Forwarded from War Noir
Democratic Republic of #Congo (#DRC) 🇨🇩: #ISCAP (#ISIS - Central Africa) released photos militants who pledged Bay'ah to the new caliph of IS.
Militants seen with rare South Korean Daewoo K2 rifle (possibly captured from #UN Forces), PK MGs, Type 85/SVD DMR with craft-made stock, RPG-7 Launchers (with OG-7 & Type 69-1 rockets) and AKs.
Militants seen with rare South Korean Daewoo K2 rifle (possibly captured from #UN Forces), PK MGs, Type 85/SVD DMR with craft-made stock, RPG-7 Launchers (with OG-7 & Type 69-1 rockets) and AKs.
— "Today marks fifteen years since Russia invaded Georgia and occupied 20% of its land. Russia still refuses to abide by its 2008 ceasefire commitments.
The United States strongly supports Georgia's sovereignty, territorial integrity, and Euro-Atlantic aspirations."
🔗 Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken)
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Forwarded from Sahel Intel
🇳🇪 The Nigérien Ministry of Foreign Affairs published two press releases today. The first said that due to the intense anger of the local population against the sanctions targeting the country, Niamey cannot welcome any ECOWAS delegation in the capital.
The second press release announced the temporary suspension of flight permissions for diplomatic planes in Nigérien airspace.
The second press release announced the temporary suspension of flight permissions for diplomatic planes in Nigérien airspace.
X (formerly Twitter)
Amaury Hauchard on X
#Niger: deux communiqués MAE ce jour:
1. "Colère et révolte des populations contre les sanctions" ne permet pas d’accueillir la délégation Cédéao prévue "ds la sérénité et la sécurité réacquises", donc "report".
2. Suspension temporaire des autorisations…
1. "Colère et révolte des populations contre les sanctions" ne permet pas d’accueillir la délégation Cédéao prévue "ds la sérénité et la sécurité réacquises", donc "report".
2. Suspension temporaire des autorisations…
Forwarded from Ares, Information Service
According to some data, the Argentina Central Bank started to use gold to pay debts. This is beyond critical.
Según algunos datos, el Banco Central de Argentina comenzó a utilizar oro para pagar deudas. Esto es más que crítico.
According to some data, the Argentina Central Bank started to use gold to pay debts. This is beyond critical.
Según algunos datos, el Banco Central de Argentina comenzó a utilizar oro para pagar deudas. Esto es más que crítico.
Forwarded from Sahel Intel
🇳🇪🇧🇫 A Niger Air Force Lockheed C-130H flew this afternoon from Niamey to Ouagadougou, for reasons unknown.
The plane is one of three which were donated to Niger by the US in 2021.
The plane is one of three which were donated to Niger by the US in 2021.
Forwarded from JOIN @MEDMANNEWS
— "Battalion "Litvin" and battalion "Volat" suffered losses.
Four of our heroes died.
We are in contact with the relatives and friends of the deceased. The callsigns and especially the names of the soldiers are not released for the safety of relatives.
— Kalinowski's regiment mourns with the entire Belarusian people, who faced yet another victim. With a victim in the war for the independence of Ukraine and Belarus. We will never forget our brothers and, no matter what, we continue the path to victory over the bloody empire.
Sooner or later, the names of the dead will be heard with pride in their native Belarus!
They will be heard in the names of streets, in history textbooks and in the songs of the native people."
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Полк Каліноўскага
Батальён "Літвін" і батальён "Волат" панеслі страты.
Загінула чацвёра нашых герояў.
Мы знаходзімся на сувязі з роднымі і блізкімі загінуўшых. Пазыўныя і тым больш імёны ваяроў не выдаюцца ў мэтах бяспекі сваякоў.
Полк Каліноўскага…
Батальён "Літвін" і батальён "Волат" панеслі страты.
Загінула чацвёра нашых герояў.
Мы знаходзімся на сувязі з роднымі і блізкімі загінуўшых. Пазыўныя і тым больш імёны ваяроў не выдаюцца ў мэтах бяспекі сваякоў.
Полк Каліноўскага…
Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives ✝️ #FreeVenezuela
Fighters of the Regiment participated on the funeral ceremony of the deceased fighter carrying both the
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Please open Telegram to view this post
Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives ✝️ #FreeVenezuela
Alongside the fighters, the
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Please open Telegram to view this post