Russian Embassy in India
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🇷🇺 Official channel of the Russian Embassy in India 🇮🇳

In Russian — @RusEmbIndia_Ru
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#Lavrov: We would like to support our Indian friends’ initiative for the BRICS foreign ministers to coordinate a strong joint signal to the world in favour of strengthening and reforming the multilateral system of international relations on the solid foundation of international law, with the central role of the UN as the most universal and inclusive organisation in the world
#Lavrov: As for our cooperation with #India both economically & politically, in humanitarian sphere & military/technical area, healthcare, all kinds of colaboration we develop gradually, according to agreements reached at the highest level ➡️
On June 1, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov took part in a stand-alone BRICS Foreign Ministers’ Meeting via videoconference.

The parties conducted a frank exchange of opinions on topical issues of the international agenda, including efforts to strengthen international institutions, the subject of regional conflicts, joint efforts to combat new challenges and threats, including the COVID-19 pandemic, and cooperation between the five states at multilateral venues.

They also discussed the current status and future prospects of cooperation between the five countries.

The Ministers adopted Media Statement ( and a Joint Statement on Strengthening and Reforming the Multilateral System (
स्पुतनिक-वी टीका चेन्नई पहुंचा है 🇷🇺🤝🇮🇳
On June 8, a consignment of #Russia's #SputnikV #COVID19 vaccine, said to be the first such one for #TamilNadu, arrived here by a private airline from Hyderabad ➡️

The processing of the shipment at the #Chennai airport was completed quickly and it was handed over to a transport agency, airportsources said.

It was taken to a private laboratory at Periyapanicheri in Chennai by vehicle. Later, one box of vaccines was disptached to Coimbatore, sources said.
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Russian Ambassador to India Nikolay R.Kudashev: Today, we celebrate #RussiaDay 🇷🇺 #Russia is truly beautiful country & a land of vast opportunities. It is famous with its glorious past, great present & its ability to transform fairy tales into reality. Just like #India. This & many other features brings our countries closer.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin started his meeting with US President Joe Biden in Geneva.
Vladimir Putin on results of talks with US President: You know, Leo Tolstoy said once, there is no happiness in life, only flashes of it – cherish them. I believe that there cannot be family trust in this situation, but I think we have seen flashes of it.

Watch #live: the launch of special edition of the Diplomacy & Beyond magazine dedicated to the #RussiaDay2021 and 🇷🇺#RussiaIndia 🇮🇳ties ➡️
Watch #live: Webinar '80 years since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)' ➡️
#Kudashev: 80 years ago the Soviet Union faced the German Nazi intervention. The attack was truly unprecedented in terms of its destructive power. However, with incredible courage & dedication, our people managed to strike back ➡️ #22june1941 #GreatPatrioticWar
In commemoration of 80 years since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) the Russian Embassy hosted the flowers laying ceremony at the #WW2 memorial monument.

Ambassador of Russia to India H.E. Mr Nikolay #Kudashev: Помним. Чтим 🕯To our deep sorrow, the crucial role of the Soviet Union in defeating the Nazism had a cost of the hardest, irreplaceable losses. It is hard to find a family which was not scorched by the flames of war.
Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia H.E. Mr Yuri Babakhanyan at the webinar to commemorate 80 years since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War held on June 22:

"Preserving memory and paying tribute to heroes-liberators is an important component of our common victory. Today, almost six hundred monuments dedicated to the participants of the Great Patriotic War are under state protection in the Republic of Armenia. The people of Armenia remember and honor all their heroes. May their memory and glory be eternal.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we are living in an era of exponential growth of information, when historical facts are falsified and adapted to the geopolitical interests of certain parties.

Unfortunately, this also applies to the Great Victory of the Soviet people, who, at the cost of incredible sacrifices and efforts, defeated Nazism, liberating Europe from the brown plague. I am deeply convinced that all forgers of history, like counterfeiters, will sooner or later be punished. Who sows the wind will reap the storm."

Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus H.E. Mr Andrei Rzheussky at the webinar to commemorate 80 years since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War held on June 22:

"For me it is a great pleasure to take part in today’s webinar discussion dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War – the most tragic period throughout the entire history of all our nations, including the Republic of Belarus.

As all of you know, Belarus was the first Soviet Republic to confront the enemy due to its geographical position and strategic location. At the time of the attack on June 22, 1941, around 8 thousand Soviet soldiers were deployed in the Brest Fortress. This battle became fierce and protracted, lasted for many days. The defense of the Brest Fortress set an example of courage and resilience of the Soviet and Belarusian people in standing for their freedom and independence. 

Being totally occupied by the foreign invaders, Belarusian people never stopped fighting. They struggled in the rows of the Red Army, in partisan detachments and underground resistance groups. Victory over the enemy in the Great Patriotic War was achieved at the cost of great sacrifice and huge loss of lives among Belarusian people.

Over 1.4 million citizens were killed in the territory of Belarus in more than 260 places of so-called concentration camps. Nearly each third citizen of Belarus died during the war time. Over 200 towns and communities out of existing 270 and almost 90 percent of buildings in capital city Minsk were ruined. More than 9 thousand villages were completely swept away/demolished. No other single country had suffered such a human loss in terms of the proportion of the population.

The Nazi invaders left behind them trails of murder, looting, unprecedented destruction in the territory of Belarus. They planned to entirely annihilate Belarusian nation, plunder its national wealth and dismantle the political system of the country.

Thye (the Nazis) deliberately destroyed or barbarically plundered research centers, cultural institutions and educational establishments. Many Belarusian, Russian and Western European masterpieces were taken away. Only a small part of the above cultural heritage has been returned to Belarus. Today, about 1 million volumes of books are still missing. Numerous monuments in each city, town and village of Belarus are silent reminders of those terrible times.

It was joint efforts of the anti-Hitler coalition and Resistance fighters that defeated the fascist Germany and its allies. One should always remember, that it was Soviet Red Army, Soviet people (all nationalities of Soviet Union) who crushed the main forces of the fascist military machine with the assistance of Western countries coalition.

Regretfully, numerous attempts are being made recently to rewrite and distort history, to whitewash Nazism and justify its horrendous crimes.

Today’s generation must know the objective truth about that war, to realize the danger to world peace being posed by those who try to glorify fascism. Otherwise, the world may again confront a new global war in which there will be no winners at all.

The lessons of that tragic period in our civilization’s history should be evaluated objectively. We need to make every effort to unite the world on the basis of equality, mutual respect and universal democratic values.


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Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan H.E. Mr Nurlan Zhalgasbayev at the webinar to commemorate 80 years since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War held on June 22: One million two hundred thousand Kazakhstanis went to the battlefields of the World War II; half of them gave their lives in the name of Victory. The names of the Soviet war heroes, recruited from Kazakhstan, such as Ivan Panfilov, Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, Talgat Bigeldinov, Sergey Lugansky, Aliya Moldagulova and many others, will forever remain in our memory.

This year Kazakhstan celebrates the 30th Anniversary of its Independence. 30 years ago the country embarked on the path of sovereign development and building of an independent state.

Our success has been made possible thanks to the vast experience accumulated by our veterans, representatives of the older generation."

Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic H.E. Mr Asein Isaev at the webinar to commemorate 80 years since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War held on June 22:

"We are indebted to those who gave their lives on the battlefields for freedom, peace and justice. The mass heroism of the Soviet people, their unity and devotion to the Motherland became the main factor in the victory over fascism. Our ancestors, by their heroic example, proved that the unity of peoples is the foundation and a strong core that cannot be broken by any country infected with the disease of fascism."

Ambassador of Uzbekistan in India H.E. Dilshod Akhatov at the webinar to commemorate 80 years since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War held on June 22: Today we honor the blessed memory of our fathers and grandfathers, who showed real heroism in battles of World War II and selflessly worked for the sake of the freedom, of today's peaceful days.

The people of Uzbekistan, along with all progressive humanity, from the first days of the war, entered the struggle against fascism, mobilized all their forces and capabilities to defeat the enemy.

In this regard, I would like to recall some of the most significant figures and facts established recently.

It is known that in 1941 the population of our republic was over 6 million 800 thousand people. During the war about 2 million of them were sent to the front. More than 500 thousand people dear to us, real heroes, died in fierce battles.

Every year on May 9, on the Victory Day, we talk about this again. And these are not just numbers. Behind them - incomparable grief and suffering of our beloved mothers and grandmothers, courageous fathers, all our people.

No numbers, neither words can express this pain. After all, over 500 thousand lives lost at the war, that caused millions of human tragedies. Thousands of women became widows, millions of children lost their parents. So many years have passed, but this terrible wound in the heart of our people will never heal, this endless grief and sorrow will not subside.

The people of Uzbekistan, whose losses are enormous, made an invaluable contribution to the defeat of fascism. A striking proof is the fact that more than 200 thousand of our soldiers and officers were awarded military orders and medals. 301 of them received the highest award - Hero of the Soviet Union, all three degrees of the Order of Glory were conferred on more than 70 people.

In those harsh years, when the fate of mankind was being decided, Uzbekistan turned into a reliable logistics base to support the front.

The appeal "Everything is for the front, everything is for Victory!" became the main meaning, the leitmotif of the life of our country. Our people worked tirelessly day and night, uninterruptedly supplying to the front a large amount of food, clothing, weapons and medicines. About 170 plants and factories were evacuated to Uzbekistan from the territories in a short time were put back into operation.

The republic received more than 1 million 500 thousand elderly people, women and children who suffered from the war. Among them are over 200 thousand orphans.

During the harsh war years, our republic showed an example of the highest humanism. The people of Uzbekistan showed disinterested and outstanding spiritual generosity and sincere concern for people of different nationalities evacuated to the republic, shared everything with them, sometimes the last piece of bread. It is proven that “Tashkent is a city of bread” («Ташкент – город хлебный»), “Uzbekistan is a land of kindness and mercy” («Узбекистан – край доброты и милосердия»).

The courage and nobility of our people have been recognized all over the world, and we are rightfully proud of this.

In recent years, a lot of work has been carried out to comprehensively study the huge contribution of our people to the Great Victory and to widely familiarize the public with the data obtained.

Currently, new information and facts are being discovered, unique evidence of the history of our republic during the War. Scientific research is being carried out, many literary works, films, albums, paintings and monuments are being created on the memory of the losses on War.


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