Alexander Dugin
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International Channel, Doctor of Sociology and of Political sciences, PhD of Philosophy.
Founder of Russian geopolitical school and Eurasian Movement.
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In Memory of Darya Platonova-Dugina

By Dmitry Alexandrov
In Memory of Darya Platonova-Dugina

Platonismo político. La Filosofía de la política,
de Aleksander Duguin

Colección Geopolítica 20

Director de la Colección: Enrique Refoyo

1ª edición, Tarragona. 2022.

21×15 cms., 124 págs.

Cubierta a todo color, con solapas y plastificada brillo. Rústica cosido.


La filosofía y la política, desde el principio, desde el nacimiento mismo de estas dos disciplinas, se desarrollaron no sólo en paralelo, sino inseparablemente la una de la otra. Entre los Siete Sabios, considerados los fundadores de la tradición filosófica griega presocrática, hay muchos, entre ellos Solón, que son famosos por haber redactado leyes políticas, constituciones y códigos penales, y que eran esencialmente actores políticos que representaban a sus ciudades, y a sus unidades políticas. Así pues, desde el principio de la historia de la filosofía, vemos una conexión inseparable entre la filosofía y la política.


El objeto de la filosofía y de la política es ese ámbito originario que une a la filosofía y a la política en una determinada orientación compartida. En otras palabras, lo que quiero decir es que no estamos uniendo artificialmente dos esferas, una de política y otra de filosofía, sino que estamos eliminando una distinción artificial. No estudiamos la política con la ayuda de la filosofía, y no hablamos de la filosofía política de una u otra escuela, época, cultura o civilización. Por un lado, cuando hablamos de la filosofía de la política, estamos hablando de la esencia de la política, de lo que hace que la política sea política. Y, por otro lado, cuando hablamos de la esencia política de la filosofía, hablamos de lo que hace que la filosofía sea filosofía.

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Ukraine is ‘first multipolar’ conflict – Dugin

The West is clinging to the impossible dream of hegemony, Russian philosopher tells RT

The conflict in Ukraine is the world’s “first multipolar war,” in which Russia is fighting for the right of every civilization to choose its own path while the West wishes to maintain its totalitarian hegemonic globalism, Aleksandr Dugin told RT in an exclusive interview on Friday.

Multipolarity is “not against the West as such,” Dugin said, but “against the claim of the West to be the model, to be the unique example” of history and human understanding. The current Russophobia and hatred of Russia, he argued, are a relic of Cold War thinking and the “bipolar understanding of the architecture of international relations.”

When the Soviet Union self-destructed in December 1991, it left the “global Western liberal civilization” in control of the world, Dugin noted. This hegemon is now refusing to accept the future in which it would be “not one of the two, but one of [the] few poles,” put in its proper place as “just a part, not the whole, of humanity.”

Dugin described the West as “pure totalitarian liberalism,” which pretends to have the absolute truth and seeks to impose it on everyone. “There is inherent racism in Western liberalism,” the philosopher told RT’s Donald Courter, because it “identifies the Western historical, political, cultural, experience [as] universal.”

“Nothing universal exists in multipolarity,” Dugin insisted, explaining that each civilization can and should develop its own values. Russia specifically needs to overcome centuries of Western ideological dominance, he said, and create something “new, fresh, creative” that would nonetheless stand “in direct refutation of the Western liberal hegemony, against open society, against individualism, against liberal democracy.”

He rejected the “dogmatic” approaches of Marxism, fascism or liberalism to politics and economics, saying that Russia ought to strive for a “holistic” approach in which the spiritual would be more important than the material. Obsession with material goods ends up enslaving people, Dugin told RT.

Dugin lamented the December 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union as a “suicide” perpetrated by the power-hungry bureaucrats in Moscow. He echoed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s description of it as a “geopolitical disaster” and described it as a major victory for “Sea Power.” While the USSR was the polar opposite of the Russian Empire in terms of ideology, he explained, in geopolitical terms the two were one and the same, the strongest power in what English geographer Harold Mackinder described as the global Heartland.
Forwarded from RT DE
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100. Jahrestag der Gründung der UdSSR

Vor einhundert Jahren wurde die Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken (UdSSR) gegründet. Das Land, das Nazi-Deutschland besiegte und den ersten Menschen ins All schickte, hat sieben Jahrzehnte überdauert.

Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin bezeichnete den Zusammenbruch als die größte geopolitische Tragödie des 20. Jahrhunderts. In einem ausführlichen Interview mit RT bezeichnete der russische Publizist, Philosoph und Politikwissenschaftler Alexander Dugin den Zusammenbruch der UdSSR als katastrophal – und wiederum als Erfolg für den liberalen Westen.
Forwarded from Russian Mission Geneva
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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s New 2023 Year address now available with English subtitles!

Key points:

1️⃣ 2022 was a year full of crucial and decisive events. It became a turning point that will shape the foundation of our shared future and Russia’s true independence.

2️⃣ Russia has once again proven that its sovereign, independent and safe future depends on its peoples, their strength and willpower.

3️⃣ For years the Western elites have been hypocritically ensuring us of their “peaceful intentions”, including the intent to find a solution to the acute Donbass crisis.

4️⃣ Turns out, the West has been lying to us about peace while preparing for an aggression. Now it openly admits it without a hint of shame.

5️⃣ The West uses Ukraine and its people to weaken and split Russia apart, but we will never allow this to happen.

6️⃣ Russia’s struggle for its interests and future is an example to others.
Forwarded from Geopolitika en español
🇪🇸 Aleksandr Duguin: Ucrania es el "primer conflicto multipolar"

El conflicto en Ucrania es la "primera guerra multipolar" del mundo, en la que Rusia lucha por el derecho de cada civilización a elegir su propio camino, mientras Occidente desea mantener su globalismo hegemónico totalitario, dijo Aleksandr Dugin a RT en una entrevista exclusiva el viernes.

Por Aleksandr Duguin
🇫🇷 Alexandre Douguine: L’Ukraine est le premier conflit multipolaire

Le conflit en Ukraine est la « première guerre multipolaire » du monde, dans laquelle la Russie se bat pour le droit de chaque civilisation à choisir sa propre voie, tandis que l’Occident souhaite maintenir son globalisme hégémonique totalitaire, a déclaré Alexandre Douguine dans une interview exclusive à RT vendredi.

Par Alexandre Douguine
🇧🇷 Aleksandr Dugin: A Ucrânia é o "primeiro conflito multipolar"

O conflito na Ucrânia é a "primeira guerra multipolar" do mundo, na qual a Rússia luta pelo direito de cada civilização de escolher seu próprio caminho enquanto o Ocidente deseja manter seu globalismo totalitário hegemônico, disse Aleksandr Dugin à RT em uma entrevista exclusiva na sexta-feira (30/12/2022).

De Aleksandr Dugin
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ألكسندر دوغين وصعود التعددية في الأقطاب

ألكسندر دوغين أبو الأوراسية والنظرية السياسية الرابعة هو المنظِّر الأخطر في العاَلم بحسَب المختَصين ويقال عنه إنه دماغ الرئيس الروسيّ فلاديمير بوتين يحدثنا من الداخل عن العَلاقات الروسية الأميرِكية الصينية والمنطقة وعصر أُفول الأحادية القطبيّة وصعود التعددية في الأقطاب.
🇮🇹 Aleksandr Dugin: l'Ucraina è il "primo conflitto multipolare"

Il conflitto in Ucraina è la “prima guerra multipolare” del mondo, in cui la Russia sta combattendo per il diritto di ogni civiltà a scegliere il proprio cammino, mentre l’Occidente vuole mantenere il suo globalismo egemonico totalitario, ha dichiarato Aleksandr Dugin a RT in un’intervista esclusiva di venerdì (30/12/2022).

Di Aleksandr Dugin