's foreign policies.
#Kazakhstan: using #Marxism to make sense of the current conflict
By #MassimilianoAy, General Secretary of the #Communist Party (#Switzerland)
By #MassimilianoAy, General Secretary of the #Communist Party (#Switzerland)
United World International
Kazakhstan: using Marxism to make sense of the current conflict
The real class conflict is enfolding on a higher level of contradiction, argues the author.
Mali at the crossroads of sanctions and multipolarity
🗣 #IbrahimIkassaMaïga, Minister of Refoundation, #Mali
🗣 #SemihKoray, Deputy Chairman of Vatan Party (#Turkey)
🗓 24th of January 2022
⏰ 4 PM (GMT+3)
Webinar languages will be English and French with simultaneous translation.
🗣 #IbrahimIkassaMaïga, Minister of Refoundation, #Mali
🗣 #SemihKoray, Deputy Chairman of Vatan Party (#Turkey)
🗓 24th of January 2022
⏰ 4 PM (GMT+3)
Webinar languages will be English and French with simultaneous translation.
#UN in #Libya: American agents or “parasites”?
📌 Senseless “parasites”
📌 Stephanie Williams – questionable legitimacy
📌 #StephanieWilliams’ secret connections
📌 Hate and Corruption
https://unitedworldint.com/23164-un-in-libya-american-agents-or-parasites/ #Africa #US
📌 Senseless “parasites”
📌 Stephanie Williams – questionable legitimacy
📌 #StephanieWilliams’ secret connections
📌 Hate and Corruption
https://unitedworldint.com/23164-un-in-libya-american-agents-or-parasites/ #Africa #US
United World International
UN in Libya: American agents or “parasites”?
Background of UN - or better: US Special Adviser to Libya, Stephanie Williams
Upcoming UWI webinar: #Mali at the crossroads of sanctions and multipolarity
🗣 #IbrahimIkassaMaïga, Minister of Refoundation, Mali
🗣 #SemihKoray, Deputy Chairman of Vatan Party (#Turkey)
Moderation #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/23156-upcoming-uwi-webinar-mali-at-the-crossroads-of-sanctions-and-multipolarity/ #Africa
🗣 #IbrahimIkassaMaïga, Minister of Refoundation, Mali
🗣 #SemihKoray, Deputy Chairman of Vatan Party (#Turkey)
Moderation #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/23156-upcoming-uwi-webinar-mali-at-the-crossroads-of-sanctions-and-multipolarity/ #Africa
United World International
Upcoming UWI webinar: Mali at the crossroads of sanctions and multipolarity
Topics: Discussion of ECOWAS sanctions, strengthening cooperation between Mali and Turkey and the support for the anticolonial movement in Africa.
#İran Mehr Haber Ajansı Dış Haberler Müdürü #MehdiAzizi, United World International’da #RoyaFereyduni’ye verdiği demeçte bölgedeki gelişmeleri değerlendirdi ve #Ankara ile #Şam arasındaki temasların birkaç ay önce başladığını söyledi.
https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/iranli-gazeteci-mehdi-aziz-ankara-sam-temaslari-birkac-ay-once-basladi-272662 #Turkiye #Suriye
https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/iranli-gazeteci-mehdi-aziz-ankara-sam-temaslari-birkac-ay-once-basladi-272662 #Turkiye #Suriye
İranlı gazeteci Mehdi Aziz: ‘Ankara - Şam temasları birkaç ay önce başladı’
İran Mehr Haber Ajansı Dış Haberler Müdürü Mehdi Azizi, United World International’da Roya Fereyduni’ye verdiği demeçte bölgedeki gelişmeleri değerlendirdi ve Ankara ile Şam arasındaki temasların başladığını söyledi.
#Libya'daki gelişmeler, #Yunan talepleri ve #ABD müdahaleleri
Bu konuları Libya'nın eski Planlama Bakanı ve #Trablus'taki özel danışman Dr. #IssaTuwegiar ile konuştuk.
Bu konuları Libya'nın eski Planlama Bakanı ve #Trablus'taki özel danışman Dr. #IssaTuwegiar ile konuştuk.
Libya'daki gelişmeler, Yunan talepleri ve ABD müdahaleleri
Seçimlerin ertelenmesinin ardından Libya'daki siyasi durum belirsizliğini koruyor.
#Turkish experts: Stay away from #NATO
Retired Ambassador #UluçÖzülker, retired Rear Admiral Dr. #DenizKutluk, Maltepe University Professor for political sciences and international relations #HasanÜnal and veteran journalist with a long-stay in #Russia, #CenkBaşlamış have provided their judgments.
By #MehmetKıvanç
https://unitedworldint.com/23174-turkish-experts-stay-away-from-nato/ #Turkey #Ukraine
Retired Ambassador #UluçÖzülker, retired Rear Admiral Dr. #DenizKutluk, Maltepe University Professor for political sciences and international relations #HasanÜnal and veteran journalist with a long-stay in #Russia, #CenkBaşlamış have provided their judgments.
By #MehmetKıvanç
https://unitedworldint.com/23174-turkish-experts-stay-away-from-nato/ #Turkey #Ukraine
United World International
Turkish experts: Stay away from NATO
Incompetence in the Biden Administration, frictions between the US and EU and the need to maintain Turkish-Russian relations...
The new era in #LatinAmerica
UWI is starting a new article series, where international experts evaluate the year 2021 and present their predictions and expectations for the year 2022.
We present the views of #FernandoEsteche, internatipnal relations professore from #Argentina.
UWI is starting a new article series, where international experts evaluate the year 2021 and present their predictions and expectations for the year 2022.
We present the views of #FernandoEsteche, internatipnal relations professore from #Argentina.
United World International
The new era in Latin America
Latin America's moment is characterized by both, imperial recolonization and enti-neoliberal rebellion. A new historic bloc is needed for wide-scale political change.
#Siyonist Rejim, yenilgilerini telafi etmek için #Suriye’ye saldırmakta
#İran Mehr Haber Ajansı Dış Haberler Müdürü #MehdiAzizi #Türkiye Merkezli United World International’e verdiği demeçte bölgedeki gelişmeleri değerlendirdi.
#İran Mehr Haber Ajansı Dış Haberler Müdürü #MehdiAzizi #Türkiye Merkezli United World International’e verdiği demeçte bölgedeki gelişmeleri değerlendirdi.
Mehr News Agency
Siyonist Rejim, yenilgilerini telafi etmek için Suriye’ye saldırmakta
İran Mehr Haber Ajansı Dış Haberler Müdürü Mehdi Azizi, “Siyonist Rejim Suriye’ye saldırarak, Hizbullah ve direniş grupları karşısındaki yenilgilerini telafi etmeye ve kaybettiği özgüvenini yeniden kazanmaya çalışmaktadır” dedi.
Vatan Partisi Genel Başkan Yardımcısı #SemihKoray, Mali Yeniden Kuruluş Bakanı #IbrahimIkassaMaïga ile çevirimiçi konferansta buluşuyor. Konferansta, ECOWAS yaptırımları; #Mali ile #Türkiye arasında işbirliği ve #Afrika’da sömürgecilik karşıtı hareketler ele alınacak.
Aydınlık Gazetesi
Avrasya, enerji, güvenlik, emek, ekonomi, toplum spor ve dünyadan son dakika haberler
United World International'dan Mali konferansı
Vatan Partisi Genel Başkan Yardımcısı #SemihKoray, Mali Yeniden Kuruluş Bakanı #IbrahimIkassaMaïga ile çevirimiçi konferansta buluşuyor. Konferansta, ECOWAS yaptırımları; #Mali ile #Türkiye arasında işbirliği ve #Afrika’da sömürgecilik karşıtı hareketler ele alınacak.
Vatan Partisi Genel Başkan Yardımcısı #SemihKoray, Mali Yeniden Kuruluş Bakanı #IbrahimIkassaMaïga ile çevirimiçi konferansta buluşuyor. Konferansta, ECOWAS yaptırımları; #Mali ile #Türkiye arasında işbirliği ve #Afrika’da sömürgecilik karşıtı hareketler ele alınacak.
Ulusal Kanal
United World International'dan Mali konferansı
Vatan Partisi Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Semih Koray, Mali Yeniden Kuruluş Bakanı Ibrahim Ikassa Maïga ile çevirimiçi konferansta buluşuyor. Konferansta, ECOWAS yaptırımları; Mali ile Türkiye arasında işbirliği ve Afrika’da sömürgecilik karşıtı hareketler ele…
Are we still under threat of #NuclearWar?
We present the views of Ret. Lieutenant-General #İsmailHakkıPekin, former Head of Military Intelligence at the #Turkish Armed Forces’ Chief of Staff and #SyedMuhammadAli, Director, Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS).
https://unitedworldint.com/23196-are-we-still-under-threat-of-nuclear-war/ #USA #Russia #China #France #UK
We present the views of Ret. Lieutenant-General #İsmailHakkıPekin, former Head of Military Intelligence at the #Turkish Armed Forces’ Chief of Staff and #SyedMuhammadAli, Director, Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS).
https://unitedworldint.com/23196-are-we-still-under-threat-of-nuclear-war/ #USA #Russia #China #France #UK
United World International
Are we still under threat of nuclear war?
Experts commented on 5 nuclear powers' joint statement to 'avoid nuclear weapons proliferation and nuclear war'.
Happening today: UWI webinar ‘Mali at the crossroads of sanctions and multipolarity’
🗓 24th of January 2022
⏰ 4 PM (GMT+3)
#IbrahimIkassaMaïga, Minister of Refoundation, #Mali
#SemihKoray, Deputy Chairman of Vatan Party (#Turkey)
https://unitedworldint.com/23218-happening-today-uwi-webinar-mali-at-the-crossroads-of-sanctions-and-multipolarity/ #Africa
🗓 24th of January 2022
⏰ 4 PM (GMT+3)
#IbrahimIkassaMaïga, Minister of Refoundation, #Mali
#SemihKoray, Deputy Chairman of Vatan Party (#Turkey)
https://unitedworldint.com/23218-happening-today-uwi-webinar-mali-at-the-crossroads-of-sanctions-and-multipolarity/ #Africa
United World International
Happening today: UWI webinar ‘Mali at the crossroads of sanctions and multipolarity’
Register via [email protected] or follow via Youtube channel.
#Mali at the crossroads of sanctions and multipolarity
Live Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GDspIeDAOs
Live Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GDspIeDAOs
Insecure waiting under the comet: “Don’t Look Up”
📌 A new page in sci-fi #cinema
📌 Spell disaster
📌 The forthcoming doom and the subconscious of American society
📌 For trillions of dollars of rare earths!
By #TuncaArslan
https://unitedworldint.com/23205-insecure-waiting-under-the-comet-dont-look-up/ #Netflix #US #China
📌 A new page in sci-fi #cinema
📌 Spell disaster
📌 The forthcoming doom and the subconscious of American society
📌 For trillions of dollars of rare earths!
By #TuncaArslan
https://unitedworldint.com/23205-insecure-waiting-under-the-comet-dont-look-up/ #Netflix #US #China
United World International
Insecure waiting under the comet: “Don’t Look Up”
Jules Verne, Netflix, US government system and science: Dangers are looming...