Alexander Dugin
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International Channel, Doctor of Sociology and of Political sciences, PhD of Philosophy.
Founder of Russian geopolitical school and Eurasian Movement.
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In Memory of Darya Platonova-Dugina
Russia in struggle with the civilisation of chaos

If we consider the problem of chaos from a philosophical and historical perspective, it becomes very clear that SMO is about Russia's struggle against the civilisation of chaos, which is, in fact, the new democracy, represented by the collective West and its rabid neighbourhood structure (Ukraine). The parameters of this civilisation, its historical and cultural profile, its ideology in general, are fairly easy to identify. We can recognise the movement towards chaos from the very first rebellion against orbitality, hierarchy, the ontological pyramidal volume that embodied the order of traditional civilisation. Moreover, the desire for horizontality and egalitarianism in all spheres has increased. Finally, the new democracy and globalism represent the triumph of chaotic systems that the West still struggles to control, but which are increasingly taking over and imposing their own chaotic algorithms on humanity. The history of the West in modern times and up to now is a history of the growth of chaos - of its power, its intensity and its radicality.

Russia - perhaps not on the basis of a clear and conscious choice - found itself in opposition to the civilisation of chaos, and this became an irreversible and indisputable fact soon after the onset of SMO. The metaphysical profile of the adversary is generally clear, but the question of what constitutes Russia itself in this conflict and how it can defeat chaos, given its fundamental ontological underpinnings, is far from simple.
In Memory of Darya Platonova-Dugina
In Memory of Darya Platonova-Dugina
Forwarded from Voz da Nova Resistência
"A política de gênero objetiva abolir a hierarquização de gênero. Três caminhos que determinam as principais tendências desse campo:

* Feminismo radical (Igualdade total entre homens e mulheres em todos os sentidos);
* Transgenderismo (Tornar o gênero questão de escolha individual);
* Ciberfeminismo (Abolir o gênero completamente em favor de um novo tipo de ser sem gênero".

(Alexander Dugin)
Forwarded from Nuestra América
Un nuevo caos mundial

Parece que el SWO se refiere a un conflicto de dos órdenes mundiales: uno unipolar, representado por el Occidente colectivo y Ucrania, y otro multipolar, defendido por Rusia y los que de alguna manera están de su lado (principalmente China, Irán, Corea del Norte, algunos Estados islámicos, en parte India, Turquía, pero también países latinoamericanos de África). Este es precisamente el caso. Pero veamos el problema desde una perspectiva que nos interese y averigüemos qué papel desempeña aquí el caos.

Por Aleksander Duguin

@nuestraamerica #filosofia
Forwarded from Idee&Azione
Contro il caos, non abbiamo bisogno solo del nostro ordine, ma del Suo ordine, della Sua autorità, del Suo regno. Noi, russi, portiamo il Trono dei Preparati. E nella storia dell’umanità non c’è missione più sacra, più alta, più sacrificale che sollevare Cristo, il Re dei re, sulle nostre spalle.
Finché c’è una Croce sul trono, è la Croce Russa, la Russia è crocifissa su di essa, sanguina i suoi figli e le sue figlie e tutto questo per un motivo… Siamo sulla retta via della risurrezione dei morti. Noi avremo un ruolo fondamentale in questo mistero mondiale, perché siamo i guardiani del trono, gli abitanti di Catechon. (di Aleksandr Dugin)

🇬🇧 Eschatological Optimism: Origins, Evolution, Main Directions

The present transcript of the lecture was published on 28 November 2020 on the Russian channel Signum.
In Memory of Darya Platonova-Dugina
In Memory of Darya Platonova-Dugina
In Memory of Darya Platonova-Dugina
Something much more serious than realism

We have seen that formally, from the perspective of international relations theory, we are talking about a confrontation between two types of order: unipolar (the West) and multipolar (Russia and its cautious and often hesitant allies). A closer analysis reveals that unipolarism is the triumph of the new democracy and thus chaos, while multipolarism based on the principle of sovereign civilisations, although an order, reveals nothing about the essence of the proposed order. Moreover, the classical notion of sovereignty, as understood by the realist school of international relations, itself presupposes chaos between states, which undermines the philosophical foundation if we consider the confrontation with unipolarism and globalism as a struggle precisely for order and against chaos.

Of course, to a first approximation, Russia expects nothing more than the recognition of its sovereignty as a nation-state and the protection of its national interests, and the fact that it had to confront the moderate chaos establishment of globalism in order to do so was somewhat of a surprise to Moscow, which started the SMO with much more concrete and pragmatic goals. The intention of the Russian leadership was only to contrast realism in international relations with liberalism, and the Russian leadership did not expect or even suspect a serious confrontation with the institution of chaos - especially in its aggravated form. Yet, we find ourselves in precisely this situation. Russia is at war with chaos in every sense of this multifaceted phenomenon, which means that the entire struggle takes on a metaphysical nature. If we want to win, we must defeat chaos, and this also means that from the very beginning we position ourselves as the antithesis of chaos, that is, as the beginning that opposes it.

It is a good time to review the fundamental definitions of chaos

A brief history of Chaos: from ancient Greece to Postmodern
| Part 1 | Part 2
🇧🇬 Катехоничният ред

Ако разглеждаме проблема на хаоса във философска и историческа перспектива, то става напълно ясно, че в СВО се говори за борбата на Русия срещу цивилизацията на хаоса, каквато е всъщност новата демокрация, представена от колективния Запад и неговата побесняла прокси-структура (Украйна). Параметрите на тази цивилизация, нейния исторически и културен профил, нейната идеология като цяло се идентифицират лесно. Можем да разпознаем движението към хаоса от първото въстание срещу орбиталността, йерархията, онтологичния пирамидален обем, който въплъщава в себе си реда на традиционните цивилизации.

Александър Дугин