Alexander Dugin
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International Channel, Doctor of Sociology and of Political sciences, PhD of Philosophy.
Founder of Russian geopolitical school and Eurasian Movement.
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Q: Which spiritual tradition should someone who wishes to participate in the Eurasianist struggle adopt, and is this a necessary component?

A: One should seek to become a concrete part of the society in which one lives, and follow the tradition that prevails there. For example, I am Russian Orthodox. This is my tradition. Under different conditions, however, some individuals might choose a different spiritual path. What is important is to have roots. There is no universal answer. If someone neglects this spiritual basis, but is willing to take part in our struggle, during the struggle he may well find some deeper spiritual meaning. Our idea is that our enemy is deeper than the merely human. Evil is deeper than humanity, greed, or exploitation. Those who fight on behalf of evil are those who have no spiritual faith. Those who oppose it may encounter it. Or, perhaps not. It is an open question — it is not obligatory. It is advisable, but not necessary.

©Aleksandr Dugin

"There is a new racism. Those who are in favor of Western values are good. Everybody who challenges that, in the Islamic tradition, in the Russian tradition, in the Chinese tradition... they are populists & are classified as fascism. That is a new kind of racism."

Alexander Dugin
"Racism is an Anglo-Saxon liberal construction based on a hierarchy between peoples. I think this is criminal."

Alexander Dugin
Forwarded from Idee&Azione
Lo Stato moderno è ritenuto sovrano, quindi non esiste un’autorità superiore ad esso. Lo Stato moderno è opposto all’impero. È opposto allo Stato religioso, alla comunità arcaica. Si basa sul concetto di progresso. È considerato qualcosa che viene storicamente “dopo” l’impero, gli Stati religiosi e le comunità arcaiche, che sono tutti considerati pre-moderni, mentre lo Stato moderno è “nuovo” e la forma “più progressiva” di organizzazione politica. (di Aleksandr Dugin)

The willingness to fight modernity is more important than the likelihood of victory, Dugin said. God “approves of us” and will save those who are tested in spiritual battle. This fight must be directed towards what Guénon called the “Kingdom of Quantity,” which Dugin said manifests itself today as “liberalism, LGBT culture, artificial intelligence, banks, and capitalism.”

Foreign Policy as Spiritual Warfare: A Conversation With Aleksandr Dugin
Forwarded from DD Geopolitics (Area 52)
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DPR flag at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2022
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Malian delegation @dplat
🇪🇹🤝🇷🇺 Ethiopia precedes her hand to God
🕵️ Azovstal
June 2022 | @dplat
🇪🇸 Alexander Dugin: La Tercera Guerra Mundial, es más probable hoy que nunca.

La Tercera Guerra Mundial, es más probable hoy que nunca.
El Geopolítico y Filósofo Alexander Dugin catalogado como el más peligroso del mundo, por los medios de comunicación partidarios de la OTAN, conversa con Poder Geopolítico acerca de la Tercera Guerra Mundial. El nuevo escenario post Ucrania y el futuro mundo multipolar.
"The idea of a multi-polar world, where the poles will be as many as there are civilizations, allows one to propose to humanity a broad choice of cultural, paradigmatic, social and spiritual alternatives.”

— Alexander Dugin
The progressive approach was concretely formed in the era of the French and American bourgeois revolutions. Although the preconditions for it did exist earlier (including in ancient times), and we find the roots of this approach in ancient Israel, Greece, and Rome. Nonetheless, this approach was solidified in a finished and coherent form only in the 18th century. It was purely optimistic. History was seen as a movement from something highly negative towards some kind of bright perspectives that will happen somewhere in the future.

Vladimir Karpets

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La scuola multipolare sfida l’eurocentrismo, la modernità, l’universalismo e l’egemonia globale dell’Occidente. Costituisce una sorta di parallelo con alcune strutture post-positiviste. Si basa sul presupposto dell’esistenza di una moltitudine di civiltà, cosa che non vale per i post-modernisti. I post-modernisti sono universalisti, progressisti e credono nella liberazione, nella democrazia e nell’illuminismo, ma cercano di “illuminare l’illuminismo”, di “sviluppare lo sviluppo” e di “rendere la modernità più moderna”. (di Aleksandr Dugin)
