Russian Embassy Kuwait / Пос-во России в Кувейте
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Official telegram channel of the Embassy of Russia in Kuwait.

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🤝 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov holds a meeting with the Secretary-General of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf Jasem Mohamed AlBudaiwi

📍Riyadh, September 9, 2024
Приглашаем принять участие в викторине «Крым в истории Русского мира»

Международная интернет-викторина «Крым в истории Русского мира» ежегодно проводится среди российских соотечественников, постоянно проживающих за пределами территории Российской Федерации.

Главным призом для победителей в 2024 г. будет недельный тур в Крым на двоих либо набор техники.

Викторина проводится в 2 этапа:
Первый этап: 12.08.2024 - 22.11.2024 – регистрация участников, ответы участников на вопросы Викторины.
Второй этап: 22.11.2024 - 23.12.2024 – подведение итогов и награждение победителей.

Для участия в Викторине необходимо:
1. Ознакомиться с Положением о проведении Викторины.
2. Постоянно проживать за территорией России.
3. Заполнить форму регистрации участника.
4. Правильно ответить на 20 вопросов Викторины.
5. Выполнить творческое задание - эссе, посвящённое Крыму с темой на выбор (до 3000 печатных знаков).

Ссылка на участие: знаюкрым.рф
Virtual exhibition «People of the New Regions»🇷🇺

▫️The Foundation for the Study of Democracy has prepared a virtual exhibition «People of the New Regions» showcasing how life has changed for the people of Russia’s new regions - the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions after they had become part of the Russian Federation 🇷🇺.

▫️The exhibition materials are presented in Russian and English languages in .pdf format.

▫️You can view and download the exhibition materials via the following link:
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🤝 Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov takes part in the ministerial meeting of the Russia-Gulf Cooperation Council Strategic Dialogue

📍Riyadh, September 9, 2024
⛸️13-14 сентября 2024 г. в Культурном центре имени шейха Джабера аль-Ахмеда ас-Сабаха с успехом прошли представления спектакля «Питер Пэн на льду», привезенного в г. Эль-Кувейт «Имперским ледовым балетом». «Костяк» этого международного творческого коллектива, возглавляемого художественным руководителем Тони Мерсером, составляют воспитанники российской/советской школы фигурного катания.

▫️Постановка стала первой в своем роде в эмирате и получила высокую оценку как среди почитателей танцевального искусства, так и любителей красочных шоу – детей разных возрастов и их родителей. После выступления российские фигуристы встретились с представителями Посольства России в Кувейте. 🇷🇺 В ходе дружеского общения они поделились теплыми впечатлениями о пребывании в эмирате.🇰🇼
⛸️On September 13-14, 2024, the Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Cultural Center (JACC) successfully hosted several performances of the "Peter Pan on Ice" show, brought to Kuwait City by "The Imperial Ice Stars". Graduates of the Russian/Soviet figure skating school form the “backbone” of this international creative group, headed by artistic director Tony Mercer.

▫️The production was the first of its kind in Kuwait and received high praise from admirers of dance art as well as fans of colorful shows – children of different ages and their parents. After the performance, the Russian figure skaters met with representatives of the Russian Embassy. 🇷🇺 During a friendly conversation, they shared warm impressions of their stay in Kuwait. 🇰🇼
📈In January-July 2024, the volume of industrial production in the EAEU countries increased by 4.8% compared to January-July 2023.

Growth was observed in all countries of the Union: in 🇦🇲 Armenia - by 15.7%, 🇧🇾 Belarus - by 7.5%, 🇷🇺 Russia - by 4.8%, 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan - by 2.9% and 🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan - by 0.8%.

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Media is too big

🎬 Russian Cultural Code: Art — an educational documentary

For centuries, the Western world has been trying to solve the mystery of the Russian soul. Today, in the Digital Age, is has acquired a new name — the Russian cultural code.

In this film (developed by the School of Arina Sharapova, TV presenter, Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber), music, graphic art and architecture will become a key to the Russian code. Unlike literature, theatre and cinema, these arts require no translation.

Contemporary art often reflects a response to changes in society and through art we can trace how Russian culture adapts to technological progress.

Young musicians and students were invited to take part in the discussion with artist Alexei Belyayev-Gintovt who has created paintings and installations dedicated to Russia’s special role in the world.

👉 Watch the documentary to better understand the Russian soul.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview for a documentary titled "The UN from the 20th to the 21st Century" (Moscow, September 25, 2024)

Key points:

• Less than a year after the victorious powers established the UN based on the noble principles formulated in its charter, it became clear that the West, acting contrary to these principles, intended to launch a war against the Soviet Union, and not merely a cold war but an all-out war. These plans hatched by the then "Anglo-Saxons" [nations of the Anglosphere led by the US & UK] have long become public knowledge.

• Once NATO was created, the Soviet Union circulated a large document which demonstrated the detrimental effect of that and the danger of building walls between the East and the West, especially in Europe, and called for respecting the #UNCharter and for working towards this. Our call was not heeded.

However, we kept fighting for justice and the implementation of the principle of sovereign equality of nations. Decolonisation was a bright stage and a major embodiment of that principle. The Soviet Union was the main initiator of the 1960 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Following its adoption, the number of UN states increased by 80-90 members.

• They tell us that the main goal today is to ensure the territorial integrity of Ukraine. It is a misleading interpretation of the UN Charter, where the right of nations to self-determination is put before territorial integrity.

• Even before demanding respect for territorial integrity, the UN Charter demands respect for human rights without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion <…> Now that Zelensky’s Nazi regime, which the West nurtured, has banned both the language and religious rights of a large number of its own population, the West has put away the banners it was waving for decades.

❗️The top priority now is to ensure the achievement of the initial goals and principles of the UN Charter in their entirety and as a whole, rather than selectively or occasionally.

The reform of the UN Security Council is not a one-off event. It’s a process which has been ongoing since the time the United Nations came into being <...> Nevertheless, it relies on principles that must be preserved at all costs. The main principle is that the Security Council reform should be based on a broad-based agreement among states. It does not say “consensus,” but it does state “broad-based agreement among states.”

🌍 🇮🇳🇧🇷 We have invariably supported the legitimate aspirations of India and Brazil to secure permanent seats in the Security Council. However, African aspirations must be met as well. Africa has common collective positions, which we respect. And we would have like that.

• Our position implies providing additional seats for Asia, Africa, and Latin America. We are open to some of these seats being permanent, but we need to achieve general agreement before we can move forward. It is a complicated process. I don’t see any chance for bringing this process to a swift and expedited completion any time soon.

• Since the UN was created, there has never been a time, a region, or a situation that involved the United States in one way or another, where the country would actually respect that principle. Every time, everywhere they acted as a hegemon, or like a "bull in a china shop".

• When they wanted to punish Russia, the West abandoned all the principles which it was feeding to us and which it declared sacred. The same is happening to the principles of the UN Charter. The West is trampling and destroying them without a moment’s hesitation.

➡️ Read in full

#UNGA79 #UNCharterIsOurRules