Russian Embassy Kuwait / Пос-во России в Кувейте
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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Excerpt from the answers to media questions by Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov following talks with Foreign Minister of Kuwait Abdullah Ali Al-Yahya (Moscow, October 28, 2024)

Question: We can hear people in France and other European countries call for sending troops to Ukraine in response to the rumoured deployment of North Korean forces to support the Russian army. Should that happen, what will Moscow do?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: It has already happened. President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly provided specific data about the presence of the Western military personnel fighting for the Ukrainian armed forces. There are mercenaries and “volunteers,” and there are military instructors, who are indispensable if Ukraine wants to operate even its own long-range systems, let alone Western long-range weapons. Ukrainian troops are unable to use missile systems without the help of Western specialists, or space reconnaissance data, which Ukraine clearly cannot obtain on its own, or without programmers who set the trajectory of the flight path.

❗️ Western military personnel have been active in Ukraine for a long time now and are part of NATO and the EU’s hybrid war against our country
— that we are well aware of.

With regard to our relations with 🇰🇵 the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, we have made it clear many times that there are no secrets about what the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty between the Russian Federation and the DPRK is all about. It is an open treaty, and its text is publicly available. It does not violate provisions of international law and, among other things, it provides for mutual assistance if one of the parties comes under a military attack. Our stance in this regard is completely transparent and straightforward.

The West’s disingenuous claims about sending their troops to Ukraine under a far-fetched pretext are merely an attempt to come up with a retroactive justification for what has been actually taking place for quite some time now.

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🎙️Excerpts from the comments of Ambassador of Russia to Kuwait H.E. Mr. Vladimir Zheltov’s for Al-Qabas Newspaper :
🇷🇺🇰🇼 Russia and Kuwait maintain bilateral political dialogue and share like-minded views on many global and regional issues.

🌏The old West-dominated world order is decaying while new global polars are emerging.

▫️ Gulf partners seek balance, pragmatism and mutual benefit in their ties with global stakeholders including Russia. This message was vividly reflected during the talks between the Foreign Ministers of Russia and Kuwait held on October 28, 2024. They confirmed joint desire to further develop bilateral political dialogue and mutually beneficial cooperation in such areas as trade, energy, tourism.

Read in full:السفير-الروسي-لـ-القبس-تنسيق-مع-الكويت-لمواجهة-الأحداث-المتصاعدة-إقليميا-ودوليا/
4-5 ноября российская делегация во главе с Послом В.Ф.Желтовым приняла участие в состоявшейся в Кувейте Конференции высокого уровня по «Укреплению международного контртеррористического сотрудничества и построению динамичных механизмов погранбезопасности». Форум был организован Управлением ООН по контртерроризму (УКТ ООН) совместно с правительствами Кувейта и Таджикистана и стал 4-м по счету мероприятием в рамках запущенного в 2018 г. Душанбинского процесса. В нем приняли участие представители 91 государства, 14 международных и региональных организаций, объединений гражданского общества.

Отдельного внимания заслуживает состоявшееся 5 ноября «на полях» форума мероприятие по защите объектов критической энергоинфраструктуры от террористических атак в рамках софинансируемого Россией и Туркменией профильного проекта УКТ ООН. Значимость ему придало личное участие заместителя Генсекретаря ООН, главы УКТ В.И.Воронкова.
On November 4-5, H.E. Ambassador Vladimir Zheltov headed the Russian delegation that took part in the High-Level Conference on “Strengthening International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation and Building Dynamic Border Security Mechanisms” held in Kuwait. The UN Office on Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and the Governments of Kuwait and Tajikistan jointly organized the Forum, which was the fourth event within the framework of the Dushanbe Process launched in 2018. Representatives of 91 states, 14 international and regional organizations and civil society associations attended the Conference.

It is worth mentioning that on November 5 on the margins of the Forum an event on the protection of critical energy infrastructure from terrorist attacks was held within the framework of the UNOCT specialized project co-financed by Russia and Turkmenistan. The participation of Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism Mr. Vladimir Voronkov gave the event special significance.
22 ноября сотрудники Посольства с членами семей вместе с нашими соотечественниками в Кувейте приняли участие в богослужении, приуроченном к празднованию иконы Божией Матери «Скоропослушница». По установившейся традиции оно прошло на «площадке» Кувейтской епархии сестринской Антиохийской церкви по канонам Русской православной церкви. Торжественную службу провел окормляющий Кувейт настоятель храма святого апостола Филиппа в Шардже (ОАЭ) архимандрит Александр (Заркешев).

Состоявшееся в теплой и располагающей атмосфере богослужение продемонстрировало духовное единение наших православных граждан, находящихся вдали от Родины.

On November 22, the Embassy staff and their family members together with our compatriots in Kuwait took part in the liturgy dedicated to the celebration of the icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear". As per the established tradition, it was held on the premises of the sisterly Greek Orthodox (Antioch) Archdiocese of Kuwait in accordance with the Russian Orthodox Church canons. The solemn service was held by Archimandrite Alexander (Zarkeshev), rector of the church of St. Philip the Apostle (Sharjah, UAE), who also ministers to the Russian Orthodox parish in Kuwait.
The service was held in a warm and welcoming atmosphere and demonstrated spiritual unity of our Orthodox citizens far away from their homeland.
ندعوكم للمشاركة في معرض الكويت الدولي للأغذية الزراعية 2024! 🇷🇺🌍

يسر سفارة روسيا الاتحادية بدولة الكويت أن تعلن عن مشاركتها في معرض الكويت الدولي للأغذية الزراعية 2024، الذي سيقام يوم 15 ديسمبر 2024 من الساعة 10:00 صباحًا حتى 1:00 ظهرًا في أرض المعارض الكويتية - القاعة 8 (منطقة الأعمال B2B).

ندعوكم للقاء ممثل وزارة الزراعة الروسية، الذي سيقدم معلومات مفصلة عن المنتجات الغذائية الروسية عالية الجودة، بالإضافة إلى تقديم الدعم في إيجاد شريك روسي موثوق للتعاون التجاري. إذا كنت من المهنيين أو الموزعين أو المهتمين بقطاع الأغذية، فإن هذه فرصة مميزة للتعرف على تنوع وتميز الزراعة الروسية.

لا تفوتوا هذه الفرصة للتواصل مع القطاع الزراعي الروسي الديناميكي وإيجاد شريك تجاري روسي موثوق!

📍 الموعد: 15 ديسمبر 2024
📍 المكان: أرض المعارض الكويتية، القاعة 8 (منطقة الأعمال B2B)
📍 الوقت: من 10:00 صباحًا إلى 1:00 ظهرًا

نحن بانتظاركم!

#روسيا_في_الكويت #معرض_الكويت_للأغذية #الزراعة_الروسية #فرص_التجارة #الكويت_روسيا
Join Us at the Kuwait International Agro Food Expo 2024! 🇷🇺🌍

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Kuwait is pleased to announce its participation in the Kuwait International Agro Food Expo 2024, taking place on December 15, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Kuwait International Fair Hall 8 (B2B Zone).

We invite you to meet the Representative of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, who will provide insights into high-quality Russian food products and explore opportunities for mutually beneficial partnerships. Whether you are a business professional, distributor, or food industry expert, this is your chance to learn about the diversity and excellence of Russian agriculture.

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with Russia’s dynamic agro-industrial sector and find a reliable Russian partner for your business!

📍 When: December 15, 2024
📍 Where: Kuwait International Fair, Hall 8 (B2B Zone)
📍 Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

We look forward to welcoming you!

#RussiaInKuwait #KuwaitAgroExpo #RussianAgriculture #BusinessOpportunities #KuwaitRussia
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ We are monitoring the dramatic developments in Syria with extreme concern.

Following his talks with a number of participants in the armed conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic, Bashar al-Assad decided to step down as the Syrian President and leave the country, instructing the government to transfer power peacefully.

Russia was not involved in those negotiations.

However, we call on all the parties involved to renounce the use of violence and resolve all governance issues through political efforts.

In this regard, the Russian Federation maintains contact with all Syrian opposition groups.

We urge all parties to respect the opinions of all ethnic and religious groups in Syrian society. We strongly support efforts to establish an inclusive political process based on Resolution 2254, unanimously adopted by the UN Security Council.

We hope that these approaches will be taken into account by the UN and all stakeholders, including in the context of implementing UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen’s recent initiative for urgent inclusive intra-Syrian talks in Geneva.

Additionally, Russia is taking all necessary measures to ensure the safety of our citizens in Syria.

Russian military bases in Syria are on high alert. There is no serious threat to their security at the moment.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Russia’s Foreign Ministry Statement on the development of the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic

Moscow is carefully monitoring the evolving situation in Syria following the transfer of control over most of the country's territory to an alliance of armed factions operating under the leadership of the so-called Military Operations Command, headed by Ahmad al-Sharaa.

We acknowledge the declarations made by representatives of the new authorities concerning their intention to facilitate the restoration of governmental functions, maintain order and security, firmly suppress criminal activities, and prevent extrajudicial executions. In a recent interview, Mr al-Sharaa himself asserted that following the revolutionary transition of power, it is imperative to swiftly abandon the "tools of rebellion" and, while heeding past errors, initiate the construction of a state grounded in the rule of law and justice, taking into consideration the interests of all segments of Syrian society.

❗️ From our perspective, the path to a sustainable normalisation of the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic lies in the initiation of an inclusive intra-Syrian dialogue aimed at securing national consensus and advancing a comprehensive political settlement process in alignment with the fundamental principles outlined in UNSC resolution 2254.

We emphasise that Muslims and Christians have coexisted in the Syrian Arab Republic for many centuries, and Damascus is the see of the Orthodox Patriarch John X of Antioch and All the East, the head of the Church of Antioch, which shares a sisterly relationship with the Russian Orthodox Church. We express our hope that Syria will continue to be a homeland for all its citizens, irrespective of their religious affiliation.

☝️ It is crucial for Russia that the future of the Syrian Arab Republic be determined by the Syrians themselves.

We are confident that the bonds of friendship and mutual respect that have developed between the peoples of our countries over the past decades will continue to evolve constructively.