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📌 How did the world’s most prominent publications turn into «tabloid press»? What’s going on in the world right now? Why are participants of the information process playing around?

✍️ ...Under conditions of uncertainty, the absence of an orientation system, and the increasing challenges of the environment, everyone becomes subject to various forms of information influence and is deprived of the ability to perceive reality objectively.
— Dr. Maltsev Oleg

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🔎 To find out more on this topic, press the hashtag #article #press #information

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📝 «От критики общества потребления к формам глобальной психотерапии или иллюзии жизни» — моя опубликованная статья в ведущем журнале, посвященном работам и философии Жана Бодрийяра — «Baudrillard Now»

📌 From a Critique of Consumer Society to Forms of Global Psychotherapy or the Illusion of Life

✍️ ❝ The consumer does not regulate anything. The market is simply oversaturated with goods, justifying the notion that these are not natural processes but favorable ones, indicative of a high standard of living.❞

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🔎 #article #JeanBaudrillard #consumer_society / #статья #ЖанБодрийяр #общество_потребления

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